Wing-Off – 22 White Horse Tavern vs Cowgirl NYC

From the same people that bring you Burger Conquest, we bring you the New York City Wing-Off. A crew of men on a search for the best wing in NYC. In round 2 of the NYC Wing-Off, any Wing goes regardless of sauce, style & size. Service, ambiance, beverage selection, price and other menus have no factor but they sure do count for a good time! Also, NO WOMEN ALLOWED!!

In January of 2007, 2 men had an argument over where to get the best hot wings in New York City. The debate grew intense and while an audience watched, they agreed to battle it out, wing vs. wing, to see who was right. Some rules were established, some friends were invited and some wings were eaten. In the end, everyone had so much fun that we decided to do it again, and again and again. Thus, the NYC Wing-Off was born.

It’s been years in the making with only one goal in mind, find the best medium and hot wings in NYC. Along the way we have had some fantastic wings, we’ve seen amazing wings be defeated by slightly more amazing wings and we were even invited into a kitchen to design our own wing recipe; “Don’t Stop Believin” sauce, we’ve donated to cancer research and now we can say, we have found the best hot wings in New York City.

The bracket challenge to crown a champion for the best medium and hot wings in New York city came to a close on Saturday, September 25, 2010. On that day, Bar Coastal was crowned the winner and awarded the Burger Conquest Hot Golden Cock Trophy. The NYC Wing-Off has been reborn in 2011 but with a new twist. In the past we only judged on medium and hot wings but now, we re-start and ALL flavors are eligible for judging.

WING-OFF 22: Sunday, November 17, 2013

White Horse Tavern
567 Hudson St
New York, NY 10014

Cowgirl NYC
519 Hudson St
Manhattan, NY 10014



To be honest, this wasn’t supposed to happen. While out on Wing-Off 21, we had some extra time before a scheduled stop and decided to pop into a Bar for a Beer. That Bar was the White Horse Tavern. It’s perhaps one of the most famous drinking establishment’s in NYC, originally opening in 1880. Before it became known as popular location in the literary world because authors luke Dylan Thomas frequented the place, it was a bar serving Longshoreman. The White Horse Tavern went on to become a familiar haunt to names like Bob Dylan, Jim Morrison, Hunter S. Thompson and more. It still stands today serving up Drinks and Foods to those who enter through it’s doors, including those hungry for Hot Wings.

The White Horse isn’t really known for it’s Food but does offer a menu with general Pub items. They only Wings on the menu are “Buffalo Wings” which are served deep fried and sauced. The Wings aren’t particularly big, in fact, we all took noticed of the fact that they were on the small side. None the less, they were crispy and had a nice bite to the skin. They use a standard hot Sauce that’s not too hot, a little buttery and has the standard Buffalo Sauce. If you’re looking to take down a whole plate of Wings after a couple of frothy Beers, these will most certainly get the job done.



Like I said before, Wing-Off 22 was not in the plans. After leaving Fatty Crab during Wing-Off 21, we decided to pop down the street and say hello to our friend Kevin at The Cowgirl NYC. Originally opening in 1989, The “Cowgirl” is a Country Western Restaurant located in New York City’s West Village offering a menu of South Western inspired eats like Cajun Fried Shrimp, Enchiladas and an excellent bag of Frito Pie. Country Western stars like Reba, Bonnie Rait and Dolly Parton have all been patrons. It’s a cozy spot to grab a Drink, a Bite to eat or to gather with family and friends. They also have Wings.

After a couple of Drinks and laughs, the inevitable happened, we decided to place an order. The Cowgirl offers BBQ Style Wings “with a hit of Citrus served with our zesty Dip.” In terms of Sauce, they aren’t slathered like a text book Hot Wing. They are pretty tasty though and almost have baked in like flavor. It’s more about the subtleties of the sauce than it is about an over pronounced heat and tanginess. They’re really good, so good in fact, that we got a 2nd order.


After eating at all 4 places in one day, we started our normal discussion about which Wings we like best and how they measured up against one another. In those talks, we agreed that it was unfair to it all 4 in battle and instead, break it up into 2 different official Wing-Offs. In doing so, The White Horse Tavern was measured against the Cowgirl. Hence, the first ever Impromptu NYC Wing-Off. Both Wings are good and only a couple blocks apart so why not try both?

Click here for the Wing-Off Historical.

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Wing-Off – 21 Distilled New York vs Fatty Crab

From the same people that bring you Burger Conquest, we bring you the New York City Wing-Off. A crew of men on a search for the best wing in NYC. In round 2 of the NYC Wing-Off, any Wing goes regardless of sauce, style & size. Service, ambiance, beverage selection, price and other menus have no factor but they sure do count for a good time! Also, NO WOMEN ALLOWED!!

In January of 2007, 2 men had an argument over where to get the best hot wings in New York City. The debate grew intense and while an audience watched, they agreed to battle it out, wing vs. wing, to see who was right. Some rules were established, some friends were invited and some wings were eaten. In the end, everyone had so much fun that we decided to do it again, and again and again. Thus, the NYC Wing-Off was born.

It’s been years in the making with only one goal in mind, find the best medium and hot wings in NYC. Along the way we have had some fantastic wings, we’ve seen amazing wings be defeated by slightly more amazing wings and we were even invited into a kitchen to design our own wing recipe; “Don’t Stop Believin” sauce, we’ve donated to cancer research and now we can say, we have found the best hot wings in New York City.

The bracket challenge to crown a champion for the best medium and hot wings in New York city came to a close on Saturday, September 25, 2010. On that day, Bar Coastal was crowned the winner and awarded the Burger Conquest Hot Golden Cock Trophy. The NYC Wing-Off has been reborn in 2011 but with a new twist. In the past we only judged on medium and hot wings but now, we re-start and ALL flavors are eligible for judging.

WING-OFF 21: Sunday, November 17, 2013

Distilled New York
211 West Broadway
New York, NY 10013

Fatty Crab
643 Hudson Street
New York, NY 10014


Distilled New York describes itself as an “American Public House.” This is a harken back to our colonial and European roots. A Public House was a tavern or pub that served modest Food & Drinks and served as a central location for the community to gather. Whether it was to get a fill after a long days work or to discuss important political matters, people’s social lives revolved around them. Today, Distilled New York takes this idea by serving gourmet Food, unique Cocktails and Craft Beer in a relaxed and open environment. Grab a seat at the bar, a table in the dining area or for the Food focused, there’s even seats centered around the kitchen.

Seeing as we are in round two of the NYC Wing-Off, any Wing goes, not just Hot or Medium. For today’s Wing-Off I wanted to focus on restaurants that served something way off the normal scale, which is why we chose Distilled New York. They serve Korean style Gochujang Wings with Point Reyes Blue Cheese. Korean Wings are covered in a light batter and fried, sometimes twice, to bring out an extra crispy bite in the skin. The sauce that Distilled New York uses is based on Gochujang, a Korean Red Chili that is very savory and pungent. It’s turned into a paste and then applied to the Wings.

Oh man. These are some awesome, awesome Wings. The Skin is just absolutely perfect; light and airy yet with a great crunch to the bite. It’s more like a mini piece of Fried Chicken than a Hot Wing. The meat inside is juicy and tender. You could tell they are using high quality Meat. The sauce has hints of Pepper, Chocolate, Coffee, Sweets and is just a little bit spicy. After only one bite, we called our server over and asked for another order. Although the Wings didn’t need it, the Point Reyes Blue Cheese was some of the best we’ve ever had. It was extra thick, very creamy and busting with stinky Blue flavor. Marc almost smuggled a ramekin out the door with us.

