Big Apple BBQ – The Best Smelling and Tasting Weekend of the Year

Big Apple BBQ
Madison Square Park
New York, NY

This past weekend in NYC was the infamous Big Apple BBQ Block Party. Held once a year in New York City’s Madison Square Park, the event hosts BBQ pitmasters from around the country serving up their specialties. For the 2010 event, 18 restaurants were booked to be on deck serving up BBQ delicacies to the NYC hungry public.

Unfortunately the favored Salt Lick from Driftwood, TX had to pull out last minute due to an “injury in their ‘cue family.” From all of us at Burger Conquest, we send our best wishes and condolences. Long live the Salt Lick.

The event kicks off at 11 am where lines form early and great smells start even earlier. With a beer garden in the park run by the Heartland Brewery, even if you fill up quickly or need a break between ribs, you can still hang out and smell the rich, meaty, smoked happiness in the air. In fact, I would go as far as to say the Big Apple BBQ Block Party is the best smelling weekend of the year in New York City!

Block off the whole day as you are going to want to try as many places as possible. Lines can be as long as 90 minutes for each restaurant! If you don’t want to wait in line, there is the option to buy a fast pass for $125. They include $100 worth of food purchases and allow you to wait in a separate VIP / press line. As you’ll see below, that still could mean up to a 30 minute wait. Don’t want to shell out the big bucks or don’t think you will eat that much? Start up a food blog about Burgers or Steak, write all the time and maybe, just maybe the lovely folks at the Union Square Hospitality Group will grant you a media pass!

Look at it this way, the longer you wait in line, the longer your hunger has to come back. Plus you get to smell this the whole time…Charles Grund Jr.’s Hill Country and Ed Mitchell’s “The Pit” cooking and smoking on 26th Street.

If you’re a New Yorker or live near the city, you can save time by skipping any of the NYC based BBQ spots like Blue Smoke. Don’t get me wrong, they sling some great ‘Q but you can get it any time you like, just be sure that you do! I will say this, their stand definitely got a gold star in the “best smells” award category I made up for the sake of this post.


Nashville, TN

Checking in with the Twitterverse, Foursquaresphere and Facebookland, it seemed that early excited was on Martin’s Bar-B-Cue Joint. Pitmaster Patrick Martin was serving up a Western Tennessee-Style Whole Hog. That means, they smoke
the entire pig for hours and then pull the meat to serve on squishy roll. For those keeping track, Martin’s did the right thing and served this tasty little number on a potato roll It’s topped with pickles, coleslaw and Martin’s homemade BBQ sauce.

Martin’s is widely known as the home of delicious BBQ but their sauce also receives high praise. The Martin’s employees were treating VIP attendees to free squirts while they got a tour of their ginormous smoker. They even took a chocolate fountain and filled it with sauce for dipping. AMAZING!

The sandwich was better than most. The sauce was applied ever so slightly so as not to attract attention from the succulent smoked pork. Personally, I removed the slaw and pickles, as they’re just not my thing but I did give a little squirt of the hot sauce on top. No one flavor dominated the sandwich and in fact, the pork, the sauce, the bun, the smoke and the spices all did a tasty little hoe-down to make a top notch pulled pork sandwich. It was a damn fine way to start of a day full of delicious ‘Q!

Pitmaster – SKIP STEELE
St. Louis, MO

The time was 2 pm, the block party had been going for 3 hours with 4 more to go. Thus far I had only shared a pulled pork sandwich and I was still hungry enough to eat, well, EVERYTHING. We set out sites on Ed Mitchell’s The Pit which had already run out of their Whole Hog. We re-routed to Myron Mixon’s Jack’s Old South for brisket. They had run out as well. Apparently they had underestimated NYC’s hunger for southern BBQ. We re-routed to Pappy’s Smokehouse for St. Louis-Style Ribs.

I climbed back into the VIP area and made my way over to Pappy’s. The VIP line took up half the block!! Either these ribs were amazing or everyone else had run out of food as well. 35 minutes later I had the answer….THESE RIBS WERE AMAZING! The meat was tender and juicy. The sauce was sweet and spicy with heavy tastes of molasses and crushed black pepper. They were delectable but not over sauced, allowing for the flavor of the rib to shine through. I’m 36, my Mom is from Tennessee and I’ve eaten a lot of meat in my life. There’s been no shortage of ribs that have passed across my lips and I am telling you, these are the best god damn short ribs I have ever eaten. From the sauce to the smoke to the meat, these ribs can not be beaten! Amen to Skip Steele and his original smoker built from an ammonia tank. YOU WIN!

Birmingham, AL

After completely sucking my fingers dry from Pappy’s ribs, we wandered around wondering if it was even worth getting something else from the Big Apple BBQ. Then we passed by Drew Robinson’s Jim ‘N Nick’s Bar-B-Q and stopped dead in our tracks. First my nose filled up with the most wonderfully distinct smell of smoked homemade sausage links. It was as if the cartoon olfactory ghost reached right out of the smok
er with a vapor like finger and waved my attention over. There I saw 4 men slaving over 2 ridiculously large, wood-fried grills cooking a ton of sausages. The 3 of us looked at each other and all at the same time proclaimed “I WANT SAUSAGE!”

When I walked back into the media area, I quickly realized that I wasn’t the only person that had fallen to the smell of smoked pork. I got in line and waited to get smoked sausages with pimento cheese, saltines and jalapenos. Served piping hot and with a little sauce spread on the top, this link was not to be messed with. Drew Robinson’s recipe calls for 7 different seasonings and 3 kinds of peppers, which creates one smokey and tasty sausage. With one bite, I could see why the restaurant has grown to 29 locations in 7 different states.

Pitmaster – JOHN WHEELER
New York, NY

Before my brain was able to trigger the Leptin, (the chemical that tells you you’re full), I ran over to Rack & Soul to get some of John Wheeler’s delicious ribs. This in effect, caused us to break our own guideline about not eating NYC based BBQ at the Block Party. However, these ribs were the favorite from last year’s Big Apple BBQ and we just had to have one little order before leaving.

