Pops of Brooklyn – Move On Over Johnny

Pop’s Of Brooklyn
42 E 8th St
Manhattan, NY 10003

New York is a funny town. For every chain restaurant business that opens up like a Chipotle, Starbucks, Steak ‘N Shake or American Apparel there is also some new local business that opens up as well. Let’s call it the Theory of Restaurantivity; For every chain restaurant opening, there is an equal and opposite local restaurant opening. It’s incredible seldom to see a local restaurant take the place of a chain and even though the opposite is probably more true and likely to happen, it does. Such was the case when Pops of Brooklyn (from Williamsburg) opened their 2nd location in place of a failed Johnny Rockets on 8th Street in the Village.

Pops of Brooklyn, the local neighborhood short order diner from Williamsburg has brought their casual dining experience to Manhattan … and in the place of a now defunct Johnny Rockets. Pops is known for serving Burgers with meat from Pat LaFrieda as well as Dogs & Cheesesteaks at an affordable price. Order your food delivered, pick it up to go or pop a squat at a table or at the bar and eat in. Either way, you’re bound to kick up a friendly conversation over a Beer or Milkshake while you watch your Burger being made through the grill window. It’s the perfect kind of restaurant for the NYU neighborhoodit’s located in.

I’d been promising by good buddy Caroline that we would meet up for a lunch Burger every since she started the graduate program at NYU and so today, it was the perfect location to make good on that promise!

Whomever was running the Pops of Brooklyn Twitter account did a great job. The reason I know about this place was due to a run of tweets @ me, inviting me out to eat Burgers. That’s some great Social Community. May the power of Social Media compel you. I put that in past tense however because as soon as we decided to go, I posted a bunch of tweets, none of which were replied to. That’s NOT great Social Community. None the less, I was excited to try the Burger and the Cheesesteak which I had heard many great things about.

I ordered a Pops Burger, Junior; a 5 oz Black Angus Cheese Burger served with Lettuce, Tomato, Grilled Onions & the Pops of Brooklyn Thousand Island Dressing.  We also got an order of Cajun Fries and a Cheesesteak wit’ extra whiz & onions … the ONLY way to properly order a proper Philly style Cheesesteak. Let’s start with the Fries; whomever designed these was trying to be as close to a McDonald’s French Fries as possible. They’re close but the best part was the Cajun ketchup which was relatively spicy and pretty good.

Pat LaFrieda has the best Meat in the city and in general, putting his name on your menu is like saying you have the Stanley Cup on display in your restaurant. People who like hockey, or in this case Burgers, are sure to come by to check it out. The Burger, served on a Potato Roll with a large and fresh piece of Lettuce looks A LOT like a Shake Shack Burger. Well, let me confirm, it tastes like one too. The fresh ground Beef patty is cooked to a medium (as close as they can get to medium rare) and almost as soft as the roll that it comes served in. The Cheese was melted just right and the Grilled Onions add just the right amount of sweetness. The Thousand Island Dressing was tangy but applied in very sparring amount so as to only add to the flavor of the Beef, not take attention away from it. I really liked this Burger and you can bet I will be back to eat it again, especially since it’s so close to my office.

Now, let’s talk Cheesesteak. Lovers of this sandwich know two things, 1. they have a favorite purveyor in Philly (I SWEAR by Jim’s of South Street) and 2. the further the distance you are from Philly, this less likely you’re going to get a Cheesesteak like the one of your dreams. So ordering one is always, always a gamble. When ours came to the table, I immediately pulled back the Bun to inspect. There was a serious lack of onions and those that were there, didn’t have the browned look that gives them the sweet and peppery flavor that makes a great Cheesesteak. More importantly, there was a serious lack of Cheese Whiz. In fact, I had to ask our waitress if there was any on the sandwich at all. She said yes and then asked if we wanted more. I gave her the benefit of the doubt and maybe she mistook my asking for “extra” Whiz to mean “easy” on the Whiz.

She brought us a bowl and thats when I realized what the problem was, it wasn’t Cheese Whiz at all. It some watered down Cheese like substance that in no way had the taste or consistency of Cheese Whiz. I spooned a bunch onto the Cheesesteak hoping it would work. I took a bite and noticed the insides of the Bun had been toasted. There was no way I was going to like this Sandwich regardless if it was actually “good” or not. The point is I like my Cheesesteak a very, Very, VERY specific way and unless you can at least get close, it just won’t do.


Go to Pops of Brooklyn and get the Burger. It’s really good, fresh, made well, served quickly and all at an affordable price.

8 out of 10 ounces

Or talk about it so much that your office mates decide 2 days later that they have to have this Burger and rally up a lunch delivery order. Yup, it happened and I decided to try something different and ordered the Turkey Burger. It was a mistake. It was dry, not all that flavorful and in general was not nearly as awesome as the Beef Burger. I’m also willing to bet they’re better there as opposed the Burger that took over an hour to be delivered to us.

Plus, if you eat at Pop’s, you can always walk down the block afterwards and grab a growler of the freshest and most radical Craft Beer at the Growler Station afterwards!

482 Burgers

Feb 8, 2012 – 1:00 pm

The Rev Meter for Social Community
The Rev Meter” is a social community meter for assessing how optimized a bar or restaurant is with social networking. By taking what I consider to be the 10 most important social networks and creating a point system, I can accurately asses how well your business is using social networking as a tool. My goal here is to educate and assist great business to better effectively use these tools.

Pops of Brooklyn scores a PERFECT 10 on The Rev Meter.

4 points or less You’ve missed the 5 basics and are less than optimized
5 points You’ve covered the basics, which is better than most but far from optimized.
6 to 9 points You’re doing better than most and on your way to becoming a well respected social community whiz.
10 points Congrats on a perfect score!


Posted in Burgers, Hamburgers, New York | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Venison Bacon Burgers – An Accredited Grilling Recipe

If you’re coming over to my house for a party or you’re inviting me, you can pretty much count on me giving you tasty Food and or great Craft Beers. I mean seriously, take a look at my recipe for Breakfast Meatballs With Maple Drizzle and you’ll know I am a great house guest.  How about the holiday treat known as Polish Mistakes, or my No Apologies Meatballs. If I really like you, I’ll whip up a batch of the Bourbon Soaked Bacon Beasts that Bobbly Flay asked me to make.  Point being, I love to cook and I especially love to grill so when my amazing wife asked me if I would throw her a Birthday BBQ, I knew I had to come up with something EXTRA special.


Before I get into the recipe, let me tell you that I can take credit for 3 things here:

  1. Taking the pictures
  2. Doing the recipe justice
  3. Serving them to my friends

But I can’t take credit for the recipe, I got it from the fine people at Allrecipes. It’s a great site to research if your cooking needs some inspiration.


  • 8 slices Bacon, minced
  • 2 tablespoons Olive Oil
  • 2 teaspoons minced Garlic
  • 2 Shallots, minced
  • 2 pounds Ground Venison
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh Parsley
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • 1 Egg, beaten to mix
  • 6 Hamburger Buns

*Note, I did up the Garlic & Bacon a little and served them as Mini Burgers instead of full sized patties. Makes about 12 Mini Burgers.

1. Cook Bacon in a skillet over medium heat until browned and crispy. Pour Bacon and grease into a heatproof bowl and allow to cool.

2. Chop Bacon into small pieces.

3. Heat Olive Oil in skillet then add Garlic and Shallots. Cook and stir until softened, about 3 minutes; then add to Bacon.