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Come to New York. We have it all. You can find just about anything you want here. With such a large population of people from ethnic backgrounds that literally stretch around the globe, there isn’t some segment of the planet that isn’t represented inside the 5 boroughs. Because there are so many parts to our city, a mish-mashing of Foods happens frequently. Add Malaysian cuisine, which itself is a mish-mash of Malay, Chinese, Indian, Indonesian, Thai and Arabian culinary influences to our tasty melting pot and you’re going to get some awesome eats. That’s where Fatty Crab comes in. Their menu which features both traditional and inspired interpretations changes frequently to accommodate seasonal items and right now, including an array of different Hot Wings.

As it pertains to Wing-Off 21, Fatty Crab featured a Tandoori spiced Chicken Wing with Yogurt Curry Sauce and Cilantro. Sounds good right? It was! If it’s flavor you are after, this once is a dance for your taste buds. The array of Spices used in making the Wings at Fatty Crab represent all the different flavors and ethnic cuisines that come together to represent what Malaysian food is all about. It’s a savory taste bomb on a very wet and juicy Wing. The tangy Yogurt Curry Sauce works to both spice up and cool down the spicy heat in the sauce. Unique would be an understatement in describing these.

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I say this every time and honestly, it’s the truth; both of these Wings were tasty as anything and are worth you are eating. This whole competition is about eating, enjoying and comparing the best of the best, so the stakes are very very high.  … I say that every time too. Congratulations to Distilled New York for winning Wing-Off 21, Fatty Crab gave you a serious run for the money.

Click here for the Wing-Off Historical.

Posted in Bar, Beer, Hot Wings, New York, Wing-Off | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Wing-Off – 21 Distilled New York vs Fatty Crab

Bobo’s Gourmet Irish Burgers – Best Irish Food and Dublin To Do List and Tep Wireless Review

Bobo’s Gourmet Irish Burgers
22 Wexford St
Dublin 2, Ireland


I love Burgers. Way to overstate the obvious, I’m know.  When I eat them it makes me happy. But it’s not just the Burger that I love, it’s sharing them with other people that I love the most. Enjoying a meal together is a sign of peace, love and understanding. It’s the most universal interaction of commitment we can have with another person. Meals bring people together for something they need to do, which is eat but it also helps to build relationships and understanding.

My favorite person of all times to eat Hamburgers with is Cara Lynn Shultz. She’s an accomplished author, a loving caregiver to animals and one of the brightest, most caring and funniest people on the planet. She’s also my wife and I sincerely cherish every minute our life together. Through that, we’ve shared a lot of great Burgers. Some with my Mom, some with her Mom, some with my Step-Mom, some with her cousins, some with her best friends, some with our best friends, some with others affected by Hurricane Sandy, some paired with her book “Spellcaster,” some in California, some in Mexico, in Argentina, in Italy, on road trips, some at weddings, at baseball stadiums, some at international food festivals, some for her birthday, on my birthday, with lizards and sea lions, at amusement parks, at restaurants that define the history of the American Hamburger, some on television with Buddy the “Cake Boss,” and so on and so on and so on. Cara’s passion for life, love and people also encompasses a deep appreciation for culture, travel and Food. That’s why I enjoy sharing meals with her so much.

To celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary we decided to travel. Both of us have Irish blood in our bodies and call a lot of their traditions and culture into our daily lives. We’ve both visited Ireland but never together and have always talked about doing it. When the conversation came up about how to celebrate, Cara suggested a quick jaunt to Dublin which got an immediate “I’m in” from me. As we started to plan the trip, I of course started to do some research on the best Burgers in Dublin.

Irish Burgers and Pub Food go hand in hand. You’d be hard pressed to find a bar without a Burger on the menu. Burgers are a hearty comfort Food meant to warm up and fill the belly as well as the soul. It’s food perfect to eat while relaxing with a pint at the end of the day. That’s sort of the central idea behind items like Lamb Stew, Roast Meat and Potatoes, Fish and Chips and Shepherd’s Pie. That being the case, there aren’t really just a lot of stand alone Burger spots in the country. But there is one place whose sole purpose is to serve up tasty, delicious, fresh, locally sourced, all day long; Bobo’s Gourmet Irish Burgers.

This all day diner, with 2 locations, serves up a large menu of Burgers with a choice of Beef, Chicken, Pork, Lamb, Fish and Vegetarian patties. You can top them with about anything you like or choose from menu combinations  including something traditional like “The Dubliner”- a Prime juicy Beef Burger with Beef Tomato, Iceberg Lettuce, Old Dubliner Cheddar Cheese, Fried Onion, Gherkins, Tomato Relish, and BoBo’s Special Sauce, or something a little more crazy like “The Sun Blush” – Prime juicy Beef Burger with Chorizo, semi Sun Dried Tomatoes, Mozzarella, Rocket, Black Pepper and Garlic Aioli or a Sandwich that you would only find in Ireland like the “Grace O’Malley” – Chunky Fillet of Fish with Mushy Peas, Grilled Tomato, Iceberg Lettuce, Fried Onion, and Tartare Sauce. Most Burgers come with your choice of Chubby or Skinny Chips (French Fries) either of which can be ordered regular, with Coleslaw, Curry Sauce, Mushy Peas or Aioli. Wash it all down with a perfectly poured pint of Guinness a selection from their Wine list, something else Bobo’s specializes in.

Cara knew from the moment we got off our red eye flight, I was ready for a Burger treat at Bobo’s. She however had the smart plan to go out sight-seeing around town, walking from place to place so that we could build up a good hunger and totally appreciate all that was Bobo’s. It was a great call. By the time we got there, I was ready to eat 100 Burgers. We both ordered  The Bacon Cheese Burger – Prime Juicy Beef Burger with Cured Smoked Bacon, Old Dubliner Cheddar Cheese, Iceberg Lettuce, Beef Tomato, Onion and Mayonnaise. It wasn’t long before two super huge and awesome looking Burgers landed on our table.

All of the Burgers at Bobo’s Gourmet Irish Burgers have 7oz patties made from quality young heifer meat under 20 months old. All the Beef they use is fully traceable, 100% Irish and very importantly, never frozen. You’re pretty much guaranteed a great Burger and based on the one I had, it most certainly was. You could taste the freshness in the ingredients. The Beef had all natural, grass fed flavor. Add to that proper smoked and cured Irish Bacon (a personal fave) with the salty, intense aged flavors of the Cheddar and you’re already eating a uniquely Irish Burger. The Mayo added a nice layer of flavor while keeping the Sandwich juicy and also protecting the integrity of the freshly baked Bun.

I had to stop myself from wolfing the thing down in just a few bites. I did notice that while I was eating it, everything else around me ceased to exist. All that mattered was the tasty Burger. As I looked around at others eating Burgers at Bobo’s, it wasn’t just me. Pockets of silence happened at every table once bites were taken. When it came to the Fries, which we got both kinds, I was a little more partial to the skinny Chips. However, I suggest adding Malt Vinegar to the Chubby Chips or a side of Curry Sauce.

The Burgers at Bobo’s Gourmet Irish Burgers are everything I hoped they would be; fresh, delicious and bursting with local flavor and shared with my favorite person to eat Burgers (and anything else with!)


665 Burgers

November 8, 2013


Never been to Dublin or looking for some places to check out? Here’s a list of pubs, sights to see, things to eat and places to check out.