I don’t know what Rack & Soul does to their baby back’s but it’s pure BBQ bliss. The ribs are meaty and I mean really meaty, not only in size but also in taste. You will instantly taste the full bodied flavor of pork with these bad boys and the sauce…OH THE SAUCE! I couldn’t pin point the flavor if I tried but the sauce has a candy like taste to it that is like none other. You could try watching this video of John Wheeler making his ribs but I highly doubt you could re-create his fantastic results.

Tasty thanks to Serious Eats Beef Aficionado Nick Solares for treating us to Martin’s. Special thanks to Marisa, Theresa and Leah for the media pass! BIG thanks to my saucy wife Cara and BBQ junkie Chuck for helping to enjoy using it! Additional thanks to the 316 people that checked into the venue on Foursquare before me, I finally got the Super Swarm badge!!

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Pop Burger / Pop Everything! – Get Your Burger Fame On

Pop Burger
14 E. 58th St.
New York, NY 10022

It’s Internet Week 2010 here in the Big Apple and the streets are filled with bloggers, techies, designers and Foursqaure Ninjas. Events are being held all over the city by an assortment of companies, sponsors and hosts. There is also an Internet Week HQ located at the Metropolitan Pavilion where you can find a full exposition with displays, events, booths and meetings. To be honest, as I scrolled through the conference and event lists, I got lost. None of it really spoke to me although there is a Food Blogger workshop happening today. Registration rang in at a steep $150 and I opted to update Burger Conquest instead of paying people to spend 8 hours being told ” be interesting.”

However, there was one event I was surely not going to miss; Pop Everything!
Join BUZZMEDIA and Ustream for POP Everything, a pop-up party at Pop Burger midtown, featuring complimentary cocktails and hors d’ouevres, and the opportunity to go head-to-head in pop culture trivia against BUZZMEDIA personalities including The Fug Girls, JustJared, and The Superficial. Celebrate Internet Week NY with a DJ set from Ratatat, plus refreshments from Pop Burger.

Free burgers, web geeks and The Real Housewives of New Jersey? I’m there! You know when the Rev shows up at a burger event, it becomes officially endorsed as Burger-Awesome! With my Burger Bling swinging from my neck, I entered the party and was instantly greeted with mini-burgers and beer…truly a “King’s” welcome.

The fine folks at Buzzmedia held a pop trivia contest that was broad casted live on the web via Ustream. I chose not to make a total ass out of myself for not knowing the first thing about 90210, and instead set off to burger mingle. Additionally I knew there was no besting the Pop knowledge master known as my wife Cara. I knew better to best be stepping aside.

I met all kinds of great folks and had an amazing time. There was one person in particular who I was excited to meet above all others, Ryan from Blue Fountain Media. He is a web designed and the Foursquare Ninja behind you’re on Foursquare you know what badges are and how crazy obsessed people can become trying to unlock them. Ryan’s site is an up to the minute guide on how to find and unlock the badges. As one of the badge obsessed freaks, I started tweeting at Ryan asking for help in finding unlocking clues. Soon we were engaged in conversation about Gossip Girls, Douchebags and Al Roker. (If this all sounds like gobbleygook to you, click here to learn more. Turns out Ryan is also a foodie and big burger fan, but then again, who doesn’t like a burger!?!? He’s the one in the red flannel in the pictures below.

Are you on Foursquare!? Let’s be Ninjas.

As for the burger, it was good and no different than the normal burger served at Pop Burger. You can read my full review here. I will say that I was impressed with Pop Burger’s ability to still serve up quality food in mass to a large, hungry crowd. Most restaurants buckle in that situation or the quality and care takes a drop. Kudos. The cheese wrapped mini-hot dog was good too but honestly a hot dog is a hot dog is a hot dog. I would not go as far to call myself a connoisseur of the wiener (that’s what she said) but this was not bad at all. I also thoroughly enjoyed the vanilla cupcake with extra frosting in the center and sprinkles on top!

7 out of 10 ounces

Congrats to all the people I met that made it to the blog, now YOU’RE BURGER FAMOUS!!

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Burger Creations – Eating Up With the Jones’

Burger Creations
52 East 8th St
New York, NY 10003

Sometimes the jonesing for a burger is way too strong to ward off. The crave starts somewhere in the back of your brain, maybe from a TV commercial, or a latent need triggered by hunger pangs or if you’re as big a foodie like I am, food is a part of your every existence. While posting an up date to the site, the jones crept up into my belly and before I knew it, I was unable to move about my day until I put a burger in my belly. A quick email to my friends David and Simi and Adam and I were headed off to a burger lunch.

With limited time in my day, we picked a burger we had never had before but as close to our offices as possible. That restaurant was Burger Creations. Located in New York City’s village, adjacent to the NYU campus, Burger Creations serve a gourmet style burger at a lower price and in a timely fashion. No table service, no bar, no servers. Place your order at the counter, take a seat and a few minutes later your receipt number is called and your off on a trip to the Burgerverse.

Admittedly, I was hungry and this was the kind of jonesing that one burger was not going squelch. I placed an order for a regular cheese burger on wheat and a selection from their signature “Burger Creations” menu. I got the “Southern Burger” with crispy Bacon, fire grilled onions, Monterrey jack, lettuce & bbq sauce. First up, the cheese burger. It was cooked to medium, although I did ask for medium rare but none the less, getting any other than well done in a fast food style burger joint is good. The patty was cooked “coal fired” and you could certainly taste it. No flat griddle or broiler makes a burger taste like charcoal and no trained chef makes a burger on coals that has a predominant taste of charcoal. The beef was good and had decent taste qualities but it was nothing special but the overwhelming taste of charcoal dominated the sandwich. No bueno.