4. Once cool, mix in Venison, Worcestershire Sauce, Parsley, Salt, Pepper, and Egg until evenly combined.

5. Preheat an outdoor grill for medium-high heat.

6. Shape the mixture into patties. Refrigerate for at least 20 minutes.

7. Carefully grill the Patties to desired doneness, I highly suggest a medium rare.

8. Serve and watch your friend’s eyes fly out of their skull after only one bite. These things are so good that you shouldn’t need any toppings, just a nice Bun. But feel free to add a little Mustard and or Cheese.

It’s a pretty difficult, intense and involved process to make the Venison Bacon Burgers. At my house, I don’t like to make guests wait on Food so while I was prepping the Burgers, we put out a massive spread including an AMAZING tray of delicious Cheese, Meats, Veggies and Nuts from Murray’s Cheese Shop. Their catering tray’s come with my highest endorsement.


Need more grilling tips? Check out 5 Simple Steps For Grilling the Perfect Burger from Schweid & Sons.

483 Burgers

February 11, 2012

Happy Birthday baby. I love you to no end an am constantly inspired by your kindness, wit, passion and drive. I figure I needed to say something nice (and true) since I made Venison, which you can’t stand, for your birthday. XOXOXO.

Posted in Beer, Best Burger in New York, Burgers, Gourmet Burgers, Hamburgers, New York | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

The Spotted Pig – Repeat The Meat

The Spotted Pig
314 W. 11th Street
New York, NY 10014

Meet Clarissa Striker.

Clarissa is a charming, funny, hard working native New Yorker of Swiss descent. She loves Pumpkin, Pancakes, Specialty Sweets (especially when paired with Bourbons), Cheese, Wine, nicely made Cocktails and Pizza. She probably likes more than that but that’s what we spend most days talking about. Clarissa and I sit next to each where we work as Partnership Development Managers at  Thrillist Rewards. With my obsession over Burgers, many a conversation happens about them. One day Clarissa looked over at me and said “Rev. I want to go eat the Burger at the Spotted Pig with you. Let’s go for my birthday.” My reply, “done.”

For having a very limited amount of seats, The Spotted Pig is one of the most talked about and cherished restaurants in NYC. Restauranteur Ken Friedman and Chef April Bloomfield have made this little West Village gastropub a very well respected and special location that’s known for a small, focused menu of great Food and Drinks. Most dishes, British and Italian in nature, are made from as locally sourced as possible ingredients and generally. Depending on what day and time you’re there, the menu changes but one thing is constant, people. It’s a busy place and while they don’t take reservations, they’ll be as friendly as possible in trying to help you get a seat or at least enjoy the West Village while you wait. There’s one thing though that always on the menu and almost always on somebody’s table, it’s the Burger, specifically the Chargrilled Burger with Roquefort & Shoestrings.

It’s that exact Burger that Clarissa and I were out to eat.

I’ve reviewed the Chargrilled Burger at the Spotted Pig before so there’s no need to repeat the meat. I will tell you that it’s been almost 2 years to the date since I’ve had it and it’s still just as good! If I was going to nitpick for the sake of doing it, I’d say the Bun could be just a little smaller so that the taste of that freshly ground Beef and the savory and little sour Roquefort Cheese was a little more pronounced in each bite. But again, I’m being overly sensitive. The Burger is great.

When you’re there be sure to order up a mug of the Spotted Pig Bitter Cask Ale. It’s a beer made by the Brooklyn Brewery in a traditional English Bitter Ale served cask style.
Cask-conditioned ale is the traditional beer of Britain. It is unfiltered and undergoes a secondary fermentation in the cask. When that fermentation is finished, the beer is left with a very light natural carbonation and a subtle depth of flavor. The yeasts, its job finished, drops to the bottom of the cask and leaves the beer clear. It is pulled up to the bar by a hand pump, just as it is in England’s Pubs. Cask ales are best enjoyed at a gently chilled cellar temperature. We hope you enjoy this handmade artisanal beer, brewed from the finest malt and hops.

I took everything you just read, other than the first two sentences, from the Spotted Pig beer and wine menu. If that intense of a description doesn’t tell you that the Spotted Pig is serious about this Beer, then one sip will do the job to convince you.

There’s a reason surrounding all the talk & appreciation for the Burger at The Spotted Pig, because it’s made with care and love.

Enjoy. We did.

8 out of 10 ounces

480 Burgers

Feb 2, 2012 – 1:28 pm

The Rev Meter for Social Community
The Rev Meter” is a social community meter for assessing how optimized a bar or restaurant is with social networking. By taking what I consider to be the 10 most important social networks and creating a point system, I can accurately asses how well your business is using social networking as a tool. My goal here is to educate and assist great business to better effectively use these tools.

The Spotted Pig scores a 4 on The Rev Meter.

4 points or less You’ve missed the 5 basics and are less than optimized
5 points You’ve covered the basics, which is better than most but far from optimized.
6 to 9 points You’re doing better than most and on your way to becoming a well respected social community whiz.
10 points Congrats on a perfect score!

Posted in Beer, Burgers, Gourmet Burgers, Hamburgers, New York, Thrillist Rewards | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

East Village Tavern – Endless Sliders Await You

East Village Tavern
158 Ave C
New York, NY 10009

When I started the Burger Conquest back in 2008, the idea was to create an excuse to eat delicious Burgers with my friends. Fast forward 477 Burgers later and a lot has happened. I’ve eaten Burgers all over the world, eaten them with Chefs, actors, musicians, writers and more. I’ve eaten them on TV and I’ve published hundreds of thousands of photos and words about those adventures. While the backgrounds and Burger change, one thing is still constant, and it’s the most important part, I am still crushing tasty Hamburgers with friends.

Back in November I made some new friends while representing Thrillist Rewards on a Nearsay Meetup panel entitled Daily Deals – Are They The Future of Local Commerce Or Gone by 2015? One was Shaila Ittycheria from the company Localresponse.com. They’re company helps other companies connect to socially network recommended (probably like you) through a cross platform check-in based ad network. Shaila then introduced me to Michael Muse, the founder of the company. The other was Jim Moran from a company called Yipit. Yipit takes all the daily deal sites out there in all the markets that offer you discounts, coupons and unique experiences. We instantly all became Burger buddies and met up over a secret Monday night Burger at Rub BBQ; The Ghetto Burger.

Shaila, now at Enstitute, two year apprenticeship program, empowering 15 young adults to study with and work under entrepreneurs in NYC, suggested a Burger reunion.  I thought it only appropriate to use a Thrillist Rewards voucher I had bought: Endless Beer, Sliders & Mac ‘n Cheese in EVill.

The East Village Tavern is a self-described American Gastropub known for keeping the folks on Avenue C well libated with a selection of craft Beers. It’s part sports bar, part corner tavern & part pub. The EVT is the kind of everyman’s bar where the hard work of a day can be blown off over great cold Beers, tasty Foods & the company of a friendly face. Whether you’re there to eat, drink, laugh, shoot pool, watch the game or play group trivia, the East Village Tavern is happy to oblige.

While the East Village Tavern does offer an 8 oz Tavern Cheese Sirloin Burger it wasn’t part of the offer. However, all the Sliders, (technically Mini-Burgers) Cheese Burger, Philly Cheese Steak, Buffalo Chicken or Pulled Pork were all up for grubs. All of them on mini Potato Rolls, the high-heralded Bun of choice for many a Burger enthusiast. We all ordered one of each and a cold Beer to wash it down with. For me, it as a robust and intensely delicious Founders Breakfast Stout.