Book of Kells Old Library
Trinity College, College Street, Dublin 2

The Book of Kells is an illuminated manuscript Gospel book in Latin, containing the four Gospels of the New Testament together with various prefatory texts and tables. It was created by Celtic monks ca. 800 or slightly earlier (Wikipedia.) Located at the center of Trinity College, this piece of history is worth seeing for the amazing amount of talent and work that went into creating each of the hand made books.

You’ll also get a chance to walk through The Long Room, the largest library in all of Ireland. The library is a legal deposit which means it has the rights to receive published material in the Republic of Ireland free of charge and the only one in the country with similar rights for the United Kingdom. The room is decorated with busts of some of the most respected philosophers, writers and thinkers in history as well as the oldest harp in the country.





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St. Patrick’s Cathedral
Saint Patrick’s Close, Dublin 8, Ireland

Also known as The National Cathedral and Collegiate Church of Saint Patrick, Dublin, St. Patrick’s is the larger of Dublin’s two Church of Ireland cathedrals. It’s also the largest church in the whole country. The building, as it stands today, was built between 1191 and 1270 and currently has one of the largest organs in the world with more than 4,000 pipes. The cathedral is filled with artifacts, sculptures, burials and some of the most beautiful stained glass in the world.

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Molly Malone Statue College Green
Grafton & Suffolk Streets, Dublin 2

If you’ve been in an Irish pub on St. Paddy’s Day here in the US, you’ve heard the song and know all about the Cockles and Mussels as well as the wheel barrow. The versus of the song “Molly Malone,” tells the tale of a lady who sold fish by day and pleasures of the flesh by night. In 1988, to celebrate Dublin’s first millennium as a city, Jeanne Rynhart built a statue of the lady in song.


Phil Lynott Statue at Bruxelles
7-8 Harry St, Dublin 2, Ireland ‎

Outside Dublin’s “cosmopolitan pub” Bruxelles, you’ll find a tribute to one of the greatest rockers of all time. It’s a statue of lead singer and vocalist of the Irish rock band, Phil Lynott. He was the front man, vocalist and bass player for the band Thin Lizzy. The man was a legend and the band penned many, many great rock anthems like “The Boys Are Back In Town,” “Jailbreak” & “Waiting For An Alibi.” Phil died from pneumonia after collapsing on Christmas Day in 1985 from prolonged drug and alcohol abuse. His legend lives on in the music and with the statue built by Paul Daly.


Old Jameson Distillery
Bow Street, Smithfield Village, Dublin 7

In 1780, John Jameson purchased the Bow Street Distillery and whiskey history was changed for ever. A Scotsman and former attorney, in 20 short years he grew the company to be one of the largest distillers in the world. At the turn of the century it hd become the 2nd largest one in the country, producing more than 1,000,000 gallons yearly. In 1966 Johnny J & Son merged with Cork Distillers and John Powers and moved all production to Cork. While the original location still stands, no whiskey is made there. It has been preserved though and is open for tours of the original facility.

It’s one of the coolest things you can do while in Dublin. They preserved the building and some of it’s equipment very well and give you a great insight into the basics of how whiskey is made. The Old Jameson Distillery also features a bar where you can sip all kinds of Jameson drinks, a restaurant where you can have a tasty pub meal and gift shop that carries everything from Chocolates to clothing to bottles of Distillery Reserve 12 year old Jameson, which can only be found there. Whiskey fans, locals, tourists & historians will all enjoy a visit.

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Day Tours Unplugged
Afternoon tour to Wicklow Glendalough

Day Tours Unplugged – Part 1, Monastery

Getting outside of Dublin to see the beautiful and green, Irish countryside is easy to do. It may have a deep history and rich in life but it’s not a very big town. With some help from the people at Day Tours Unplugged, you can hop into a small van with a couple other people and escape to Wicklow Glendalough. Wicklow is a county in the province of Leinster. Known as the “Garden of Ireland,” it was originally founded by the Vikings and houses the ancient Glendalough Monastery.  Glendalough translates from Gaelic into “Glen of Two Lakes” is a glacial valley and was founded by a hermit priest, St, Kevin, in the 6th Century. It was partially destroyed in 1398 by British Troops chasing rebels.

The gateway into the monastery is totally unique and one of the most important monuments in the country. The double archway is still preserved as is the round tower, the cathedral and part of the Priest’s house. One of the most unique structures located there is St. Kevin’s Church also known as the “Kitchen.” The building is nearly 1000 years old and it’s original stone roof only had to be repaired for the 1st time, 3 years ago.

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Day Tours Unplugged – Part 2, Lakes & Tavern

Just beyond the grounds of the monastery are two beautiful lakes. Films such as “PS I Love You” and “Brave Heart” were filmed there. Pop into the Glendalough Tavern, part of the Glendalough hotel for a pint and a bite to eat.

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Day Tours Unplugged – Part 3, Lough Tay

Once your time in Glendalough is over, everyone hops back into the van. The driver (ask for Martin if he is available) then takes you on a winding path along the military roads built to chase rebels to Lough Tay. It’s a small lake, located at the top of the mountains. The lake with is dark waters from a peat covered floor and white sandy beach resemble a pint of Beer from the brewery which also happens to own the land: Guinness. After a few minutes to observe the lake and take a few photos, the driver returns you quickly and safely back to downtown Dublin.

Totally worth doing.



Ha’penny Bridge
Wellington and Ormond Quay, River Liffey City Centre, Dublin 2

Made of cast iron, the Ha’penny Bridge was built in 1816. It’s a footbridge that connects two sides of the Liffey River which runs through Dublin city. For the first 100 years of its existence, a toll of half of a penny was required to cross it. This is how it got it’s modern name. The cost of the toll was removed in 1919 and it’s been free to cross over since.  It’s an important piece of history in the city and absolutely beautiful once the sun sets.






Sheridan’s Cheesemongers
11 S Anne St, Dublin 2, Ireland

Ireland is well know for it’s dairy products due to the vast amount of cattle and natural environments. There’s no better place to get your Irish Cheese fix than Sheridan’s Cheesemongers. Know in advance, that you can’t eat it there and nor can you take the Cheese on the plane ride home. However, if you plan to consume it while on the ground in Dublin or live in the area, you’re in luck. They have some of the best, freshest and local Cheeses available. While you can’t take any with you, if you’re in the area, it’s worth stopping by just to browse and sniff! You can however easily take home some of their Crackers.


Darwin’s Restaurant
80 Aungier Street, Dublin 2

If you’re after a more formal and fancy meal, make a reservation at Darwin’s Restaurant AKA The Food Haven. The family run restaurant plays off a theme based on Charles Darwin’s ‘Origin of the Species’ so expect to see portraits of primates up on the walls. Darwin’s specializes in contemporary international cuisine which to Cara and me says “big Steaks.” All the Beef, Poultry, Lamb and Game Meats are certified organic, fresh and local and is cut by their in house butcher. It’s pretty much a lock that you are going to have a tasty meal if you eat here.

The Winding Stair Restaurant & Bookshop
40 Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland

If you like Food, even in the least amount, eat at The Winding Stair. If you at all consider yourself to be a Foodie, Serious Eater, Food Fanatic or some other food obsessed nickname for yourself, relish in all that is fresh, local, delicious and amazing at The Winding Stair. This independent bookstore, one of the oldest surviving ones in Dublin,  focus on smaller titles, local authors & fiction … and has an amazing restaurant above it. Everything they serve is made with care, precision and with as many local ingredients as possible. The cozy environment will make you feel like you’ve been invited to someone’s house for a special gathering of Food & friends. Everything I ate from the  Ham Hock, Green Beans, Chicory Salad with a perfectly cooked Crispy Egg to the amazing Wild Irish Venison “cushion” with Root Vegetables, Quince and Garlic was absolutely outstanding. Plus you can wash it all down with interesting Wines, Local Beers and Gourmet Coffees. There are fancy restaurants for fancy people but then there are places like The Winding Stair where Food is made by Food people for Food people.