Hoping that I just had one prepared incorrectly, I sunk my jonesing into the Southern Burger. The onion, cut way too thick and not cooked enough had to be pulled off the burger. Whomever prepped the onions, left the center in them before serving. The patty, much like the other, tasted like charcoal. The smoky bbq sauce was sweet and peppery but no more special than a store bought major brand of bbq sauce and much like the burger, was not able to ward off the taste of charcoal. I will pay some kudos to the bacon, which earned the gold star of the sandwich. It was crispy, think, savory and still a little juicy. Kudos as well to the whole wheat bun, which is always a winner with me but it wasn’t enough to save the burger. My apologies to Simi, Dave and Adam, i’ll need a mulligan on this one.

5 out of 10 ounces

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BuiltBurger – Custom Built Roof Top Crowd Pleasing

Built Burger
10700 Marine View Drive SW
Seattle, WA 98146

Down at the bottom of the Burger Conquest site you’ll see the following –

Questions, comments, suggestions, recipes – email us at

It’s been there since the site was started and it’s the quickest way to get a message to anyone at Burger Conquest. That’s exactly what David from used to send me this message;
“As founder/owner of BuiltBurger, I want to send you a free sample so you can taste a selection of our more than 15 flavors of gourmet burgers. Really delicious and unique.”

He had me at burger and won me at delicious and unique. David and I eventually got on the phone and within only a few sentences I knew we were cut from the same t-bone. David’s love of burgers and meat inspired him and a friend to start a company that custom creates burgers with ingredients, toppings, garnishes, odd spice and different meats, all INSIDE THE PATTY. The idea blossomed and now the word can feast on their creations that come across as the musings of mad meat geniuses.

Brilliant Prosciutto – All Natural Beef, Prosciutto di Parma, Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, Caramelized Balsamic Onions, Roasted Red Peppers, Salt, Pepper

Trailblazer Melt – All Natural Beef, Caramelized Onions, Cave-aged Gruyere Cheese, Ground Caraway, Salt, Pepper

Pinnacle Bacon Bleu – All Natural Beef, Roasted All Natural Bacon, Caramelized Onions, Danish Blue Cheese, Parsley, Thyme, Salt, Pepper

Is your mouth watering yet? If not, read about the other flavors here.

The BuiltBurger team uses only the freshest, quality meat that they grind daily to hand make each and every burger (and sausage) they create. Most of the meat comes from the Northwest US where they are based and is hormone and antibiotic free. They pack their meat into dry ice and overnight the order directly to you. Feeling creative? Submit your own recipe or blend idea and if they dig it, they’ll make them and send you 12 for free! (THAT’S DIRECT CHALLENGE READERS!!) You can learn more about the company and their policies by clicking here.

With Memorial Day around the corner I knew someone from Team Burger would be throwing a BBQ and sure enough, Bram came to the rescue. With the team assembled and ready for a taste testing of epic proportions, I gave David the high sign. The next day 12 frozen burgers arrived in my office. I couldn’t wait!! Finally the day came and the group assembled a top Bram’s rooftop deck in Jersey City, NJ with an amazing view of NYC.

Working in stages with my grill side-kick Maggie, we ate our way through the assortment burger by burger. I would grab 2 different burgers at a time, place them on the grill, carefully cook them and serve to the hungry masses. using whole wheat buns, (much better flavor than white!) I cut each burger them into 4s and fed them to Team Burger. At most no one really got to try more than a bite or two but with 12 total burgers, it worked out so that everyone could taste a few.

Magnificent Chorizo – All Natural Beef, House made Chorizo, Roasted Poblanos, Grated Cotija cheese, Fresh Cilantro, Fresh Onion, Salt, Pepper

Thrill BBQ Pork – All Natural Pork, Slow braised All Natural Pork Shoulder, Caramelized Onions, Roasted Red Peppers, Salt, Pepper, Chipotle Chili Powder

Both of them were damn good but the Magnificent was AWESOME. Putting chorizo INSIDE of a burger is pure blissful insanity.

Superb Trio – All Natural Beef, Shallots, Parsley, Thyme, Garlic Powder, Salt, Pepper

Brilliant Prosciutto – All Natural Beef, Prosciutto di Parma, Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, Caramelized Balsamic Onions, Roasted Red Peppers, Salt, Pepper

The Superb Trio was a fantastic use of spices to create a uniquely flavored burger. The Brilliant Prosciutto was pure meat magic! I can honestly say I have never eaten anything like it and it was far and above the crowd favorite. The patty was juicy, exploding with interesting flavors and delicious.

Splendid Stout BuiltBurger (all natural Beef)
– All Natural Braised Beef | Dick’s Imperial Stout | House made Mirepoix | Caramelized Onions | Fresh Herbs

Sriacaha Beef BuiltBurger – All Natural Beef | Ginger | Shallots | Garlic | Basil | Sriracha (rooster sauce) | Fresh Lime Juice

These 2 selections came from BuiltBurger’s “Limited Edition Builts, Summer 2010” menu. The story behind each is published on their website but at the time, we didn’t care about the story, we just wanted to eat!

The Stout Burger was exactly that, beef with stout and the combination gave the burger a really robust taste. The onions and herbs kept the burger from tasting too malty or toasted, creating a nice balance in the flavor.

Sriacha is a temperamental garlic-based, hot sauce to cook with. It’s relatively hot as far as spice goes and has a really distinct flavor. Using even a little too much can be overpowering to the palette. The BuiltBurger team clearly understands this as their burger creation uses just the right amount to accent the overall tastes. The burger is a little spicy, a little savory, a little sweet and all delicious!