The Burger came topped with a slice of American Cheese, a Pickle slice and ketchup. It was a (two) bite sized that honestly, made me wish I had ordered the full sized version. The Pulled Pork was sweet, savory and just the littlest bit crunchy around the edges. The mini Cheese Steaks came with Cheese and Onions, as they should and were most excellent. But of all them, my favorite was the Buffalo Chicken Mini. The breaded Chicken was fried just right, was just thick enough and covered in both a tangy Hot Sauce and dripping Blue Cheese.

Unfortunately the Thrillist Reward is no longer available, there’s nothing stopping you from enjoying an all you can eat and drink Sliders and Beer feast at the East Village Tavern.

8 out of 10 Ounces

479 Burgers

Jan, 26 2012 – 9:03 pm

The Rev Meter for Social Community
The Rev Meter” is a social community meter for assessing how optimized a bar or restaurant is with social networking. By taking what I consider to be the 10 most important social networks and creating a point system, I can accurately asses how well your business is using social networking as a tool. My goal here is to educate and assist great business to better effectively use these tools.

East Village Tavern scores a 7 on The Rev Meter.

4 points or less You’ve missed the 5 basics and are less than optimized
5 points You’ve covered the basics, which is better than most but far from optimized.
6 to 9 points You’re doing better than most and on your way to becoming a well respected social community whiz.
10 points Congrats on a perfect score!

Posted in Bar, Beer, Burgers, East Village, Hamburgers, New York, Sliders, Thrillist Rewards | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Social Media Made Easier Through Burgers

I like eating, especially Burgers. I like telling people about it, especially through Social Media. In fact, in certain circles I am known as “The World’s Most Socially Connected Burger Blogger.” To some people, the world of Social Media is pretty intimidating and with so many great Social Networks out there, how do you know which to use for which purpose. Allow me to break it down like this…

  • Twitter – I am eating a Burger
  • Facebook – I like Burgers
  • FourSquare – This is where I eat Burgers
  • Instagram – Here’s a vintage photo of me eating a Burger (in a Blizzard.)
  • Youtube – Here’s a video of me eating a Burger
  • LinkedIn – My skills include Burger eating and blogging
  • Pinterest – Here’s a Burger Recipe
  • LastFM – Now listening to “Burgers”
  • Google+ – I am a Google employee who eats Burgers
  • Foodspotting – Look at this Burger I am eating
  • Untappd – I am drinking this Beer with a Burger
  • Tumblr – When I’m not eating a Burger, I’m doing this
  • Wikipedia – The Burger was created by and when
  • Flickr – Here are pictures of the Burgers I’ve eaten

It’s my passion for Food & Social Media that lead me to create The Rev Meter for Social Community:The Rev Meter” is a social community meter for assessing how optimized a bar or restaurant is with social networking. By taking what I consider to be the 5 most important social networks and creating a 10 point system, I can accurately assess how well your business is using social networking as a tool. My goal here is to educate and assist great business to better effectively use these tools.

[Insert Restaurant Name] scores a [number] on The Rev Meter for Social Community

4 points or less You’ve missed the 5 basics and are less than optimized
5 points You’ve covered the basics, which is better than most but far from optimized.
6 to 9 points You’re doing better than most and on your way to becoming a well respected social community whiz.
10 points Congrats on a perfect score!

Thanks to Three Ships Media for the inspiration. They did this with a very, very, very funny yet completely correct instagram post about donuts. As per their website: “Three Ships Media is a digital agency that serves ambitious, innovative clients who view online marketing as a critical element of their customer acquisition strategy.” Most of my post was borrowed from theirs with a couple additions. Hilarious.

Posted in Hamburgers, New York | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Gemma – The Bowery Burger, It’s Not For Dinner

Gemma, at The Bowery Hotel
335 Bowery
New York, NY 10003

One of the best things about Hamburgers is they can be found anywhere. It’s practically a universal cuisine item and can be made in your backyard, on a flat top griddle, prepared Mexican style, made of Steak carvings, Vegetables, formed into Spring Rolls, served at Seafood restaurants, road side stands, all the way from the bottom of the world, to the top. Burgers, much like Elvis, are everywhere. When my friend Joe recently suggested we link up for a lunch time catch up, his idea to eat at an Italian restaurant, provided the ability to prove the theory.

Located right up the block from the former legendary music space CBGB, you’ll find Gemma. It’s an Italian restaurant located on the North West corner of the Bowery Hotel. It’s open for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Cocktails, Dessert and in the warmer months, outdoor dining. The Dinner & Lunch menus in this rustic feeling bistro are virtually the same with the exception of an additional offerings of Paninis for the faster moving Lunch crowd. It’s a simple best-of mix of new-era Italian faves like Pizze, Paste, Salumi, Fromaggi, Antipaste, Insalate & Crostini’s. It’s a be seen kind of place that is shortly becoming part of the New York experience again, hotel dining for locals.

There is however one BIG difference between the two menus and that’s the Bowery Burger. It’s made of 100% Black Angus Beef and served with Greens, Red Onions, Tomato and Fries. I of course go sans “Tomate” and asked for it to be cooked Medium-Rare. While the Burger that arrived on my plate looked fantastic on the outside, the char marks were a sad indicator that the inside was closer to a Medium-Well. The Burger tasted exactly of that, a char grill cooking method of cooking to a Patty made of fresh ground Beef. I liked the Fresh Greens and while Red Onions can often be a bit too much for a Burger, in this case they added flavor where I would normally hope for a slice of Cheese. The Bun to Burger ratio was appropriate but despite all of the dressings, this Burger didn’t live up to what I had hoped.

That aside, if you check into a meal at Gemma, there is one item not to be missed. Be sure, and I mean it, to get an order of the Truffle Polenta Fries. This delectable treat is fantastic! They form the Polenta (made with cornmeal) into long sticks that resemble Sweet Potato Fries and cover them in Garnish and Truffle Oil. It’s served with two sauces, one reminiscent of a spicy Thousand Island and also a Creamy Alfredo dip. Both Sauces are savory and delicious, especially the latter. The Polenta Fries themselves are a work of side item Food art; warm, crispy on the outside, soft on the inside and packed with taste.

For a restaurant known for serving great Food to a great crowd, the Burger was a let down. Perhaps I should’ve followed Joe’s example and ordered the Panini. Unfortunately my theory of Burgers everywhere didn’t quite pan out here. I’d definitely go back to try the Italian.

6 out of 10 Ounces

477 Burgers

Jan, 24 2012 – 2:16 pm

The Rev Meter for Social Community
The Rev Meter” is a social community meter for assessing how optimized a bar or restaurant is with social networking. By taking what I consider to be the 10 most important social networks and creating a point system, I can accurately asses how well your business is using social networking as a tool. My goal here is to educate and assist great business to better effectively use these tools.

Gemma scores a 7 on The Rev Meter.

4 points or less You’ve missed the 5 basics and are less than optimized
5 points You’ve covered the basics, which is better than most but far from optimized.
6 to 9 points You’re doing better than most and on your way to becoming a well respected social community whiz.
10 points Congrats on a perfect score!


Posted in Burgers, Gourmet Burgers, Hamburgers, New York | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Gemma – The Bowery Burger, It’s Not For Dinner

Foodie Magician’s Insider’s Guide to Chinatown Walking Tour

Foodie Magician’s Insider’s Guide to Chinatown Walking Tour
Chinatown, New York, NY

I’m out every night. Whether it’s at a lounge, restaurant, event, club or my very own Bourbon, Beer & Rock bar, Idle Hands in the East Village, I love NYC and I want to experience all of it. I eat and drink and then I write about my consumption adventures or as I sometimes call them, eatcations on this blog, Wingoffs.com & SteakClub7.com. Today I met a man who does the same thing but there’s one big difference between what we do.

