Big Apple BBQ – When The BBQ Gods Smile Down Upon NYC

Big Apple BBQ
Madison Square Park
New York, NY


Did you read that correctly? I’ll say it again but use a little more emphasis


You can pretty much find them, Beef or Pork, on many a restaurants menu but the difference between good Ribs and great Ribs is significant. Anyone can cook them but only a Pitmaster and craft them. While there is no shortage of great Ribs in NYC, there is definitely a plethora of them each year when the Big Apple BBQ Block Party takes over Madison Square Park. When the 9th Annual BABBQBP (that was unnecessary) rolled into town this year it brought with it 16 of the nation’s top Pitmasters with their signature dishes with the aim to fill more than 100,000 full of tasty BBQ. Some of them are local names but many of them travel from parts South and West bringing the regional specialties with them. The lines are ridiculously long but at the end of each one, you are rewarded with an $8 plate of delicious Q.

Block off the whole day as you are going to want to try as many places as possible. Be sure to come with a couple of friends or family members so you can all share in the food and try as much as you can. Lines can be as long as 90 minutes for each restaurant! If you don’t want to wait in line, there is the option to buy a fast pass. They include money towards  food purchases and allow you to wait in a separate VIP / press line. Thankfully, my friends, Marc, Doug, Melinda, Seth and I were armed with one of these and were able to get a great sampling of BBQ before the rain blew in and sent us for shelter.


Jack’s Old South
Pitmaster – Myron Mixon
Unadilla, GA

What better way to start up an afternoon of eatin’t than with some delicious smoked Brisket!??! Spoiler alert, Jack’s Old South Brisket is about as close as this story is going to get to talking about Burgers. I love and I mean LOVE Barbeque sauce but when it comes to real BBQ, I want as little as possible on my meat and specifically with Brisket, I don’t want any. The two most important things to taste are the quality of the Beef and the smoke from the wood. Jack’s Old South Brisket nailed it home on both accounts. Marc and I fought over the pieces with the Burnt Ends so as to get the full flavor of each bite.

Pappy’s Smokehouse
Pitmaster – Mike Emerson
St. Louis, MO

With the Brisket out of the way, it was time to sink our teeth into some Ribs. At last year’s Big Apple BBQ Block Party, Pappy’ Smokehouse was one of my highlights with their Short Ribs and I couldn’t wait to get my mitts on their Baby Back Ribs. Of all the BBQ spots on the North Side of the park, Pappy’s, no surprise, had the longest lines. The first bite confirmed that Pappy’s is still sticking to the non-sticky theory of not applying too much sauce to the Meat. The Baby Back’s were tender, succulent and bursting with great smoked Pork flavor.

Ubon’s Barbeque of Yazoo
Pitmaster – Garry Roark
Yazoo City, MS

Man oh man, do I love me some Pork Shoulder and when I saw Ubon’s was serving it up, I jumped in line to get us a sandwich full of it. Unfortunately, I got handed one of their sandwiches where an employee got a little too heavy handed with the sauce. The bottom Bun was practically non-existent as a result from giving into the sogginess of the sauce. Sadly, our sandwiches were cold, which also drew away from the experience. It’s not easy to serve up 100,000 people outdoors while it’s starting to rain, so I’ll grant Ubon’s a mulligan. That aside, the Pork itself was smoked well and tasted good.

Martin’s Bar-B-Cue Joint
Pitmaster – Patrick Martin
Nashville, TN

Martin’s was a fave from the 8th Annual Big Apple BBQ and when I noticed the short line, I took the opportunity to make it have the same honors for this year’s event. Keeping with the old adage, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” Martin’s was once again was serving up a Western Tennessee-Style Whole Hog. That means, they smoke the entire pig for hours and then pull the meat to serve on squishy roll. For those keeping track, Martin’s did the right thing and served this tasty little number on a potato roll It’s topped with Pickles, Coleslaw and Martin’s homemade BBQ sauce. I don’t pickles or slaw and removed them before eating. The tangy Slaw had such a distinct and tangy flavor that it left behind some taste on the sandwich, that in review, I didn’t hate at all. On the sauce-to-meat-ratio, Martin’s scores big. In fact, even though they make and extremely well-known and popular BBQ Sauce, there is barely any of it in the Hog. All real-smoked Hog flavors were absolutely wonderful.

Blue Smoke
Pitmaster – Kenny Callaghan
New York, NY

Normally I would advise a local New Yorker to skip over getting BBQ from a stand that is from the NY area. It’s not that they’re bad, but you live here. Go get them on your own and concentrate this event on eating from the visiting teams. However, as I walked by and smelled the Texas Salt & Pepper Beef Ribs from Blue Smoke, I lost all power to resist. Let the following serve as my lesson.

Before you read further, scroll down and look at these Ribs. Holy smokes (appropriately chosen exclamation)!! Words can’t possibly do a better job of describing these Ribs like my pictures do. In fact, looking at them right now is causing me to salivate and crave more! Every good culinary artist knows that the 2 most important spices are Salt and Pepper. There’s a reason you’ll find them on most restaurant tables around the world and it’s the versatility they posses as spices that bring out the best in natural food flavors, especially in Meat. Seriously, the Ribs from Blue Smoke were Mother Grabbin’ excellent.