Eating, drinking and relaxing at the local pub is not only an Irish tradition, it’s an institution. As one of our cabbies put it “how would I know what’s going on in the community if I didn’t go to the pub?” Dublin is not short on pubs so figure out what you’re looking for and head on over. Here’s a few suggestions;

The Ginger Man
40 Fenian Street, Dublin 2

This is a great, high-energy pub with a friendly staff and lots of laughter. Think of this as your living room away from home.



The Hairy Lemon
41-42 Stephen Street, Dublin 2


Known for a very lively atmosphere, The Hairy Lemon is the kind of place you want to go unwind with a group of friends.

The Cobblestone
77 King St N, Dublin

This was one of our favorite pubs in the whole city. If you’re looking for a loud, crazy, over the top, tourist destination or party go somewhere else. The Cobblestone is a local hangout mostly known for nightly performances of Trad music. If you fancy a pint, some good Irish music and a chat in a comfortable pub, look no further. They have a couple of good local craft Beers on tap and a very friendly staff.


The Black Sheep
61 Capel Street, Dublin 1

Ireland has an interesting Craft Beer scene happening. If you want to sample the best of it, head to The Black Sheep. Not only do they have a large array of local Beers on tap, they also have a large fridge filled with Craft Beers around the world. The space is rather large, boasting 2 floors and several seating areas as well as a very savory and delicious pub menu. If I lived in Dublin, you’d find me here quite often.


1 Chatham Street Dublin 2

Neary’s is a comfortable lounge with 2 sides to sit on. There’s one reason to choose Neary’s over another establishment; civilized conversation. It’s a little quieter, a little order and a lot more comfortable than some of the high volume party bars in the area.


Horseshoe Bar at the Shelbourne Hotel
27 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2

Looking for something a little more upscale or some unique cocktails? Head over to the Horseshoe Bar at the Shelbourne Hotel. It’s elegant, friendly and award winning. They have a very large list of drinks to choose from but the one to get is the “Award Winning” cocktail; “The No. 27. It’s a stirred drink with Bourbon, Herbal Liquor, Honey & Fresh Lemon Juice with a dash of Bitters. It takes a moment to make so be patient but when you get it, tell me if you too think it tastes like an Orange Lifesaver’s Candy. Whether you go with the fancy drink or a beer or your choice, the bar staff will be happy to bring you a small bowl of crunchy snacks.


The Porterhouse Brewing Co
16-18 Parliament St, Dublin 2, Ireland

With 3 locations in Dublin, you’re never far from Dublin’s oldest microbrewery. (They also have locations in Cork, Wicklow, London & NYC.) The one in Temple Bar is the oldest, originally opening in 1996. It’s a bit of a party scene but the vibe is very friendly and the Beers are great. They quite often have live music which always makes for a fun Dublin pub experience.


The Merchants Arch Bar and Restaurant
49 Wellington Quay, Dublin 2, Ireland

Temple Bar can be a bit of a whirlwind if you’re not ready for it. For us New Yorker’s, it’s like drinking at bars in Times Square on a Saturday night. In fact, the locals refer most of them as “Shamrock” Bars, which means “for the tourists. If you’re up for some music and a cold pint on Sunday night, check out The Merchant’s Arch. It’s a younger crowd but they feature local musicians playing a mix of modern rock, trad & pub tunes. We had an absolute blast drinking cold pints and signing along to the talented local bands they had playing. The building itself is something to see as it’s one of only two surviving Nineteenth Century Guildhalls in Dublin.



To my dear wife Cara,

If I haven’t already gone and made a complete public display made of gush, this should put it over the top. You are my favorite person to laugh with, eat with, travel with and in general share life. I could’ve ended that sentence after person and it would’ve meant the same.

Thank you for everything, not just eating Hamburgers around the world with me.

I love you to no end.

Blueberry Pie.


Tep Wireless

As Americans in a foreign country, one of our main concerns was the high price of staying connected while using our mobile devices. You can call your US provider and buy data access while abroad but it usually comes at a high price for very little connectivity. Our other options were to either rent a local mobile device which we would have to share it and still then pay by the minute to connect. Also seemed kind of silly to buy a device that we would use for only 3 days.

Our last option would be to just hope to find WiFi here and there, but then what, pay an exorbitant fee to connect for 15 minutes here and 15 minutes there. After exploring all these options, we found a service that absolutely solved our problems and at an affordable price; a Tep Wireless MiFi (personal wireless device.)

Our trip lasted 4 days and we paid less than $100 to rent a Tep Wireless MiFi that came with all the following attributes:

  • Free shipping to you
  • Free return shipping
  • Tep Wireless MiFi device
  • Unlimited access to MiFi
  • Connect up to 5 devices at one time (at one point we had 2 iPhones, an iPad and a laptop running off it.)
  • Carrying case
  • All connection wires
  • Fast customer service

The only issue was keeping it charged but finding power points is a heck of a lot easier than trying to find free WiFi. Or you can do what we did, for $17.99, we purchased a Intocircuit T5000 5000mah External Battery Pack. You can get up to about 2 full charges of an iPhone and it also works on the Tep Wirless device. I fit all of this into one jacket pocket.


I have to say I was completely impressed with the Tep Wireless device and service, especially for the price. I’d definitely suggest it as an option for travelers in the same scenario.

Posted in Burgers, Gourmet Burgers, Hamburgers, Ireland | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Bobo’s Gourmet Irish Burgers – Best Irish Food and Dublin To Do List and Tep Wireless Review

Two 8 Two Bar and Burger – One Of The Best Burgers Ever

Two 8 Two Bar and Burger
282 Atlantic Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11201


4 years ago I ate some Burgers that changed my life forever. After having a great time at the Brooklyn Burger n’ Beer Garden at 4th the NYC Food Film Festival, I approached festival director George Motz and festival producer Seth Unger and offered my help. I told them how much fun I had at their events and about my background in marketing and branding. I wanted to be a part of this awesome event where you get to “taste what you see on the screen.” The very next year at the 5th Annual NYC Food Film Festival, I helped them to curate their opening event “Cheers To Burgers and Beers.” At the end of the night they asked if I could help out every night running the bar and beer program for the Festival.

Since then I’ve come on board as the festival’s official Beer Sommelier and help to oversee and run the digital and social marketing for the Festival. It’s a completely unique event that also happens annually in Chicago and Charleston. In each city we visit, we help raise money for a local Food charity. It’s a truly fantastic event to attend. I’m honored to be a part of the Festival but moreover, I’m excited to call the people behind it “family.” Seeing as how I don’t share blood relations with them and out of respect for those who do, let’s call the Food Film Festival my “Burger Family.”

One of my favorite things to do in life is eat tasty Food and the best way to enjoy it is with friends and family. The FFF crew always makes time to eat together to not only enjoy tasty Food but also enjoy each other’s company. This year, instead of reviewing the Food Film Fest on the blog, I’m going to talk about our pre-festival meal. It turned out to be one of the top 10 Burgers I’ve ever eaten in my whole life.