Pinnacle Bacon Blue – All Natural Beef, Roasted All Natural Bacon, Caramelized Onions, Danish Blue Cheese, Parsley, Thyme, Salt, Pepper

Brilliant Prosciutto – All Natural Beef, Prosciutto di Parma, Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, Caramelized Balsamic Onions, Roasted Red Peppers, Salt, Pepper

Superb Trio – All Natural Beef, Shallots, Parsley, Thyme, Garlic Powder, Salt, Pepper

Last up, the Pinnacle Bacon Blue BuiltBurger, which is the one I was most excited about. Thankfully, once again, the BuiltBurger geniuses delivered the goods. While I think we can all agree, bacon is great and bacon on a burger is awesome but it isn’t necessary. Used in the right manner, its a meat marriage made in burger heaven. This burger was incredible! The flavors mixed up to create a tornado of awesome. Look at the ingredients and tell me you aren’t curious to try this burger!

We closed the session with another visit to the Brilliant Prosciutto and a Superb Trio. Thus giving nearly everyone a chance to try them.

As you’ll notice scrolling back through the reviews, we didn’t add cheese to ANY of the burgers. Why? They didn’t need cheese, let alone any topping at all. You can order these burgers, put them right on your grill and all you need to get are buns or no buns for our Atkins readers! Place an order for any of these or the other BuiltBurger creations on their website. If you live in NYC, you could ask nicely for a certain East Village bar that’s about to open up to put them on the menu (wink, wink).

Overall, BuiltBurger gets an 8 out of 10 ounces
The Brilliant Prosciutto gets a 9 out of 10 ounces

To keep everyone’s pallet’s moving between burgers, I threw in a couple of random non-traditional grilling treats. If you take a moment to understand how a grill actually works, you really can cook just about anything on them. Just takes a little TLC. My 3 selections were as follows;
– Chicken Tenders served with Peter Lugers Steak Sauce for dipping
Jose Ole Chicken Taquitos
Totino’s Combination Pizza Rolls

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Grill Em All Truck – The Food Network’s “Great Food Truck Race”

Grill ‘Em All Truck
New York, NY

It’s late in the evening on a Wednesday and my phone rings. It’s Matt from the heavy metal themed gourmet burger Grill ‘Em All Truck. Turns out that he and his partner Ryan, along with chef Joel were coming into NYC as they have been involved in a new reality TV show that’s coming to the Food Network. It’s called “The Great Food Truck Race” and it pits several different food trucks in a “Cannonball Run” like battle across the US. As part of the competition, the trucks are not allowed to update any of their websites or social networking profiles as it pertains to the show or their location. However, they can enlist the help of friends and family and thus, the conversation we were having.

Matt wanted to know if I would be willing to use Burger Conquest and my fellow colleagues in the music business to help drum us business and hype for their participation the NYC portion of the competition. As I later told one of the producers “once you have their burger, you will understand why I will do anything for these guys!” So with that, the metal army, the food fanatics and friends were mobilized and ready to eat, tweet and meat.

I won’t get into the specifics of the contest or what happened while they were here. For that, you will have to tune into the show once it airs. (We’ll share that information as soon as we have it.) But I will say thank you to each and every person who came out and ordered a burger, organized a gathering or helped us spread the word. It was 48 of the craziest hours of my life and we had an amazing time driving around NYC and selling delicious gourmet hamburgers.

Cara – For showing amazing support while I dropped everything last minute to ride around in a truck, selling burgers with 2 of my goofy friends from LA while being really stressed out. Also, for being shameless enough to parade around Union Square with a “Grill ‘Em All” poster board.
Chuck – For riding along for the entire thing and being a great wing man.
Jason – For showing up 3 different times to eat, scout and help promote.
Kari – For organizing a group of hungry metal heads outside of Whisk, an awesome cooking store in Brooklyn.
Ben, Patrick & Sherwin – For allowing us to park in front of and feed people who were visiting the amazing Brooklyn Brewery.
Maria and Rikki – For helping to spread the word and going on a burger binge to help the greater good of metal heads and burger fans everywhere.
Mike, Rich & JD – For bringing the “Slider” into Staten Island to eat burgers and scout locations.
STEVE & WSOU – For promoting the truck’s area appearance on the amazing WSOU, 89.5 FM.
Kyle, Rob & Marc – For holding a space and allowing the guys to vend in front of NYC’s two coolest new bars; Idle Hands Bar and Billy Hurricanes.
Maggie – For making sure that everyone knew that “Chicks Dig Burgers.”
Robyn from A Hamburger Today, Ross from NYY Stadium Insider & Amy from Austin Daily Press for abusing their twitter accounts to retweet me and help us promote.

Amongst all the chaos and mayhem, I did get a chance to try a Grill ‘Em All selection that I had yet to try. In the past, I’ve had the Molly Hatchet, The Witte & the Reign In Bun, all of which are DELICIOUS. But on this little adventure I got a chance to sink my chompers into the Behemoth. This burger is named after the polish black metal band of the same name (Behemoth). It’s served with grilled cheese buns, smoked cheddar, apple wood smoked bacon and beer soaked onions. But what made this particular burger different this time was the beef used.

While in NYC, I turned the guys onto the amazing butcher Pat La Frieda. Pat for all intense purposes is a rock star of beef. He gets more press than the US President and he supplies the meat for many of New York’s most popular burgers including Shake Shack, Primehouse, Kenn’s Broome Street Bar, Spotted Pig, Little Owl, Market Table and more. Chef Scott at the very tasty Dos Caminos, was gracious enough to help us get some for the truck. So if you are doing the math, in NYC, we were treated to Grill ‘Em All Burgers like no one has tasted before, this time with Pat La Frieda beef.

Words like “gut-buster,” “amazing,” “tasty,” “unique,” and “special,” barely do the sheer intense insanity of this burger any justice whatsoever. While it sounds like it would be an overload, Chef Ryan from Grill ‘Em All knows just how far to push the boundaries without going over. Kind of like a great Slayer song, if you will. I enjoyed every last juicy, savory, delicious bite of it and only wish I could have another.

While you are waiting for the show to air on the Food Network, get your ass to LA and try these burgers! It will probably a long time until they are back in NYC but until then, you can get an official Grill ‘Em All Truck t-shirt!