Josh Beckerman is a foodie. He is also an entertainer and more specifically, a magician AKA The Foodie Magician. The NY Times recently published an article about Josh’s slight of hand trickery that manifests himself while he out man-feasting around NYC. You can read more about Josh’s food exploits on his blog, NYCFoodie.com. Or you can get off your tailbone and join him on a Chinatown walking & eating food tour filled with tasty bites, hidden gem knowledge and magic tricks.

Brought to you by the folks at iadventure, tickets are still for sale via Thrillist Rewards but they’re disappearing fast.

For only $37 you can “Join the Foodie Magician as he leads you through Chinatown as only he can, stopping off at personally-selected restaurants where you will sample their signature dishes, such as dumplings and scallion pancakes at Vanessa’s Dumpling House, Pork Buns from Mei Li Wah Bakery, Almond Cookies from the Nom Wah Tea Parlor and Spring Rolls from Shanghai Cuisine.  See Chinatown through the eyes of the Foodie Magician as he shares jokes, quirky knowledge about all the sights and of course, plenty of magic along the way.”

But why stop there? For an additional $20 ($57 total) “Following the conclusion of the tour, VIP Ticket holders join the one and only Foodie Magician for a private dinner at his absolute favorite Chinatown destination, the West New Malaysia Restaurant.  Enjoy Beckerman’s craft during this intimate gathering while sharing various family-style plates of traditional Malaysian fare. ”

While you could easily cut and paste the above and find your way around Chinatown to eat these goods, you’ll miss out on all the jokes, tricks, mind reading, slight of hand and of course, Josh’s fave, off-the-beaten-path, do’s and do not eats of the neighborhood. He knows his way around town and unless you want to be eating a rabbit out of a hat, let Josh show you where to find all the best Chinese eats.

If you’re smart, and hungry, you definitely have to be hungry, you’ll stick around for the VIP dinner and more tricks. It’s here that Josh, using extreme mental powers, bent the hell out of my quarter with his fingers. He also busted out for the 2nd time on the tour, his signature mind game: the ability to guess ANYONE’S favorite NYC restaurant. I watched him do it twice and it was amazing!

Our group happened to be very lucky as today was the 13th Annual Chinatown Lunar New Year Parade & Festival. The streets were filled with parade goers, decorations, dancers, games and all kind of fanfare. While we were standing out side of the Mei Li Wah bakery a gigantic dragon appeared on the balcony above us while children cheered him on from below all while parents set off Chinese New Year confetti poppers. In all the 15 years I have lived here, I’ve never experienced the Lunar New Year Parade and I can honestly say, I’d only go do it again if I was with Josh.

I have to say, for all the years I have lived in and around NYC, I have never experienced anything more fun or tasty like this since I got here. Josh is a riot and his tricks are truly amazing. The food is incredible and his knowledge of the local eateries is unending. Lastly. let me tell you, those Mei Li Wah Roast Pork Buns are the best 他妈的 Roast Pork Buns I have ever freakin’ had and they are only $00.80 freakin’ cents!!

“BUT REV!! THIS IS A BURGER BLOG!!” I know, I know. Because I always make a big deal about not going OT (off-topic) even when I have something awesome to tell you about that’s non-Burgery. With that in mind, here are some photos I took from the Chinese Lunar New Year Parade.

Did you see it? Yeah? We good? No reverse palm trick here! Not enough? OK! I didn’t have to guess (it’s in the NY Times article) but in case you were wondering, Josh’s fave Burg’ in NYC to make vanish? The Lamb Burger at the Breslin.

Get your tickets to the Foodie Magician’s Insider’s Guide to Chinatown Walking Tour before the vanish into thin air. Then tell Josh Beckerman the Rev sent you.

Hint: When Josh guess your favorite restaurant in New York City, the answer is That Burger at Idle Hands & Billy Hurricanes!

Want to see the rest of the 200 photos I took of the tour? Click here and you’ll be magically taken to the Burger Conquest Facebook page where you’ll find them. VIOLA!


Posted in Event, New York, Thrillist Rewards | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Foodie Magician’s Insider’s Guide to Chinatown Walking Tour

Kobeyaki – Recycled Wrappings For Tasty Drippings

293 7th Ave
New York NY 10001

I’m obsessed with Burgers. No big news there. Moreover, I’m also obsessed with the stories and business behind them. How does an old school short order diner like Bates Hamburgers in Livonia, MI stay open, never changing in style or menu while a pub like The Vortex in Atlanta, GA has to offer the most outrageous Burgers and Beers on the planet. Meanwhile we can’t get an In-N-Out in NYC but Steak ‘N Shake can open up right near Times Square even if they have to change their concept. When people visit the Thurman Cafe in Columbus, OH they want their Burger on a plate but at the Apple Pan in Los Angeles, there would be an upheaval if the Burger wasn’t wrapped in wax paper and the Soda served in a paper cone via a metal stand.

I love to hear the why, how, who, where, & when behind the Burger. People love the Corner Bistro, while others fear the Grill ‘Em All Truck and I’ll never get it. Styrofoam or paper cups? Wax paper or cardboard box? Eat-in or Dine-Out? Crinkle cut or Shoestring Fries? Ketchup packet or dispenser? I love em all, save for ketchup, yuck. Whoever first put that on a Burger was eating something that needed flavor disguising…but I digress.

I recently heard of a new form of packaging for Burger and sandos alike that peaked my curiosity. This Burger cover was not only Green friendly but was designed to keep the Food fresh and your fingers dry. We’ve all been at the ball park or grabbing a Burg’ on the go and ended up with Secret Sauce on our shirts so something like this, that isn’t a bib, has a real appeal. It’s called the PleatPak™ and it’s made by a company called GreenDustries. Take a look at this quick video form CNN:

I thought that was pretty nifty and wanted to try out a Burger wrapped in a PleatPak. Once something gets into my head, there’s no getting it out until I do it and that’s what lead me to Kobeyaki.

Some might say Burgers are a dime a dozen while there is certainly no shortage of Burger options in NYC, one place is trying out a totally new idea. Welcome to Kobeyaki, a fast-casual restaurant in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood whose main idea is to server a unique array of fresh Japanese food. All of their Meat sources, many of which are locally sourced, feed animals a strict vegetarian diet without the addition of growth hormones or antibiotics. Even the design of their restaurant reflects their green attitude, sourcing most of the wood used to decorate and built from abandoned farms just over the water in New Jersey. As much of the packaging used to serve food is made from recycled materials, including the PleatPak. While that’s definitely a way restaurants are headed in the future, it’s not the main draw for the restaurant. Kobeyaki serves everything you would expect from a Japanese fast-cas spot like Sushi Rolls, Teriyaki Bowls, Udon & Buns but as far as this eater is concerned, they also serve Japanese influenced Burgers. Choices range from Spicy Tuna, Chicken Teriyaki, Grilled Veggies or Kobe Beef. There’s also Soda, Beer & Sake available to wash down your meal.

As curious as I was to try out the PleatPak, I was even more curious about eating the Kobe Beef Burger with Teriyaki Onions, Teriyaki Ketchup & Spicy Mayo (despite earlier negativity towards Ketchup.) I placed my order, grabbed a soda (double points to Kobeyaki for having Coke Zero at the fountain) & nabbed a booth. Quick note about the booths here, they have storage units under the seats for bags, coats and packages. Not only will your hands be saved from Food drippings, so will your things!