Where the borders of Cobble Hill, Boerum Hill, Downtown Brooklyn & Brooklyn Heights all meet you you’ll find a bar. At first glance, it looks like any other Brooklyn bar; wooden stools, bar counter, beers on tap, liquor bottles, tables in the back, waitstaff, kitchen, etc. A closer look reveals that this is no ordinary corner tavern. Two 8 Two Bar & Burger does one thing and they do it really, really well; Hamburgers. Sourcing their meat from local butcher, Los Paisanos, where the Beef is ground fresh daily and turned into 5 ounce patties. The menu also offers Lamb, Turkey and Veggie Burgers as well as a double Patty option or the 9 oz “Pub Burger” for those with extra hunger needs. Not to be overlooked, French Friy menu at Two 8 Two is also no joke. Choose from regular or Sweet Spuds with the options for Chili and Cheese or Greek Style, with Feta Cheese and Oregano.

Most importantly, the signature “two8two Burger” Hamburger comes topped with roasted Poblano Chiles. If you’ve never had them on top of your Burg, you are missing out. It’s a Southwestern specialty that adds flavors of smoke and heat to your eating experience. It’s certainly a trigger point for me and I will travel to eat them. Not many restaurants in NYC offer them and very few know how to do them right like Two 8 Two. The Burger also comes with Cheddar Cheese and two8two sauce.

After only 1 bite, I called over our waiter and immediately ordered a 2nd one. I knew there was no way I was going home without getting as many of these in my face as I could. The Beef is juicy, just a little sweet and has all natural Beef flavors. The sear on the Burger is just right adding the right amount of savory flavor to round it out. The melty Cheddar cradles the flavors and balances out the heat and smoke from the Poblanos. The two8two sauce has a nice tang to it and should not be overlooked as an important element in the overall flavor of the Sandwich.

My 2nd Burger arrived, this time with the additions of Bacon and a Fried Egg, which are two of my favorite Burger toppings. However in this case, totally unnecessary. Don’t get me wrong, it was just as excellent as the first but the signature Burger totally holds its by itself. It’s one of George Motz’s favorite Burgers in Brooklyn and it only took one bite for me to agree. When owner Billy Thanopoulos came over to say hi, I only had one thing to say;

“The signature burger at Two 8 Two Bar & Burger with roasted Poblano Chiles is one of the top 10 Burgers I’ve ever eaten.”




To everyone in this picture, especially those of you who have I’ve gotten to do this with for 3 years now, you’re the best Burger Family anyone could ever ask for. It’s an honor to work on this very special thing we have together.

664 Burgers

October 20, 2013

Posted in Bar, Beer, Brooklyn, Burgers, Food Film Festival, Gourmet Burgers, Hamburgers, New York | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Two 8 Two Bar and Burger – One Of The Best Burgers Ever

New York City Wine & Food Festival Blue Moon Burger Bash 2013 – Burger Conquest Celebrates Its 5th Burgerthday

The New York City Wine & Food Festival Blue Moon Burger Bash presented by Pat LaFrieda Meats, hosted by Rachel Ray – Winners announced!

Pier 92 at 52nd street and West Side Highway
New York, NY


1,828 days ago, specifically, Friday, October 16, 2008, 5 friends went out for a burger at Arthur’s Steakhouse in Hoboken, NJ. On that day, my Glorious Pursuit of Delicious Burgers began. That means it’s Burger Conquest‘s 5th Burgerthday!

1,829 days
627 blog posts
663 Burgers reviewed by Rev (74 thus far in 2013)
20 Wing-Offs
9 TV appearances
0 “10 out of 10 ounces”

If you’re doing the math, that’s one Burger every 2.76 days and if there is any day worth upping the average, it’s the New York City Wine & Food Festival Blue Moon Burger Bash.

I started this blog as a joke. It was a reason for my friends and I to get together, eat Burgers and have a laugh. The impact it’s had on my life has proven it to be more than some measly laugh. Whether it’s working with The Food Film Festival, being a part of Get Real Presents, co-owning Idle Hands Bar, helping the guys from the Grill ‘Em All Truck on the path that lead to their first brick and mortar location or my biggest Burger accomplishment to date: the 2nd Annual NY Burger WeekBurger Conquest has turned me into an expert burger taster, at least according to The Learning Channel and George Motz.

Where better for an “EBT” to spend their Burgerthday holiday than the New York City Wine & Food Festival Blue Moon Burger Bash?

It happens every year on the Friday of the Festival and features Burger after Burger from Chef after Chef, competing to be named the best of the best. This year’s Burger Bash featured 27 Burgers and try as you may, there’s little chance of you trying each one. Each person is given 1 token which they can use to vote for their favorite Burger. At the end of the night all the tokens are tallied up and the “People’s Choice” award is given to one talented Burgermaster. It’s a ridiculously fun and tasty event and the best part is, the proceeds from the Burger Bash go to benefit the Food Bank For New York City who help to feed the city’s hungry.

This year Chef Josh Capon from Lure Fish Bar and Burger and Barrel along with Guy Fieri from Guy’s American Kitchen & Bar tied each other to win the highly coveted 2013 People’s Choice award. This makes the 4th year in a row that Chef Capon has brought home the victory.

Photo of the victors from my food lovin’ friend Megan Murphy – @ThisGirlCanEat on Twitter.

Guy’s Bacon Mac ‘n’ Cheese Burger: Crispy Applewood-Smoked Bacon, Creamy Four-Cheese Mac and Cheese, all-natural Ground Beef, Lettuce, Tomato, Onion, Pickle, Super-Melty Cheese, Garlic Butter on a Toasted Brioche Bread

Josh’s “Bash Burger”: Caramelized Onion and Bacon Jam, Shaved Pickles, American Cheese & Secret Sauce.


Judges: Adam Richman, Andrew Zimmern, Joe Bastianich & Geoffrey Zakarian
The event’s official judges chose the French Onion Soup Burger, created by Chef Paul Denamiel from Le Rivage,  as the victor of the Judge’s Choice Award.

Screen shot 2013-10-19 at 8.29.40 PM
Photo of Chef Paul and team from my Burger Bashin’ Bud, Seth Unger – @condimented on Instagram.

Paul’s French French-Onion Soup Burger:
Pat LaFrieda–blend Burger with Stewed Onions, Béchamel, and Emmental Cheese, and served on a Toasted English Muffin.


The night was filled with fun, friends, music, entertainment, drinks and of course, lots of tasty, tasty Burgers. Here’s what I was able to try.

Smoky Double Bacon Cheeseburger: American Cheese, Caramelized Onions, Smoky Bacon and Bacon Mayo


Lil’ BRGs: Wagyu Beef, Signature Sauce, and a Sesame Bun


GO Burger Bar & Grill
Pickled Alpine: Dry-aged Burger with Emmental Swiss, Pickled Shallots, and Bacon Aioli


Pudsters Original Puddy Melt: Angus Burger between a Golden Grilled Cheese, topped with Lettuce, Tomato, Sautéed Onion, Pickles, with a touch of Hellman’s Mayo


Old Homestead Steakhouse
Burger With Bite: a blend of USDA Prime Cuts, creamy Kentucky-style Beer Cheese, Salty Pretzel Crisp, Red Onion Shavings, and Dijon Chipotle Mayonnaise


Hudson Common
Uncommon Bacon Cheeseburger: Miso Bacon, Wasabi Peppadew, White Cheddar, Spicy Kimchee Slaw, fermented Garlic Aioli, and Pickles
Bonus Side: Szechuan Poutine with Duck-fat Fries, Kung Pao Duck Confit, Sichuan Slaw, and Black Bean Vinaigrette


Shawarma Burger: Cardamom-Sesame Bun, Special Sauce, Beef Patty, Red Onion, Roma Tomato, Lebanese Jalapeños, Sumac, and Aleppo Pepper


Bobby’s Burger Palace
Carolina Burger: Smoked Cheddar, Mustard Barbecue Sauce, and Green Onion Slaw


About the Food Bank For New York City
Three million New Yorkers have difficulty affording food.  The Food Bank For New York City is there with a solution.  The Food Bank helps by offering a meal today, resources for a more secure tomorrow and nutrition education to help them lead healthy lifestyles.  Food Bank For New York City is the only hunger-relief organization to take this integrated approach.  The Food Bank tackles the issues of hunger on three fronts: food distribution, through soup kitchens and food pantries; income support, by connecting those in need to benefits available to them, such as food stamps and earned income tax credits; and nutrition education, helping individuals and families make healthful food choices on limited budgets.  Get more information at

Thank you to the people at Bullfrog & Baum for spreading the Burger love.