8 out of 10 ounces

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Rare Bar & Grill – National Hamburger Day

Thank you to everyone who came out and Celebrated National Hamburger Day with us at Rare Bar and Grill! It was the highest attended Burger Conquest to date! Special thanks to George Motz from Hamburger America who showed up with a jar of Cheez Whiz! The bacon wouldn’t have been the same without you.

Here’s to another wonderful year in burgers!!

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Trailer Park – Help Grill Em All Truck win the Great Food Truck Race

Trailer Park Lounge
271 W 23rd St
New York, NY 10011

You read the site so I’ll assume you know what the Grill ‘Em All Burger Truck is all about. If not, read this story about them and me getting onto the Travel Channel. They are based in LA and will be in NYC this weekend. The guys and their amazing truck are participating in a food truck competition reality show being filmed by the Food Network called “The Great Food Truck Race.” The competition itself is a race. Each truck must sell a certain amount in each borough before they can move to the next borough. The competition begins tonight, coincidentally it’s National Hamburger Day, and runs through Sunday. Stay tuned to the Burger Conquest Twitter for locations and updates.

The truck parked at the Flatiron Building today where they were to be given the details of the challenge so Jackie and I walked over to say hello. As we arrived they were just finishing. Matt and Ryan asked if we could take them and one of the producers for lunch. “No problem. What are you hungry for?” Without hesitation they all said “BURGERS!” These dudes are no joke! The most genuine burger fans in the whole world and that’s why I love them. That meant I had to take them for one of the best burgers in NYC. Although we were across the street from the Shake Shack, the line was more than an hour long. My next thought was RUB, but they only server burgers on Mondays. So a mere 3 avenues later, we arrived at The Trailer Park.

I twittered our location and were joined by my burger buds Jonah, Ivy and Ben.

The Trailer Park is one of the best burgers I have ever had. Be sure to wash it down with a CAN of beer. I suggest you try a Porkslap Pale Ale, but you can read about that on the Idle Hands Bare website. It’s a really old-school, back-yard, char-grilled burger not unlike the kind your Dad used to make. I won’t bore you with yet another review of the burger (there’s already 6 of them on the site) so just click here.

What I will tell you is that you need to come out this weekend and try a burger from Grill ‘Em All!! Their competition doesn’t sell burgers, they sell bánh mì. So let’s rally up burger eaters and help The Grill ‘Em All Truck win The Great Food Truck Race!! You can help by coming out for a burger, sharing the up to date locations on your various Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Blogs and Foursquare accounts.

THE BRONX – Approx 7 pm 161St street and Gerard (near Yankee Stadium)
QUEENS to follow. Any suggestions on location?

Burger Conquest Twitter
Burger Conquest Foursquare

8 out of 10 ounces

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Wing-Off 13 – The Final 4, Part 2 – Wogie’s vs. Lansdowne Road

From the same people that bring you Burger Conquest, we bring you the New York City Wing-Off. A crew of men on a search for the best wing in NYC. Wing-Off judges solely on quality of the Medium and Hot wings only. Service, ambiance, beverage selection, price and other menus have no factor but they sure do count for a good time! Also, NO WOMEN ALLOWED!!

In January of 2007, 2 men had an argument over where to get the best hot wings in New York City. The debate grew intense and while an audience watched, they agreed to battle it out, wing vs. wing, to see who was right. Some rules were established, some friends were invited and some wings were eaten. In the end, everyone had so much fun that we decided to do it again, and again and again. Thus, the NYC Wing-Off was born.

After 3 and half years of eating delicious wings, we decided it was time to crown a champion. 4 of the top Wing-Off winners were picked to battle it out for the top spot. Bar-Coastal defeated Croxley Ale house to make it into the semi-finals. But before we could get to that, 2 other Wing-Off faves had to face each other to determine who Bar-Coastal would face.

WING-OFF 13: Sunday, May 23rd, 2010

– The Final 4, Part 2

39 Greenwich Ave
(btwn Charle’s & Perry)
New York, NY 10014

Lansdowne Road
599 10th Ave (Btwn 43rd and 44th St)
New York, NY 10036-3008


Wogie’s squeaked past the Town Tavern in what was a close victory to win Wing-Off 7. Their Philly style eatery is parked in the West Village and although cheesesteaks are their claim to fame, they make some damn fine wings. As it was a nice spring day, we took a seat outside on the sidewalk and placed our order for Mediums, Hots and also the Wogie’s specialty wing, the Salt and Pepper.

With several of us still dusting off cobwebs from Wing-Off 12 and the 12 hour party that followed, only the day before beers were not only in order, they were needed. A few frothy bevs were sucked down before Wogie’s delivered the wings. Oh Wogie’s. How do you do it? How do you make such delicious, hot, crispy wings? The sauce is good and the wings are meaty. The difference in heat between Medium and Hot could’ve been more distinct but regardless, these are great Hot Wings. The Salt and Pepper are really unique and although simple, they are quite delicious. Our server suggested we dip them in the Hot sauce and we tried it, we realized what great advice she had given.


Wogie’s, indeed had a very strong showing but they had to face our first champion, Lansdowne Road. Lansdowne Road serves Scruffy Duffy’s wings and for those that know the story, Scruffy’s are the wings that started the Wing-Off argument. Scruffy’s eventually was forced to close and their sister bar, Lansdowne Road began to serve them. In fact, we even retired Lansdowne Road’s wings after Wing-Off 5, as it seemed they could not be beaten. Today, the title would be challenged.

Scruff Duffy’s Wings are no joke son!! They’re the perfect size, cooked just right, crispy on the outside, yet moist under the skin and the flavors, oh the flavors!! The Scruffy Duffy’s wing sauce is one of the most original out there. No hints of Frank’s Red Hot here, these are made from scratch. The Hots are hot and the Mediums are a true medium. Truth be told, you can not go wrong with the wings at Lansdowne Road.

