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Category Archives: Atlanta
The Best Burger In Every State – Rev vs. Business Insider
Business Insider posted a story about the best burgers in each of the US States. Whenever a story like this comes out, I get a ton of emails, Facebook posts, tweets, etc asking my opinion. Normally, at most, I might … Continue reading →
Posted in Alaska, Atlanta, Bar, Best Burger in New York, Best Of, Brohd Trip, Burgers, California, Chicago, Connecticut, Georgia, Gourmet Burgers, Grill Em All, Hamburgers, Illinois, Los Angeles, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Road Trip, San Diego, Sliders, Texas, Washington DC
Tagged bar, best burger, best burgers in america, best burgers in nyc, burger blog, burger club, burger conquest, business insider, cheese, ciancio, david, french fries, gourmet burger, great burger, hamburger, nyc, restaurant, rev, review, The Best Burger In Every State
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The Vortex Bar and Grill – Burger Lovers Valhalla
The Vortex Bar & Grill 438 Moreland Ave Atlanta, GA 30307 THE STORY With the Scion Rock Fest happening in Atlanta, GA, it gave us a perfect excuse to travel down from NYC and try out the heralded Vortex … Continue reading →
Posted in Atlanta, Bar, Beer, Best Of, Burgers, Georgia, Gourmet Burgers, Hamburgers
Tagged atlanta, best burger, burger conquest, cheese, ciancio, Double Coronary Bypass, elvis, french fries, Georgia, hamburger, heavy metal, nyc, peanut butter burger, rev, review, scion rock fest, the vortex