Thanks to Megan and Seth for the photos of the winners.

Big love to my band of Burger buds for good times: Matt “Takedown” Timms, Seth Unger, George Motz, Larry Cauldwell, John Agostini and Tina, Brad & Jamie Schweid.


663 Burgers

October 18, 2013

Posted in Best Burger in New York, Burger Famous, Burgers, Event, Festival, Gourmet Burgers, Hamburgers, New York | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on New York City Wine & Food Festival Blue Moon Burger Bash 2013 – Burger Conquest Celebrates Its 5th Burgerthday

Lafayette Coney Island – A Coney By Any Other Is Not The Best

Lafayette Coney Island
118 W Lafayette Blvd
Detroit, MI 48226


In NYC it’s Pizza, in Philly it’s the Cheesesteak, in Baltimore its a Crab Cake, in Los Angeles, its the French Dip Sandwich, in Central Texas it’s Brisket, in North Carolina it’s Pulled Pork, in Chicago it’s Hot Dog … point is, our country is made of up of regional dishes. Foods that dominate a certain area become cultural definitions of that particular area. Lots of restaurants offer the item, Chefs create different interpretations, subtle differences pop up and loyalty begins to build. Ask a New Yorker; “Grimaldi’s or Di Fara” or a Philadelphian; “Jim’s or Geno’s” and you’re liable to get an earful on not only why one is better but why the other is such an inferior choice and 3 more will get mentioned that still don’t match with their favorite. We have a Food obsessed culture and we define ourselves by our taste buds.

In Detroit, ask someone “which is your favorite Coney,” not only are you sure to get an answer but you might even get a number of answers that also have qualifiers. It’s not unlike someone from Michigan to have favorite regional Coneys, Coneys that they think are better for Breakfast, a Coney they prefer after a night at the local pub and more. If you’ve never been to or lived in the lower glove, you probably have no idea what a “Coney” even is.

A typical Coney Island is a short order Diner with a menu made up of a limited amount of items. The cuisine is Greek in origin like Gyros, Mediterranean, Salads, Souvlakis, but add to that breakfast items as well as Hamburgers. But the center piece of the menu is what also gives the restaurant it’s name, the Coney Island Hot Dog. It’s a grilled natural casing Hot Dog, served in a Bun and topped with “Coney-Style” Chili, Diced Onions and Mustard. The Coney Chili is applied in copious amounts, guaranteeing you a messy eat. Depending on where you’re located, there are two main styles of Coney Chili; the Flint style which is made with a base of Ground Beef Hearts or the more popular Detroit Style that’s saucier.

Coney Island’s date back to 1917 when brother Gust Keros and Bill Keros moved to Detroit and opened American Coney Island. It is one of the oldest businesses in the area. A few years into business Gus and Bill got into a dispute that sent Bill out the door and right next door to open a rival “Lafayette Coney Island.” The two businesses don’t just share a wall, they both offer several of the same menu items. Lafayette opting to focus in on what makes a Coney a Coney; Coney Island Dogs, Burgers and Fries. Most folks don’t need a menu but they’ll offer one up if you ask. Just like in any other town, people have their favorite and are incredibly loyal to one of them.


In general people who prefer Lafayette are purists and love Food for Food’s sake. It’s about the taste, the speed and the service. They don’t need fancy decorations, large menus, silly websites with professional photos, long drawn out stories that only tell half the story, ridiculous paper hats and so on and so forth. People who like American are generally either tourists or wouldn’t know the difference between a frozen Hungry Man entree and the finest meal in the land. In fact, the only reason to eat at American is just so you could taste the truth yourself. Or you can trust nearly a decade of serious eaters or at least me when we tell you, there’s no contest.

Can you tell which I prefer?

Admittedly, the Hamburger at Lafayette is not my first choice. That’s not to say it’s not good, it’s quite excellent in fact but the star of the show is the Coney Island Hot Dog. While Mustard and diced Onions are optional, they are also optimal. The savory, rich Chili bathes the the smoky all Beef Hot Dog like a warm Gravy Blanket while the sweetness of the Onions and the Vinegar flavor of the Yellow Mustard dance around the Dog like a flavor circus. You can try to eat it with your hands but unless you’re headed home afterwards, you’re risking a serious stain on shirt or in your lap. From the first bite to the last, every moment of a Lafayette Coney Island Hot Dog is pure delight.

On the side, I always go Chili Cheese Fries. The small Shoe Strings get dolloped with a heavy dose of the same Chili. Before it’s applied to the thinly sliced and fried spuds, they’re covered in Cheese. Once the dish gets to your table, the Chili has melted the Cheese beneath it, ensuring you a gooey Cheese experience. I like to put a little Yellow Mustard on top which you should try before you knock it. Lafayette Coney Island Chili Cheese Fries might be one of my favorite dishes of all times and there is absolutely no way you can replicate it outside of their kitchen.

When you do order a Burger at a Coney Island, it a loose Meat Hamburger. This means the Beef is cooked still ground, rather than being formed into a Patty. It’s served the same way as the Dog, in a Bun with optimal Onions and Mustard. As the meat is, as the name states, loose, it’s cooked fully done and therefore has a Saltier taste. The Loose Meat Burger, much like the Hot Dog and French Fries, is just a vehicle for the one of a kind Coney Chili. If it’s your first time visiting Lafayette, make sure you show up hungry so you can try all 3. If Loose Meat that’s just not your thing, stick to the Dog and go seek a proper Detroit Slider at somewhere like Bates.

When in the Detroit area, you can eat a Coney almost anywhere, but if you want the best one, go to Lafayette Coney Island. If you stop by American Coney Island while you’re there, it’s totally acceptable to stop and check out the place if you point and laugh at everyone there.




With that, congrats to Michele and Adam on your nuptials. It doesn’t get much cooler than a wedding at the Detroit Zoo when the ring bearer is Jason Vorhees followed by a serenade from Elvis while eating a traditional Polish Meal.


657 Burgers

September 14, 2013

Posted in Burgers, Hamburgers, National Hamburger Month | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Lafayette Coney Island – A Coney By Any Other Is Not The Best

ShopRite Village Food Garden – Giving Batali and Luger a Run For Their Hungry

ShopRite – Village Food Garden
483 S Livingston Ave
Livingston, NJ 07039


You could hit a casual dining restaurant, the drive-thru, a sandwich shop, a cafe, the diner, brown-bag it or any other number of options for your lunch but if one grocery store has it their way, you could hit the supermarket. With the popularity of the fresh prepared Foods at Whole Foods Market and the raging success of Mario Batali’s Eataly in New York City, grocery dining could grow to be a relevant dining option. Eating at a grocery store is nothing new but we aren’t talking about the installed Subway or Little Caesars that you might find at a Wal-Mart or the Hot Dogs warmed on an electronic carousel found just past the registers at Costco. This is fresh-made, gourmet, Chef inspired eats that can be eaten on the spot or taken home or work.