A few moments later my buzzer went off and I retrieved my Burger and Tempura Sweet Potato Fries from the counter. Let’s talk Burger first, the Bun, which was really fluffy and a little sweet to taste did a fantastic job of holding up through the Sandwich but it was a little thicker than I thought necessary. The Teriakyi Onions were sweet due to the natural taste of the Onions but also the sweet and sour Teriaki seasoning. It was a nice touch and certainly a prevalent part of the Burger’s taste profile. The Mayo and Ketchup also played of the overall sweetness but were used in a sparring sense that only slighted added into the taste. The Beef itself, a little overcooked, was moist, juicy and a mix of sweet and savory, balanced more in the direction of the former. It was quite unique and without a doubt worth checking out. I do however wish there was more Meat in the patty and a less depth in the Bun, especially since it’s the star of the show!

Now. let’s discuss the PleatPak packaging. Below you will see a series of pictures that show in succession the opening, eating and aftermath of PleatPak and Burger. I’ll say three things about the experience:

1. It was easy to open
2. It kept juices and sauces contained in the packaging and off of my fingers and clothes.
3. It created a mini pool of Teryiaki Sauce that was great to drip my Fries into!

Is this the future of the Burger packaging industry? Who knows but it is a great step forward with a great idea. Thankfully for you, it’s wrapped around a great, Japanese cuisine influenced, fast casual Burger from Koebyaki. I can’t understand why they would wrap their French Fries in tinfoil when all that does is make them soft and soggy when GreenDustries offers a PleatPak designed to do the opposite!

8 out of 10 Ounces

476 Burgers

Jan, 19 2012 – 1:57 pm

The Rev Meter for Social Community
The Rev Meter” is a social community meter for assessing how optimized a bar or restaurant is with social networking. By taking what I consider to be the 10 most important social networks and creating a point system, I can accurately asses how well your business is using social networking as a tool. My goal here is to educate and assist great business to better effectively use these tools.

Kobeyaki scores a 6 on The Rev Meter.


4 points or less You’ve missed the 5 basics and are less than optimized
5 points You’ve covered the basics, which is better than most but far from optimized.
6 to 9 points You’re doing better than most and on your way to becoming a well respected social community whiz.
10 points Congrats on a perfect score! Are you hiring?

Posted in Burgers, Gourmet Burgers, Hamburgers, New York | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

The Brohd Trip 2 – Raleigh, Chuck’s, Char-Grill & Emoji

Sometimes you just need to get in the car and go. Sometimes you just need a hang with the boys. Sometimes you just need a heaping dose of comfort Food and Beer. Sometimes you just need an excuse to get the heck out of town and have a good time. Then there’s those other times when you need it all at once and that is why I created …

Take the eateries from the Food Network’s “Diners, Drive-In’s and Dives,” add in a group of friends like on HBO’s “Entourage” and sparkle it with a dose of Roadside America and you have THE BROHD TRIP. It’s an excuse for a couple of bro’s to get out of town and have some fun driving around this great country of ours eating food, drinking beer and seeing some randomly random stuff.

The first Brohd Trip took place in August of 2011 after 8 months of planning. On that trip we had 3 Burgers & visited 3 Breweries in 5 States. I’m proud to say that in less than half the time, only 4 months, we were able to put the Brohd Trip back on the road. My bud Leo, the ultimate road trip junkie, hit me up and asked if I wanted to hop in the car with our friend Mike P and drive to Raleigh to visit his friend David. Moments later, I was doing research where to eat, what to drink and what to see North Carolina.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Dunkin Donuts
5:14 am

It starts at a Dunkin Donuts on 10th Ave. We grab some coffee and once again, we load up into Leo’s BROHD-MOBILE and took headed southbound on I-95.

231 N Philadelphia Blvd
Aberdeen, MD 21001
8:09 AM

Anyone that has ever driven through Pennsylvania or most parts of it’s adjoining states knows about the glory of Wawa. Any East Coast foodie knows that convenience store / deli / sometimes gas station chain WAWA is the bomb!! With their Ready-to-Go Snacks, tasty side dishes, refreshing Iced Teas, Fresh Brewed Coffee, delicious Sizzli breakfast sandwiches and of course, the best thing about Wawa, Built-to-Order Hoagies and Sandwiches!!! Just walk up to the computer screen and start mashing those hungry little fingers on the touch screen.

With a no caution for healthy eating, I ripped right into a Philly Cheesesteak Breakfast Ciabatta with Provolone Cheese, Pepperoni & Hot Sauce with a Hash Brown on the sides. The hot delicious awesomeness was washed down, as always with a Wawa Lemonade Iced Tea, this time diet. Cut where you can.

11052 W Broad St. (at Old Sadler Rd.)
Richmond, VA 23225
12:02 pm

What can I tell you? The Brohd Trip to Hell is paved with Good Wawa’s. You know the drinks are tasty, the bathroom’s are clean, often time’s there’s gas, the staff is friendly and oh yeah, Wawa Hoagie’s RULE! One of the most revered Wawa Hoagie’s is the famous Gobbler. This bundle of fame essentially give you Thanksgiving in an not so easy to eat but conveniently packaged Sandwich. They filled a Hoagie roll, in this case a Shorti, with Turkey, Hot Gravy, Stuffing & Cranberry Sauce. It’s a finger-smacking, lip-licking, gut bomb that is one of the best on-the-go Sammies on the planet. It’s even better with a side of (2) Meatballs and (another) Wawa Iced Tea.

L&L Food Store
1001 E Washington St
Nashville, NC 27856
1:46 pm

Leo missed our turn off from I-95 onto I-64 which after we found out, we decided to try to take side roads to re-route. That’s when we came across the site of a gas station with a lawn full of large, fake animals. “OF COURSE I WANT A PICTURE WITH A GIANT CHICKEN,” I screamed from the back seat!! Leo, after what may have been a small heart-attack, pulled over the BROHD-MOBILE into the parking lot of an L&L Food Store. We posed for a few snap shots and I asked the question, “What the hell is Peter Griffin so angry?” When know when got the reference, we headed in for drinks and a potty stop. That’s when I found the server yourself pot of Boiled Peanuts. JACKPOT!!

Occupy Raleigh
4:59 pm

After we arrived into town we dropped out stuff at Dave’s house and talked for a bit. Then Dave took us in to see Downtown Raleigh. We passed Occupy Raleigh. I shot this picture from our inside the car. That’s it, that’s ALL of it.

Flying Saucer Draught Emporium
328 W Morgan St (at S Harrington St)
Raleigh, NC 27601

If you love your craft suds, The Flying Saucer Draft Emporium is for you. It’s a small chain located in the South, with most of them located in Texas. They offer a menu of bar grub like Apps, Sandwiches, Nachos, Pretzels, Wings, Pizzas, Paired Meats and Cheeses and Bratwurst. The food however, is not the reason most people are familiar with The Saucer. The Flying Saucer Draft Emporium is a Beer collectors haven. Join their U.F.O. club and keep a running log of all the Beers you drink on your various visits. You’ll get a t-shirt and a magnetic card for joining and as you swing back tasty brews you earn various treats like free Beers, swag and the big prize, getting your name on a Ring Of Honor that will be hung up in the restaurant once you’ve sampled more than 200 Beers.

We by no means were headed in the direction of 200 Beers but we definitely enjoyed a selection of Sandwiches & Suds while visiting. I had the Wings, which were not so good but I did rock at Brat with Spicy Mustard and Swiss Cheese. It was pretty good, especially the fresh, nicely toasted Roll that held it all together. Dave nailed it with an appetizer of Rocket-Tots; “Bite-sized Cheese & Pepper Potato Tots with Habanero Sour Cream Dip.” Just like the menu says, they’re “REALLY GOOD!” I washed it down with an awesome 1554 from New Belgium and a Bell’s Brewery Hop Slam.

