Tag Archives: bicycle
4 Boro Bike and Burger Tour – National Hamburger Month
THE 4 BORO BIKE AND BURGER TOUR NATIONAL HAMBURGER MONTH Day 28 THE CONQUEST As National Hamburger Month inches ever closer to an end, I am trying to keep the stories interesting and the Burgers coming. To counterbalance the uptake … Continue reading
Posted in Burgers, National Hamburger Month, New York
Tagged 4 boro bike and burger tour, 67 burger, astoria, bicycle, borough, brooklyn, burger, cheese, ciancio, conquest, french, fries, great, hamburger, inwood, jimbo's hamburgers, manhattan, new york, ny, nyc, petey's burger, piper's kilt, queens, rev, review, the, the bronx, the rev meter for social community, west side greenway
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Ulysses Folk House – 5 Boro Bike Tour, National Hamburger Month
Ulysses Folk House http://www.ulyssesfolkhouse.com 95 Pearl St New York, NY 10004 NATIONAL HAMBURGER MONTH Day 1 THE CONQUEST Hi. You might recognize me from a few different stories on this blog. I’m also the star of the Twitter hash tag … Continue reading
Posted in Burgers
Tagged 5boro, bicycle, bike new york, burger, cheese, ciancio, conquest, five boro bike tour, french, fries, great, hamburger, national hamburger month, new york, ny, nyc, rev, rev rides, review, revrides2011, the, the rev meter for social community, Ulysses Folk House
Ring A Ling Ding Dong Biker Bell
Just got this in the mail today. As an avid bicycler and burger fan, how could I possibly say no to this? You can get one too from this link: DIMENSION BURGER BELL WITH SESAME SEED BUN Or check out … Continue reading
Posted in Burgers, Hamburgers
Tagged amazon, bicycle, bike, burger conquest, ciancio, dimension burger bell, hamburger, rev
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