At the ShopRite Grocery Store in Livingston, NJ you’ll find just such an experience. In the past you’ve probably come to expect pre-cooked Rotisserie Chickens, pre-packaged Sandwiches and maybe even a Salad Bar but these are more meant as convenience options, not gourmet restaurant style meals. The Livingston ShopRite has these but they also have fresh-made Sushi, Pizza’s, Frozen Yogurt, a Coffee Bar, Hot Wings and more. It’s all located in a part of the store known as the “Village Food Garden,” where you can grab and go, or sit and eat in their dining room. You can even attempt to eat while wheeling around your cart on multi-tasking grocery shopping trip. Maybe this doesn’t seem all that far fetched to you. I also have yet to mention the gourmet Burgers, Shakes and Fries stand they also have.


The friendly folks from Wakefern (ShopRite’s parent company) extended an invite to me to come give the Burgers a try and see for myself. Once I arrived I met up with Thomas Santacroce, Caitlin Broscius and Chef Joseph Zezza who gave me a tour of the Village Food Garden and explained how it all came about. For the sake of this blog however, we are only going to talk about the Burgers, Shakes & Fries stand.

When they were planning the build out the team, as Thomas puts it, “traveled to the certified Angus ranch in Ohio, to experiment with several different blends of Beef, ultimately after a day of cutting and blending product and lots of tasting with a panel of 20, we unanimously selected our blend of 50% Brisket, 25% Short Rib, and 25% Chuck.” However, the Patties don’t come pre-formed and furthermore, the Meat isn’t pre-mixed before it arrives at the Livingston ShopRite. The 8 ounce Burger Patties are made in house, butchered from whole cuts of Meat and then ground right there in the kitchen. The on-premises grinding happens daily and should they happen to not sell through the product, it’s discarded, guaranteeing you a seriously fresh Hamburger.

All Burgers can be ordered to temperature and are then cooked on a flat top griddle. While searing on the griddle, the Patty is domed in an attempt to contain the juices. Once cooked, most Burgers are served on a Brioche roll with your choice of toppings. The most popular Burger on the menu is the standard Cheeseburger. I tried once with Lettuce and Onions and it was pretty good. The Bun was hearty but still soft, the Lettuce was fresh and crispy, the cooked Onions had great sweet flavor and the Cheese was creamy. The patty itself tasted really natural and despite it being over-cooked tasted like a gourmet restaurant Burger.

I also had the popular “Vermont Burger” with “Peter Luger style” thick-cut Apple-Smoked Bacon, Cabot White Cheddar Cheese and Horseradish Sauce. This is a Burger that I would go out of my way to eat again. The Bacon was not only excellent on it’s own but definitely the perfect selection for this Burger. The Cheese was a little sharp (in a good way) and added a nice mouth feel to the Sandwich. ShopRite doesn’t use bottled Horseradish Sauce for the Burgers, it’s all made in house and although they don’t sell it on it’s own, I’d suggest they consider the idea because it was the item that tied all the flavors together.

These are some seriously good Hamburgers. As I said to Thomas, Caitlin & Jeff “I don’t know how you can be around this every day and not eat it!” They agreed it’s tough but then demanded I try some of the Shakes. The Blueberry-Pomegranate is really good if you are into more fruit and sweet flavors but the thick, savory / sweet Nutella Shake is a game ender. I’m not much of a Sweets person but if you are, you will want this … now.

I’m guessing my praise and adoration wasn’t enough to match the excitement the Shoprite team has for the VIllage Food Garden because they sent me home with 2 more Burgers to eat later; “The Old Time Patty Melt” served on Buttery grilled White Toast with Cabot White Cheddar and Gruyere Cheese and the “Blues Burger” served wit Iowa Maytag Blue Cheese and Caramelized Vidalia Onion Marmalade.  I ate both of them several hours later, re-heating in my toaster over and I have to say, they were darn tasty.

The Burgers at the Village Food Garden inside the Livingston, NJ ShopRite are worth going out of your way to eat or at least choosing where you should be doing your grocery shopping.





661 Burgers

October 1, 2013

Posted in Burgers, Gourmet Burgers, Grocery, Hamburgers, New Jersey | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on ShopRite Village Food Garden – Giving Batali and Luger a Run For Their Hungry

508 Gastrobrewery – House Made Opportunity

508 Gastrobrewery
508 Greenwich St
New York, NY 10013


Much like everything else here, rent in New York City is expensive. There’s a lot of people, a lot demand, a lot of businesses and a lot of competition and all of it comes at a very, very high cost. A business has a lot of choices to make in terms of maximizing profit and some of those are about spending while decisions are about saving. Knowing where to spend and where to save can make or break a restaurant. Smart restaurateurs know where to spend so that it results in more profits. Every square inch of a restaurant is beyond valuable and key in making sure it can be profitable. That’s why its always impressive to see a successful restaurant that uses fresh, local, hard to find and unique ingredients in their Food.

Lack of space and the high cost of it is probably the reason that there aren’t a lot of breweries located in the city, let alone on the island of Manhattan. All that expensive equipment also takes up a lot of space. Add those two things together and that means a high operating cost. It’s easier and more cost effective to buy really great Craft Beer from a number of different distributors. But that’s not what 508 Gastrobrewery does and it’s part of why it’s so great.

Located on a quiet street,  just a couple blocks off the West Side Highway near the entrance to the Holland Tunnel is the 508 Gastrobrewery. Opening in 2008, founder & Chef Jennifer Hill had the desire to serve New Yorkers great Food and Drink. Coming from the kitchen she created a menu described as “Rustic Mediterranean-American” Food. Most items are served in small or sharing plates ranging from Pizzas to Crostinis to Lobster Claw Sliders and Jalapeno Fried Oysters. Jennifer’s menu selection also include a few Housemade Pasta dishes and some larger, mostly seafood based entrees. What makes the food and cozy environment even more unique? All the Craft Beer of draft is brewed just below the dining room by local brewer Chris Cuzme. An active part of the brewing community, Chris is known as a “Zymurgician,” and certainly knows his way around great craft Beer. The list of available Beers on tap is constantly changing based on new ideas, collaborations, sourcing unique ingredients or trying to make federally inspired Beers. Between the fresh Beers and unique Eats, your guaranteed to have a gastronomic adventure.


Chris recently brewed a beer with Alewife Brewing Company’s Charlie Wildman called “Soft Crack Saison.”  Clocking in at 6.7% ABV, this Beer is made with Rose Hips, Rosemary Sprigs and Candy Sugar. The results of their self proclaimed “brolaberation” is a complex and tasty Beer. It’s still on tap as I write this but probably not for long. It’s also the reason the Get Real Presents crew joined up and headed over for a little food, drink and fun. After sipping through a few tasty beers including the AWESOME “Bump N’ Grinds,” a dry hopped session ale made with hand ground Coffee Beans from Staten Island’s Unique Coffee Roasters, I need to get some Eats in my stomach. I took a look at the menu and I’ll bet you can’t decide what I decided to get.

The Burger at 508 is built around a 10 oz Shortrib Patty sourced from Pat LaFrieda. It’s topped with Cheddar, Caramelized Onions, Tomato, Lettuce, Housemade Pickles and served on a Portuguese Muffin with a side of Fries. Without having taken a single bite, I knew this would be good. Shortib makes for a sweet and savory Burger which this guy is a fan of. Add to that one of my favorite Hamburger Buns, a Portugese Muffin which is kind of like what if a English Muffin was combined with a thick Pancake, and you’ve only got room to screw it up. Thankfully that’s not the case! The Burger at 508 is a juicy creation with a lot of all natural flavor made with fresh ingredients served with a selection of expertly made in house Craft Beers. In other words, there’s only 1 place in NYC where you can have a house brewed Gose & a Cheeseburger on a Portuguese Roll.