213 Fayetteville St (at E Hargett St)
Raleigh, NC 27601
7:22 pm

North Carolina for some reason requires patrons who want to imbibe in a little adult Beverage consumption to be a member of the establishment. This creates a private social club scenario with some places and they do require you to join to be able to enjoy their offerings. Why? I have no idea and unfortunately after about 10 minutes of Googling, I came up with nothing so, let’s just move on.

By law, Foundation is a private social club in Raleigh, NC. The basement bar has seating for a couple dozen people in its’ dimly lit space with red brick walls. They have quite the impressive list of brown spirits, especially Bourbon, Whiskey and Scotch. If that’s your thing, you’ll want to sign up for membership on their website before heading down to try some out. There’s a good chance you’ll find something that you’ve never had before. For me, it was Wassmund’s Single Malt Whiskey, a very distinct, sweet Whiskey with a little bit of smoky wood flavor to it.

We tried to buy a bottle of it before leaving Raleigh but couldn’t find any. Feel free to send me a bottle if you can get it.


Saturday, January 14, 2012

2426 Wake Forest Rd (at Hodges St.)
Raleigh, NC 27608
7:26 am

“Fresh, Southern, Homemade Biscuits.” Those four words are all one needs say or hear about Biscuitville. It’s a small fast-food chain located only in Virginia and North Carolina that serves primarily, you guessed it, Biscuits. Former Flour Broker Maurice Jenkins started a Pizza-To-Go baking business in 1972 called Pizzaville. Being ever the entrepreneur, Maurice started using his Pizza ovens to bake Biscuits in the morning hours, when Pizza wasn’t on people’s palettes. Long story short, the Biscuits started selling more than the Pizzas and in 1975, Mr. Jenkins opened the very first Biscuitville in Danville, VA. Soon all the Pizzaville’s were converted and as of 2012, there are now 50 Biscuitville locations throughout the 2 states.

The business is still run today on the 3 principals it was founded upon, fresh, friendly & fast. The Biscuits are made fresh EVERY 20 minutes and they’ve expanded beyond just offering them with Jelly. Ham, Cheese, Eggs, Bologna, Chicken, Bacon, Butter, Liver Mush, Pork Chops, Sausage, Steak and of course, the Oh-So-Amazing Biscuitville homemade GRAVY are all available as Biscuit pairings. Order it up with an OJ or hot cup of Joe and you’ve got yourself a fresh, fast & affordable part of many a North Carolinian’s morning.

It’s my favorite fast-food Breakfast of all times and as I told my fellow Brohd Trippers, a MANDATORY part of my trip to Raleigh. Considering I haven’t been to a Biscuitville in more than a decade, ordering was easy, and you should follow this as a rule:

  • Gravy Biscuit
  • Fried Chicken Biscuit (I go spicy Chicken)
  • Hash Browns
  • Coffee

It was as good, if not better, than I remember! Looking at the pictures and writing these words is making be unbelievably hungry and sadly, only Biscuits from Biscuitville can tame my cravings!

World’s Largest Acorn
200 S Blount St
Raleigh, NC
2:17 pm

Raleigh’s official nickname is “The City of Oaks,” for it’s many, many oak trees. As a tribute to it’s nickname, the city built a giant Acorn that sits daily downtown in Moore Square. Every year, during their “First Night Raleigh” New Year’s Eve party, the acorn is dropped from the top of the Raleigh Civic Center, as we do the “the ball” here in New York City’s Times Square. The “World’s Largest Acorn” is ten feet tall and weights 1,250 pounds, as compared to the Times Square ball which in it’s current configuration is 12 feet and a whopping 11,875 pounds. It’s also a great historical piece of Roadside America, which I love.

237 S Wilmington St. (at Martin St)
Raleigh, NC 27601
2:35 pm

The alluring sign in front of Chuck’s reads “Half-Pound House Ground Flat Top Seared 100% Chuck.” What it doesn’t say is that it’s owned by popular Raleigh Chef and former Top Chef contestant Ashley Christensen. The local restaurateur owns several dining establishments in the area, all somewhat based on comfort type food dining. Chuck’s in particular only offers one thing, Hamburgers. Check out the menu, where every item, even the Belgian Fries are made with the most mouth watering combination of toppings and ingredients. There’s not much to the place, exposed brick, large windows in the front, a number of tables and chairs and other than large fake cow’s heads you won’t find much else to distract you away from Burgers like the “Spirit Animal” with Cream Cheese, Roasted Poblano Chilis, Grilled Tomatoes and Tortilla Dust. Try to walk by and not stop in to get one of these Burgers.

On our walk back across town from Moore Square en route to get lunch, that’s exactly what happened to us. The sign in front of Chuck’s may as well just read “REV EAT HERE.” 8 ounce, Ground fresh Burgers cooked on a flat top griddle!?!??! OH HELL YEAH WE STOPPED…i’ll say it again, on our way to get lunch.

I convinced the crew that we should split just one Burger because I had to had to had to try this. A quick look of the menu and a snap decision was made. It was going to be the appropriately named “Dirty South Carolina.” This monster fresh Ground Patty, came with Smoked Pork Shoulder, Anson Mills Sea Island Red Pea “Chili,” Crispy Tobacco Onions, Ashe Co. Mountain Cheddar and Yellow Mustard. I barely had enough time to get half way through my Anderson Valley Boont Amber Ale before the Burger, served on a Potato Roll was on our table.

Let’s start with the negatives; The Patty, which no doubt was made with high quality and freshly ground Beef, was a little too tightly packed. Handled too much, a patty gets a thicker, chewier bite. The perfect Burger is barely pressed together which helps to give it that melt in your mouth feeling. This is merely a texture based attribute that has little to no affect on the flavor. Secondly, the Yellow Mustard, not needed. I get it. Chili has the flavor profile that you would add something to that’s vinegar-esque or based, especially in the South. I would agree, a Chili Dog definitely tastes great with Yellow Mustard on it. However, in this case, it just wasn’t needed.

Now onto the positives, everything else, and I mean EVERYTHING else about this Burger was awesome. The Dirty South Carolina Burger at Chuck’s is juicy, fresh, delicious and packed with a cornucopia of unique and intense flavor. It’s truly an artisan creation. My only regret was that I only got to eat 2 ounces of it!!

8 out of 10 ounces

The Pit Authentic Barbecue

328 West Davie St
Raleigh, NC 27601
3:33 pm

As most enthusiasts know, the word Barbecue or “BBQ” can mean something entirely different depending on your particular geographic location at the time. Memphis, Texas, Kansas City and Carolina make up the 4 major styles. Carolina in particular is almost always centered around Pork with a Vinegar based Sauce. But even inside the state of North Carolina, there are 2 distinct styles, East & West AKA Lexington. In the West it’s primarily about the Dark Meat from the Pork Shoulder. in the East, as it is at The Pit in Raleigh, it’s about the whole damn Hog, pulled, shredded & chopped with just the right amount of smoky flavors.

The Empire Eats Restaurants company, the folks behind The Pit, built the place with the idea to keep the traditional style in mind. The Pit sources only from local farms and as for the Pigs, they must be raised in a free-range environments. You know what they say, a happy Pig is a tasty Pig! They also serve other types and styles of Barbecue, all of which is purposefully paired with hand picked Beer, Wine & Spirits, in particular, Whiskey’s & Bourbons. They’ve been featured on many a TV show and without a doubt a stop on our Brohd Trip to Raleigh!