Honestly, it was just too close to call. Both Wogie’s and Lansdowne Road make killer wings and truly deserve a chance at the top spot. That means Wing-Off 14 will be Bar-Coastal vs. Wogie’s vs. Lansdowne Road. I hope our stomachs can handle it!


January 28, 2007
Scruffy Duffy’s vs. Atomic at Down the Hatch

Scruffy Duffy’s
743 Eighth Avenue
(between 46th & 47th)
New York, NY 10036

Atomic at Down the Hatch
179 W. 4th St
New York, NY

June 3rd, 2007
Scruffy Duffy’s vs Blondie’s

Scruffy Duffy’s
Scruffy Duffy’s 743 Eighth Avenue
(between 46th & 47th)
New York, NY 10036

212 W 79th St
(Between Amsterdam Avenue and Broadway)
New York, NY 10024-6225

September 11, 2007
Mudville 9
126 Chambers St
(Btwn Church and W.Broadway)
New York, NY 10007
Phone: (212) 964-WING

January 20, 2008
Scruffy Duffy’s at Lansdowne Road vs. Texas Arizona
WINNER by disqualification, SCRUFFY DUFFYS

Lansdowne Road
599 10th Ave (Btwn 43rd and 44th St)
New York, NY 10036-3008

June 27, 2008
Lansdowne Road vs. Croxley Ale House vs. 1-2-3 Burger Shot Beer

Lansdowne Road
599 10th Ave (Btwn 43rd and 44th
New York, NY 10036-3008

Croxley Ale House
28 Avenue B
New York, NY

123 Burger Shot Beer
738 10th Avenue
New York, NY

October 6th, 2008
Scruffy’s Retirement Party at Lansdowne Road

Lansdowne Road
599 10th Ave (Btwn 43rd and 44th St)
New York, NY 10036-3008


Town Tavern
134 West 4th St
(at MacDougal)
New York, NY 10012

39 Greenwich Ave
(btwn Charles & Perry)
New York, NY 10014


Blind Tiger Ale House
281 Bleecker St (@ Jones St)
New York, NY

Thunder Jackson’s
169 Bleecker St (@ Sullivan St)
New York, NY 10012

Tuesday, August 4th
Johnny Utah’s VS. Point Break (formerly Nation)

Johnny Utah’s
25 W 51st St (Between 5th and 6th Aves)
New York, NY 10019-6902
(212) 265-8824

Point Break
12 W 45th St (Between 5th and 6th Aves)
New York, NY 10036-4202
(212) 391-8053

Saturday, November 21st, 2009
Bar-Coastal vs. Brother Jimmy’s BBQ vs. The Back Page Sports Bar

1495 1st Ave (at 78th St)
New York, NY 10075-1355
(212) 288-6635

Brother Jimmy’s BBQ
1485 2nd Ave (at 77TH St)
New York, NY 10075-2001
(212) 288-0999

The Back Page Sports Bar
1472 3rd Ave (Btwn 83rd and 84th)
New York, NY 10028-1967
(212) 570-5800

Sunday, February 28th, 2010
The Wing Bar vs.Bonnie’s Grill

The Wing Bar
275 Smith St (between Degraw St & Sackett St)
Brooklyn, NY 11231

Bonnie’s Grill
278 5th Ave (1st Street)
Brooklyn, NY 11215

Saturday, May 22nd, 2010
The Final 4, Part 1 – Bar-Coastal vs. Croxley Ales

1495 1st Ave (at 78th St)
New York, NY 10075-1355
(212) 288-6635

Croxley Ale House
28 Avenue B
New York, NY

Sunday, May 23rd, 2010
The Final 4, Part 2 – Wogie’s vs. Lansdowne Road

39 Greenwich Ave
(btwn Charles & Perry)
New York, NY 10014

Lansdowne Road
599 10th Ave (Btwn 43rd and 44th St)
New York, NY 10036-3008

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Wing-Off 12 – The Final 4, Part 1 – Bar-Coastal vs. Croxley Ales

From the same people that bring you Burger Conquest, we bring you the New York City Wing-Off. A crew of men on a search for the best wing in NYC. Wing-Off judges solely on quality of the Medium and Hot wings only. Service, ambiance, beverage selection, price and other menus have no factor but they sure do count for a good time! Also, NO WOMEN ALLOWED!!

In January of 2007, 2 men had an argument over where to get the best hot wings in New York City. The debate grew intense and while an audience watched, they agreed to battle it out, wing vs. wing, to see who was right. Some rules were established, some friends were invited and some wings were eaten. In the end, everyone had so much fun that we decided to do it again, and again and again. Thus, the NYC Wing-Off was born.

After 3 and half years of eating delicious wings, we decided it was time to crown a champion. 4 of the top Wing-Off winners were picked to battle it out for the top spot. The would be the semi-finals and which ever wing won, they would go on to face the victor of Wing-Off 13. So with that, I give you…

WING-OFF 12: Saturday, May 22nd, 2010

-The Final 4, Part 1

1495 1st Ave (at 78th St)
New York, NY 10075-1355
(212) 288-6635

Croxley Ale House
28 Avenue B
New York, NY


Bar-Coastal beat out both Brother Jimmy’s and the Back Page Sports Bar to wing Wing-Off 10. They’re crispy and flavorful wings left a mark on our tongues that we would not soon forget. Jason who owns the place, takes his wings very, very seriously. Serving up quality food is really important to him and with one bite of a wing, you will understand.

Bar-Coastal is one of the original Atomic Wings licensees in NYC. Atomic Wings is a chain located in NYC that imports their chicken directly from Buffalo, NY and claims to serve them in the authentic buffalo wing way. Most of them are stand alone, but Bar-Coastal, much like Down the Hatch (inspiration for the first ever Wing-Off), serves them in their bar.