658 Burgers

September 24, 2013


Posted in Bar, Beer, Burgers, Gourmet Burgers, Hamburgers, New York | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on 508 Gastrobrewery – House Made Opportunity

The Cattle Call – Chef Richard Blais From Top Chef All Stars and Flip Burger Boutique

The Cattle Call – Chef Richard Blais From Top Chef All Stars and Flip Burger Boutique

The Cattle Call – All the beef that’s behind the people who make & connect us to the Burgerverse.

Richard Blais Headshot_Burger_Conquest_NYC

Richard Blais, perhaps most recognizable as winner of Top Chef All Stars, is known for his innovative and personal take on classic American bistro cuisine.  A native New Yorker, Blais relocated to Atlanta in 2000 where he founded Trail Blais, a creative culinary company. His first debut cookbook, Try This at Home: From My Head to Your Plate (Release date: February 26, 2013), reveals a simplified approach to adventurous cooking and offers new flavor combinations for home cooks to reinvent classic dishes.

Name: Richard Blais


Where do you live: San Diego, CA

Favorite style of Burger: It’s all about the condiments for me – I love a simple burger with a good blend of meats and a solid mixture of condiments.

Favorite Childhood Burger: I was an average kid – McDonald’s and Burger King were always the favorite. My first job was actually at a McDonalds, so I had my fair share.

Burger that haunts your dreams at night: I only have good dreams about burgers!

What is the one Burger you’ve always wanted to try but still have not: I’ve been dying to go to Father’s Office in Santa Monica – I keep trying to go, but it’s always so busy and I can never get in!

The secret to making a great Burger: A great, signature blend of a variety of meats, fresh condiments and great seasoning, all between a soft bun

Under no circumstances whatsoever, what should NEVER be put on a Burger: Honestly, I believe that most things can work on a burger as long as you have the right combination of ingredients and flavors. I focus on using different types of meat and unique toppings to create burgers that people haven’t seen before. The one thing that I absolutely will not eat is insects, so you will NEVER see an insect-burger on any of my menus.

If you could eat any Mythical Creature which would it be: I wouldn’t mind a unicorn burger

Name one Burger in LA that for once, people should get off a plane and go eat instead of In-N-Out: Umami Burger makes a killer burger!

Posted in Burger Famous, Burgers, Gourmet Burgers, Hamburgers, The Cattle Call | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on The Cattle Call – Chef Richard Blais From Top Chef All Stars and Flip Burger Boutique

Time Out New York Battle of The Burger 2013 and Tasting Table Burger Luncheon

Tasting Table Kitchen
495 Broome, 2nd Fl
New York, NY 10013

Burger lunch at Tasting Table


Amstel Light, the “official Beer of the Burger” teamed up with Time Out NY to present “The Battle of the Burger,” a sampling event of some of the most popular Burgers in NYC. The event took place at the gorgeous Hudson Common Beer and Burger Hall inside the Hudson Hotel. Prior to the event, there was an invite only Burger luncheon with Chef & restaurateur, Richard Blais. The event took place at the Tasting Table’s Kitchen, a small cooking & dining space located in Manhattan’s SoHo neighborhood. Thew few of us that were invited to attend were treated to an intro from Richard followed by a 5 course lunch and buckets of Amstel Light.


You never know what you’re going to get when you go to these but it’s usually pretty good. In this case, it was pretty awesome. The Burger, cooked to Medium, was served on a Toasted English Muffin with Candied Onions, Braised Bacon and Cheddar. I’m not sure where the Beef was sourced from or what the fat to lean ratio was but it didn’t matter, because it tasted great. Lot’s of Savory flavors on top of savory flavors that Richard appropriately described as having lots of Umami. Knowing I was going to be eating Burgers later in the day, I told myself I would only eat half this Burger. After a couple bites I knew that resisting would be absolutely futile.

I barely pecked at my salad, which was really good, especially the Avocado and Blue Cheese but there just wasn’t room. The Onion Rings were pretty good too but what made them really stand out was the delectable Beer Mustard they were served with. If that comes in a bottle somewhere, I need to buy some! I’m not much of a desserts person but a few bites of the Cardamom Buttermilk Panna Cotta withToasted Cornbread, Blueberry and Tarragon was put together really well and tasty.



Hudson Common
356 W 58th St
New York, NY 10019

Time Out New York’s “Battle of the Burger,” presented by Amstel Light


I was fortunate enough to be able to hit the pre-party for some Amstel Lights and a pre-opening speech from Richard Blais. Trust me when I tell you this guy loves Burgers. Once the party started though around 700 people jammed into the Beer Hall and Outdoor patio at Hudson Common hungry for Burgers and Amstel Light. I absolutely loved the space and thought it was perfect for the event.


Unfortunately I was only able to stay at the event for about 30 minutes so I wasn’t able to try every Burger at the event. Each person who attended was given a wooden chip that they could use to vote for their favorite of the selected Burgers. Here are the winners and some Burger Porn from the ones I got to eat.

1st place: Maialino
2 Lexington Avenue
Manhattan, NY


Maialino Late Night Burger – Pat Lafrieda Beef with House Made Pancetta, Gorgonzola, Rosemary Brioche Bun, Mustard Seeds

2nd place: Jeepney
201 1st Avenue
Manhattan, NY


Chori Burger  – Angus Beef ‘n’ Sweet Cured Pork Longanisa With Banana Ketchup, Atchara (Pickled Carrots, Cucumber, and Jicama)

3rd place: Hudson Common
536 W 58th Street
Manhattan, NY


Common Burger – Brioche Bun, Custom Short Rib, Brisket & Chuck Ground Beef Blend, Common Sauce, Velveeta Cheese & Pickles
Bills Bar & Burger
85 West Street
Manhattan, NY


Bills Burger – Classic Pat Lafrieda Beef Burger with Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato, Pickle & Special Sauce on a Toasted Sesame Seed Bun.

Dram Shop
339 9th Street
Brooklyn, NY


Double Grass-Fed Beef Patty, American Cheese, Shredded Lettuce, Tomato, Diced Onion, Pickle, Mustard & Mayo

Minetta Tavern
113 Macdougal St
Manhattan, NY


Minetta Tavern Black Label Burger – Brisket, Dry Aged Sirloin and Chuck Proprietary Prime Beef Blend, Caramelized Onions, Housemade Pickle & Seeded Brioche Bun.

The rest of the Burgers looked great but I did not get a chance to eat them.

Five Guys Burgers and Fries


57-24 Roosevelt Avenue
Woodside, NY

burger joint
119 West 56th Street
Manhattan, NY

PJ Clarke’s
915 3rd Avenue
Manhattan, NY

Corner Bistro
331 W 4th Street
Manhattan, NY

Blue Collar
160 Havemeyer Street
Brooklyn, NY

It was a great event and I can’t wait for the 2014 “Battle of the Burger” to happen.

Thanks to Edelman Consumer Brands, Amstel Light and Tasting Table for the hospitality.


656 Burgers

August 21, 2013

Posted in Beer, Best Burger in New York, Burgers, Event, Festival, Gourmet Burgers, Hamburgers, New York | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Time Out New York Battle of The Burger 2013 and Tasting Table Burger Luncheon