After several eye-spinning moments looking over the lunch menu, from which I could’ve just said “one of everything,” I ordered the Chopped Barbecue – Eastern NC style with a BBQ Baked Beans and Mac N Cheese. When in Rome… It was juicy, succulent, smoky, awesome and even more amazing once I gave it a couple squirts of the Vinegar with Jalapenos sitting in it. OH YEAH. It all slid back courtesy of a Krampus by Southern Tier.

Pullen Park
408 Ashe Ave
Raleigh, NC 27606
5:17 pm

Pullen Park’s history dates back to the 22nd or March, 1887 when Richard Stanhope Pullen donated the land to the city of Raleigh. It became the very first public park in all of North Carolina. Located inside the park you’ll find a Cafe, Community Center, Aquatic Center and amusements like it’s Carousel, Train, Kiddie Boats and more which make it the fifth oldest operating amusement park in the world.

You’ll also find amongst the other interests in Pullen Park, a statue tribute to Andy Griffith & Opie from the Andy Griffith Show. While the fictional town of Mayberry, North Carolina is based on Mount Airy, NC, the original bronze statue is located in Raleigh. A duplicate was also made and it actually does reside in Mount Airy. Word is that the local folk from Mount Airy complained when the original statue was created for Pullen Park.

Snoopy’s Hot Dogs
2431 Spring Forest Rd. (Atlantic Ave.)
Raleigh, NC 27616
12:22 am

While it’s open during the day too, Snoopy’s Hot Dogs is known for being a great location for late night eats. It started in 1978 when Steve Webb converted an old gas station into a quick serve restaurant. There are now 5 Snoopy’s Hot Dog locations serving folks craving Dogs, Burgs & Fries in the Raleigh area. Snoopy’s was one of the first restaurants in the area to stay open late (3am Thu-Sat) establishing themselves as the go to place for night time eats.

There’s no need to beat around the bush, we all know who is late night eating and after bar hopping around town, we were prime examples. Dave insisted we stop by for a Chili Dog on the way to our next location (see below.) As a native Detroiter, I grew up on Chili Dogs and was in NO condition (or desire) to argue. We walked up, order Chili Dogs and ate em right there in the parking lot. Make sure you know before you order, ALL Dogs & Burgers come topped with Yellow Mustard, Chili & Onions so a Snoopy’s Famous is just that. The fresh white Bread Bun had enough strength to allow of eating by hand, rather than fork. The star of this show, make no mistake, is definitely the Chili.

618 Hillsborough St (at Glenwood Ave)
Raleigh, NC 27603
12:43 am

There’s lots of ways to cook up a Burger, griddled, steamed, fried, etc but at North Carolina’s Char-Grill there is only one way and it’s all in the name. In 1959 Bruce Garner decides there is only one way and opens a take-out service only Hamburger Steak stand where orders are taken via paper ticket and Burgers are made in view of the customer. All Burgers are charcoal grilled on an open flame to give them that smoky, outdoor grill flavor that our fathers taught us to love. In 1975, Mahlon Aycock and Ryon Wilder re-open the Char-Grill, keeping in tact all of it’s original attributes. A 2nd Char-Grill opens in 1986 and eventually is followed by 7 more. Nearly every Burger Journo out there has had some shining accolade to say about the place and if you’re in town, there’s no reason you too wouldn’t want to stop by for a charcoal grilled Hamburger Steak Sandwich.

That’s exactly what we were going to do, when we side lined at Snoopy’s for a Chili Dog. You know how you know we love Food? For the 2nd time in the same day that we ate on the way to get something to eat. Also, Char-Grill is on the same block as Snoopy’s, so it was kind of hard to deny the idea. I was a little on the tipsy side from a full days worth of Craft Beer “sampling” so I didn’t know what to order, especially when I saw so many different Burgers on the menu. My eyes bested my stomach so I ordered French Fries, a 1/4 LB Hamburger Steak with Cheese and Lettuce, a Char-Burger plain and a Chili Dog.

Man, I was so so so so excited to eat at Char-Grill, especially after being ramped up by the review in George Motz’s Burger Bible, “Hamburger America.” Much like Biscuitville, this was on my MUST DO list for the Brohd Trip. I figured a few “adult pops” as my Dad used to call ’em would set the tone for Burger awesomeness. Unfortunately, I’m sad to say, it was not. Both of my Burgers were dry, over-cooked and tasted only of Charcoal Grilling. I couldn’t really get a sense of the quality or flavor of Beef used in the Patty, only the method of preparation. It was a total let down. I sent a a photo to George via text message of my Hamburger Steak. His return comment; “looked over cooked big time.” That aside, the Chili Dog was DAMN good and in fact, I would say better than Snoopy’s. I’d also throw an alley oop for the French Fries which were crispy, hot, golden and delicious.

6 out of 10 Ounces


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Jim’s Famous BBQ
115 S Elliott Rd
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
2:10 pm

When doing my research for our Brohd Trip to North Carolina, I happened upon a lot of glowing reviews for Allen & Son Bar-B-Q of Chapel Hill. While doing said research, I failed to notice that they’re closed on Sunday’s. You can probably imagine the level of disappointment happening in the BROHD-MOBILE when we pulled up in front of a closed Allen & Son after driving all the way there. A quick tapping search of “best BBQ Chapel Hill” set us off in another direction as we were not about to be denied tasty ‘Q.

Jim’s Famous BBQ, located in the parking lot of the Whole Foods near the East Gate Shopping Center. Jim’s offers many BBQ types including East North Carolina, Memphis, Delta and more. Check the menu and you’ll a pretty wide array of smoked, grilled & pit cooked vittles. Grab a seat in the bar or be shown to a table and be sure to take notice of the decor. The place is covered in very cool Rhythm & Blues and Rock & Roll paraphernalia including a sweet Stevie Ray Vaughn poster and Robert Crumb’s “Heroes of the Blues” trading cards.

Between the three of this we ordered Smoked Sausage Links, Brisket, St. Louis Ribs, Chopped Pork, BBQ Beans, Coleslaw, Macaroni & Hush Puppies. Like I said, we were not going to be denied our BBQ! When the meal was done, there wasn’t a single bite of Meat left on anyone’s plates. We were damn hungry and nicely satisfied.

Carolina Brewery
460 W. Franklin St
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
2:56 pm

No Brohd Trip is complete without a trip to some kind of craft brewery and this trip was to be no exception. Nate, a good buddy of mine in the beer biz back in NYC used to live in Chapel Hill and speaks in volumes of his former place of employment, the Carolina Brewery. This instantly put it on my list of things to do in NC.

If you’re a proud Carolina and specifically an UNC Grad, the Carolina Brewery is for you. It’s an award winning Craft Brewery located in Chapel Hill that’s locally owned by UNC Alumni and Director of Brewing Operations, Jon Connolly. But that’s not the only reason to go there. They’re also known for their award winning Beers and the American Fare served in their brewpub. If you’re a fan of the beers, be sure to join their “Brew Crew” and eventually work your way up onto the Carolina Brewery’s “Wall of Foam.”


  • Porter
  • 5.4% ABV
  • Chapel Hill, NC

THEY SAY: This hearty dark ale with pleasing hints of molasses and chocolate is robust and full bodied. Fresh rolled oats compliment the brew by creating a nice silky texture and a creamy, rocky head. This style originally was a blend of three different beers that was called “Entire Butt” – we’re not kidding! Porter became a style of its own during the early 1700’s when it was the favorite drink of the porters in the produce markets of London, England.

REV SAYS: If bittersweet German chocolate could be a Beer, this would be it.