While we only judge on Medium and Hot, Jason and his crew also had us taste the Jerk BBQ, A-1 / Old Bay and the off-menu special, Kerry’s Way (a mix of honey mustard, BBQ and traditional buffalo sauces). There wasn’t a single wing in the bunch that did not qualify as “awesome!” The Bar-Coastal wing is crispy, meaty, big and exploding with delicious flavor. Most wing places just use something like Frank’s Red Hot with a couple of other drippings, which makes for a classic hot wing sauce. But that isn’t how it’s done here. These wing sauces are made practically from scratch right in their kitchen. The flavors dance around in your mouth like a drunken Leprechaun on vacation.

The crowd fave, again, were the Jerk BBQ, which had a smoked black pepper accent and a heat that lingered. They’re amazing but, they don’t count towards the Wing-Off competition. In this particular instance, that didn’t matter because the Mediums and Hots were right on the money with temperature, flavor, taste, size and quality.


The night before Wing-Off 12 was supposed to happen, the news was delivered that Point break’s chef wasn’t going to be in on the day of the event. Not wanting to cancel or postpone, we gave Croxley Ale House a bye into the final 4. Although losing at Wing-Off 5, Croxley is known for great hot wings so we were happy to have them as the substitute.

A few of the Wing-Offers were not able to make the appearance at Bar-Coastal and joined us here. As a result, the party nearly doubled in size. That’s a lot of wingers! We ordered up a couple of plates of Medium, Hot and BBQ wings and began the challenge. I have to say, the BBQ wings seemed to the be the crowd favorite but as you know, that doesn’t count for the battle. Croxley came with some meaty, well prepared and flavorful wings. The sauce was good, the wings were meaty and cooked appropriately. While the sauce was good and well distributed, there wasn’t a ton of difference in the heat between the Mediums and Hots.

The only loser in this competition was Point Break and anyone who didn’t show up because both places made a strong showing. In the end, both locations are worthy of consumption but someone has to win. Bar-Coastal – congrats, you advance into the final round.


January 28, 2007
Scruffy Duffy’s vs. Atomic at Down the Hatch

Scruffy Duffy’s
743 Eighth Avenue
(between 46th & 47th)
New York, NY 10036

Atomic at Down the Hatch
179 W. 4th St
New York, NY

June 3rd, 2007
Scruffy Duffy’s vs Blondie’s

Scruffy Duffy’s
Scruffy Duffy’s 743 Eighth Avenue
(between 46th & 47th)
New York, NY 10036

212 W 79th St
(Between Amsterdam Avenue and Broadway)
New York, NY 10024-6225

September 11, 2007
Mudville 9
126 Chambers St
(Btwn Church and W.Broadway)
New York, NY 10007
Phone: (212) 964-WING

January 20, 2008
Scruffy Duffy’s at Lansdowne Road vs. Texas Arizona
WINNER by disqualification, SCRUFFY DUFFYS

Lansdowne Road
599 10th Ave (Btwn 43rd and 44th St)
New York, NY 10036-3008

June 27, 2008
Lansdowne Road vs. Croxley Ale House vs. 1-2-3 Burger Shot Beer

Lansdowne Road
599 10th Ave (Btwn 43rd and 44th St)
New York, NY 10036-3008

Croxley Ale House
28 Avenue B
New York, NY

123 Burger Shot Beer
738 10th Avenue
New York, NY

October 6th, 2008
Scruffy’s Retirement Party at Lansdowne Road

Lansdowne Road
599 10th Ave (Btwn 43rd and 44th St)
New York, NY 10036-3008


Town Tavern
134 West 4th St
(at MacDougal)
New York, NY 10012

39 Greenwich Ave
(btwn Charle’s & Perry)
New York, NY 10014


Blind Tiger Ale House
281 Bleecker St (@ Jones St)
New York, NY

Thunder Jackson’s
169 Bleecker St (@ Sullivan St)
New York, NY 10012

Tuesday, August 4th
Johnny Utah’s VS. Point Break (formerly Nation)

Johnny Utah’s
25 W 51st St (Between 5th and 6th Aves)
New York, NY 10019-6902
(212) 265-8824

Point Break
12 W 45th St (Between 5th and 6th Aves)
New York, NY 10036-4202
(212) 391-8053

Saturday, November 21st, 2009
Bar-Coastal vs. Brother Jimmy’s BBQ vs. The Back Page Sports Bar

1495 1st Ave (at 78th St)
New York, NY 10075-1355
(212) 288-6635

Brother Jimmy’s BBQ
1485 2nd Ave (at 77TH St)
New York, NY 10075-2001
(212) 288-0999

The Back Page Sports Bar
1472 3rd Ave (Btwn 83rd and 84th)
New York, NY 10028-1967
(212) 570-5800

Sunday, February 28th, 2010
The Wing Bar vs.Bonnie’s Grill

The Wing Bar
275 Smith St (between Degraw St & Sackett St)
Brooklyn, NY 11231

Bonnie’s Grill
278 5th Ave (1st Street)
Brooklyn, NY 11215

Saturday, May 22nd, 2010
The Final 4, Part 1 – Bar-Coastal vs. Croxley Ales

1495 1st Ave (at 78th St)
New York, NY 10075-1355
(212) 288-6635

Croxley Ale House
28 Avenue B
New York, NY

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Molly’s Pub and Restaurant – Don’t Be a Hoser, Eat This Burger

Molly’s Pub and Restaurant
287 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10010

Poking fun at Canada’s (or as I like to call it, Soviet Canuckistan) expense is a lot like eating burgers. There’s never really a BAD joke about Canadians, just some are better than others. Ordering a burger from a restaurant’s menu is a lot safer bet than something you are less familiar with. There’s safety in either. Having said that, there are good Canadian jokes and GREAT Canadian jokes so why not strive for the latter when you can?

Friend to the burger and my business partner Adam M. is originally from Canada and there isn’t who won’t jump at the chance to crack a Canadian joke at his expense. For as goofy as he is, at heart Adam is a really good guy and a lot of fun. He also can take a joke and considering how many come his way, he has some really thick skin, either that or his brain still hasn’t thawed out. With Adam’s birthday upon us I figured no better time than to hold a Burger Conquest and also take an opportunity to poke fun at his native land.

Last year for Adam’s birthday we threw a BBQ on his roof and I made everyone my “Happy Birthday Bacon Burger Surprise.” This year we decided to pay a visit to Molly’s Pub & Shebeen. Fellow Burger Conquester, Jim L. swears by the place and A Hamburger Today declared it an “awesome pub burger.” Molly’s claims to be “NYC’s Most Traditional Irish Bar” and with that much conviction and back up, all signs pointed to eating a burger at this 125 year old establishment.

Molly Malone’s originally opened in 1895 and has stood it’s grown since. During prohibition it converted to a grocery store for 13 years, returning to serving booze in 1933. For years, the upper floors in the building served as a rooming house for transient workers. In 1991, after a transfer of ownership it was changed to it current name. A “Shebeen” is more commonly known as a “speakeasy.” Molly’s serves traditional Irish Pub fare including a whopping 10 ounce burger. It’s a great place for a pint and a burger, as well as an opportunity to make fun of Canada…but more on that later.

We gathered up in Molly’s small yet deep dining room which is covered in saw dust and waited for our table to be ready while sipping Murphy’s Irish Red. They have their own working fireplace as well as a very interesting collection of old photos, memorabilia and antiques. While there is an “Irish Pub” on nearly every other corner of this city, Molly’s Pub is the diamond to their Cubic Zirconia. As a rather small establishment, seating 15+ people TOGETHER was no easy task but the incredibly attentive and welcoming staff at Molly’s did their best to accommodate us.

I’d heard from many sources that the burger here was a good one and when mine arrived in front of me, I began to question all the hype. It was huge, thick and served on a sesame seed roll but if you had asked me to judge it before my first bite, I would’ve claimed to be charred and overcooked. However, one quick slice of a knife revealed otherwise. While the outside was indeed charred, the inside was an amazing, perfectly cooked medium-rare burger. I was amazed. As a rule of thumb, the thicker the meat, the harder to cook medium-rare. Covered in melted American, this pub burger was crying out my name.

The meat is coarsely ground, which gives it a more chewy texture when charred on the outside. The ground beef is not so tightly packed which allows your chompers to easily section off bite after tasty bite. It’s a hearty burger, to say the least, made with freshly ground beef. It’s dripping with that old-school pub burger flavor that we have come to love so much in this city. To say I was impressed is an understatement; I was surprised, satisfied and guaranteed to be talking about this delicious burger for quite some time. I got mine with onion rings, which I wasn’t excited about and also, some thick-cut, skin-on French fry potatoes that were the clear winner in the battle of the two.

Now what about the Canadian joke? While Adam thought we were all taking him out just to wish him a happy birthday, it was really just another excuse to make fun of Canada. Adam. All a glow, when I told him I had a birthday present, busted it open with baited breath, only to reveal a “Hoser Hut” t-shirt. If there are any “How I Met Your Mother” fans out there, you know the “Hoser Hut” to be the Canadian themed bar that Robin visits in NYC when home sick for her Canadian roots. No TV show or movie nails the Canadian cajoling on the head like “How I Met Your Mother,” much like no other bar in NYC Nails the pub burger on the head like Molly’s Pub and Shebeen.

8 out of 10 ounces

And now, some bonus Adam / Canadian jokes for you hosers, eh?

An Englishman, Adam and an American were captured by terrorists.

The terrorist leader said, “Before we shoot you, you will be allowed last words. Please let me know what you wish to talk about.”

The Englishman replied, “I wish to speak of loyalty and service to the crown.”

Adam replied, “Since you are involved in a question of national purpose, national identity, and secession, I wish to talk about the history of constitutional process in Canada, special status, distinct society and uniqueness within diversity.”

The American replied, “Just shoot me before the Canadian starts talking.”


Adam came to work one day, walking with an awful limp. I noticed the limp and asked: “Adam? What happened to you?”

Adam replied: “Oh it’s nothing really. I just have an old hockey injury that acts up every once in a while.”

Rev: “Gee Adam, I never knew you played hockey.”

Adam: “I don’t. I once lost a hundred bucks betting on the Maple Leafs and I put my foot through my television.”


How do we know Adam is Canadian? He only knows three spices: salt, pepper and ketchup.


It’s Game seven of the Stanley Cup final, Toronto vs Montreal, and a man makes his way to his seat, right down at centre ice. He sits down and notices that the next seat is empty. He leans over and askes his neighbour if someone will be sitting there.
“No” Adam replied, “that seat shall be empty.”
“That is incredible!! Who in their right mind would give up a seat like this and miss the final game of the playoffs!?!?”
Adam says, “Well actually that seat belonged to my wife, she passed away and this is the first game we haven’t been together to since we were married in 1967.”
“Oh I am so sorry, but you couldn’t find anyone who would want to take this seat?”
“No” the Adam said, “They are all at her funeral!”

Adam is in a bar sitting by himself and starts to get friendly with an Englishman and a American both having a beer. They got acquainted and started talking about their problems with their girlfriends.

The guy from England began by saying: “I told my girlfriend in no uncertain terms that from now on she would have to do her own cooking. Well the first day after I told her, I saw nothing. The second day I saw nothing. But on the third day when I came home from work, the table was set, a wonderful dinner was prepared with wine and even dessert.”

Then the man from America spoke up: “I sat my girlfriend down and told her, that from now on she would have to do her own shopping and also do the cleaning. The first day I saw nothing. The second day I saw nothing. But on the third day when I came home, the whole house was spotless, and in the pantry the shelves were filled with groceries.

Adam was seeing to an enlightened woman from the prairies… He sat up straight on the bar stool, pushed out his chest and said: “I gave my girlfriend a stern look and told her, that from now on she would have to do the cooking, shopping and housecleaning. Well the first day I saw nothing. The second day I still saw nothing. But on the third day, I could see a little bit out of my left eye.”


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