  • Amber Ale
  • 3.9% ABV
  • Chapel Hill, NC

THEY SAY: This brilliant red ale, brewed with caramel and pale malts is a best seller at the Carolina Brewery. Using traditional brewing methods, the ale yeast provides a touch of fruit and works in tandem with the malt to make for a very drinkable ale. Kent Golding hops lend just enough bitterness and aroma to round out the flavor.

REV SAYS: This Beer is light, sweet and incredibly drinkable due to a very well balanced brewing process.


  • English Brown Ale
  • 5.2% ABV
  • Chapel Hill, NC

THEY SAY: Chosen by our guests as one of their favorite specialty beers, this brown ale is freshly brewed in the distinctive American style with a deep garnet hue and more hops and malt than its English counterparts. The use of roasted barley imparts a nut-like flavor. These special ingredients make for a deep, mellow ale that goes great with any meal.

REV SAYS: This a great smelling Beer that’s a smooth, easy drinker with a smooth finish. It’s like a quick, easy flight with comfortable seating no turbulence.

Tasty Beverage Co
327 West Davie Street #106
Raleigh, NC 27601
6:15 pm

With only hours to go on our trip, it was missing that one thing, that special moment, that one more last item that put the entire trip over the top. Our plan was to sit home at Dave’s house, order in, chill, watch TV and drink some Beers. My sense of adventure had yet to turn off and another lighting fast, on the go search leads us to what we were missing.

1100 packaged Beers in one store.

Honestly, does anything more need be said about the Tasty Beverage Co. of Raleigh, NC. While they do have a selection of Wines, High Quality Sodas, Meats, Cheese and an in-store Tasting Bar, those are only the icing on the cake, 1100 “cakes” that is. You’ll find the store in The Raleigh Depot located in the Warehouse District. Be sure to start your Craft Beer shopping spree at the back of the store at the tasting bar so you can shop while sipping on craft Suds. Even with a vast knowledge of Beer, there’s a good chance you’ll be overwhelmed by the selection available. No worries, just ask someone in the store for some help in choosing six packs, cans, single bottles, large formats, local Brews, foreign Beer, Ciders, room temperature or already chilled Beers. If owner Sean Pratt is in the house, you’re in for a special treat. This man knows their inventory and what’s in each bottle as if he was keeping count of family members. Can’t find what you’re looking for, he’ll know if they have it, if they can get it, why they can’t get it or the next best thing.

We spent nearly an hour, 30 minutes past closing circling and circling around the stores on what turned out to be a $150 craft Beer shopping spree. Leo and Mike got themselves well under control before I did and yet we still walked out with 3 boxes of Beers. There’s no way we could’ve brought home this much tasty Beer if we had flown but thankfully, the BROHD-MOBILE was ready to transport our brew booty.

Thanks to Dave for offering up the crash pad, pooch entertainment, beers, local guiding, laughs and WiFi. Hope the drums sound as sick as they look.

Thanks to Leo & Mike for a super fun weekend filled with all kinds of PIWO and extra lahvings. I had a great time doing this with you:

See you on the slip & slide.

Until the next BROHD TRIP!!

475 Burgers

Posted in Bar, Beer, Brohd Trip, Burgers, Gourmet Burgers, Hamburgers, North Carolina | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Steak ‘N Shake – Now in NYC!

1695 Broadway
New York, NY 10019

I’ve been to Steak ‘n Shake once before and I didn’t like it. Take a breath.

You back on board? OK. I’ve said this many, many times and 100% of the people I’ve admitted that too have looked at me like I just told them that Zombies are real. (MFZAR by the way.) It was about 10 years ago, I was on the way from the Milwaukee Metal Fest en route to the Chicago airport. I was incredibly hungover when we pulled over to eat there. The Fries were burnt and terrible. So was the Burger and it was also incredibly greasy as well. Since then, every time somebody told me how much they love the 75 year old Midwestern Burger chain, I looked at them like they told me that Van Halen WASN’T referring to Hamburgers in the song “Everybody Wants Some.”

I maintained this despite all the funny looks. When Jim from Steak ‘n Shake was introduced to me by my brothers in the Burgeratti, it was the first thing I told him. Having said that, I told him, like I tell you now, I am definitely willing to give it another shot. Then this arrived in my mail…

Gus Belt opened the first Steak n’ Shake in Normal, Illinois in 1934 with a desire to bring premium Burgers and Shakes to the hungry people. Gus, so determined to serve the freshest possible Burgers he could, actually ground the Beef in sight of the restaurant guests. Since then, the flat griddled sensation has grown into more than 500 stores. It’s a diner style restaurant, most of which have a drive-through for a sit-down & on-the-run service. Most of them are open 24 hours a day and maintain some of the cheapest Burger prices in all the land. Gus passed away in 1954 but his legacy lives on and now…it’s in NYC!

The NYC Steak N’ Shake opens to the public at 10 am on Thursday, January 12th, 2012. It’s located right in the heart of Midtown, directly next door to the Ed Sullivan Theater. The Manhattan location is more of a to-go concept, sans drive-thru, seating only 24 at a time and will close every day at midnight. Their regular menu has been reduced for the NYC to only a few Shakes, Fries, Steak Dogs, Shakes and the “Original” Double Steak Burger which is only $3.99 with Fries! However, there are 3 very important additions which can NOT be found at any other Steak ‘N Shake: Beer (in suds from Brooklyn Brewery), Wine & the all organic “Signature” Steakburger. It’s a fresh made 6 oz Beef Patty ground from cuts of 100% organic Rib Eye and NY Strip Steak. The Burger comes cooked medium well, as opposed to the well-done searing method given to the thinner patties form the “Original.”

So how did it live up? It was awesome. All the hype is completely deserved. While I thought the Original was good and loved every seared and salty bite, I definitely preferred the Signature. Everyone thought I was crazy but as Seth Unger, Josh Ozersky & James Kenji Lopez-Alt pointed out, I didn’t grow up eating the Original like they did. Nick Solares however agreed with me; the Signature, for being a fast food Burger was juicy, succulent, delicious and actually cooked medium well. Look at the picture, there’s a little pink in there! I absolutely loved the melted slice of savory and creamy American Cheese as well as the very sturdy yet soft Bun.

The Steak ‘n Shake Signature Burger is definitely one of the freshest & tastiest Fast Food Burgers I have ever had.

The Fries were much better than I had remembered. They had a real Potato flavor with a softer inside to a crispier outside. I had a Peanut Butter Cup Shake and it my friends, was no-freaking-joke! I’m not much for sweets but this place respects their namesake by offering one hell of a good Shake.

While there, I met Kenneth Faulkner, VP of Operations for Steak ‘n Shake. As part of Ken’s job, he oversees R&D for the company. He’s been with Steak ‘n Shake for more than 30 years and has seen it all. When I told him of my original visit to Steak ‘n Shake, he replied “Oh Yeah. The Racine, WI store. That one’s been shut down a long time ago.” Amazing, truly amazing. I couldn’t have been more impressed. Funny to think though, the one time I had this historic Burger was at the one location that had to be taken away. HA!

I was able to snag a back to take back to the office which is all the way in Soho. That’s 7 Subway stops for those of you counting. Way out of a standard delivery range and generally longer than you would travel with hot Food in a take away situation. I’m happy to report that they Burgers maintained their structure, flavor and were still warm, thus answering the question, can Steak ‘n Shake offer to go Burgers. HELL YEAH.

8 out of 10 Ounces
– Rev

472 Burgers

Jan, 10 2012 – 3:03 pm

Posted in Beer, Best Burger in New York, Burgers, Event, Gourmet Burgers, Hamburgers, New York | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 11 Comments