Jim ‘N Nick’s Bar-B-Q
Pitmaster – Drew Robinson
Birmingham, AL

Jim ‘N Nick’s Bar-B-Q had one of the longest line of the day and it’s no surprise why. Their stand at the Big Apple BBQ is easily one of the most visually appealing. They have large grate grills out in plain site where they are cooking dozens and dozens of them at a time. They make it look so, so simple but the cooking doesn’t show the time and effort it takes to create a sausage 7 different seasonings and 3 different kinds of peppers. I’ve been quoted as saying the Big Apple BBQ Block Party is one of the best smelling weekends of the year and we can all thank Pitmaster Drew Robinson for pulling his weight. The VIP line was nearly as long as the regular line and we were going to skip out on the amazing link. But that’s when the BBQ Gods smiled down through the rain upon us and an incredibly awesome stranger approached us. “You guys about to wait in line for the link? We got an extra and aren’t going to eat it. Please have it.” I quickly diced up the link into equal bites and before we could say “THANK YOU KIND STRANGER,” the link was gone. Smoky and delicious are the only two words you need to describe the link unless you also wanted to throw in “you should eat this right now.”

17th Street Bar & Grill
Pitmaster – Mike Mills
Murphysboro, IL

I wouldn’t be doing my title as “The World’s Most Socially Connected Burger Blogger” justice if I wasn’t checking into my BurgerConquest Twitter, FourSquare & Foodspotting to see what others were saying about the Big Apple BBQ. Not only was the 17th Street Bar & Grill from Murpysboro, IL the most talked about participant but it also seemed the most socially active on their twitter account. As I’m a sucker for great social community especially when it comes to food, I couldn’t resist. “Guys – everyone is talking not only about the Ribs from 17th Street but their is significant chatter about their beans. Let’s get some,” I proclaimed to my eating team.

Often times the internet lies and then sometimes, all you get is the truth. One bite of these Ribs and suddenly the 5 of us were all trying to mutter the words “OH MY GOD” with a mouth full of food. Not that anything else we ate was bad but the 17th Street Ribs were far and above my favorite item a the Block Party. I don’t where they source their meat but these Pigs definitely lived a happy life. My expectations were blown, especially when I saw saucing of the Ribs, which appeared to be more than I would normally appreciate. Hold my tongue! The 17th Street Bar & Grill get’s a A+ on the sauce-to-meat ratio test because these bone suckers were outrageously tasty. As for the smoky, salty and sweet BBQ Beans, they were a real winner too.

Just as we were done smackin our lips on the tasty, tasty Ribs, the misty rain, in the flash of a second, became a downpour. We took this as our “Q” from the BBQ Gods to exit on a high note from 17th Street Bar & Grill. Another delicious and awesome Big Apple BBQ Block Party has gone and I am already excited for the 10th annual next year. Thanks to Leah and Helen at the Union Square Hospitality Group for the VIP pass which clearly, did not go to waste!!

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The Best of National Hamburger Month 2011

In honor of National Hamburger Month I pledged to celebrate by eating 31 Burgers in 31 days. Well I’m proud to say I did it. I went out to eat at least 1 Burger every day in the month of May, 2011. As my Glorious Pursuit for Delicious Burgers rolled on, it gained steam, there were more and more requests for me to come visit some places and more and more friends who wanted to share in the experience. The need to feed became unavoidable and I ate more than 31 Burgers in 31 Days.


I had an absolute blast eating my way around NYC to honor one of my favorite things to do, eat Burgers with my friends. Burger Conquest was started as a reason to do just that, eat Burgers with my friends and colleagues and have a place to share those stories online.

The hardest part of doing this wasn’t the eating, that I really enjoyed. Nor was it all the time spent running around the city or the planning of it. The hardest part, honestly, was all the writing. I tried my best to update Burger Conquest every single day of the month with the prior day’s Burger. That took literally hours and hours and hours. One of these posts can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours to write depending on complexity of the story, internet connection and the biggest factor, my creative writing juices. Seriously, how many different ways can I describe how a Burger tastes? I try my best to keep this blog interesting and rich with stories and not just a cataloged history of my consumption. That’s the hardest part.

The original Conquest idea happened at PJ Clarke’s on July 20th, 2008, the birthday of my late Father. My Dad loved to have Burgers, Beers and BBQ with his buddies and every year on his birthday, I have one with him and mine. So honoring National Hamburger Month is like a month long celebration of the all the awesome things my Dad brought into my life. So, in honor of the best Dad ever, here is a list of the “Best” burgers from my National Hamburger Month celebration.


Best Turkey Burger – Bill’s Bar & Burger

Best Burger Smart Phone App – Burger GPS

Best Burger in Brooklyn – 67 Burger

Best Grass-Fed Burger – Savoy

Most Unique Burger – Land of Cake Believe Cupcake Burger

Best Veggie Burger – Kate’s Joint

Best Store Bought / Home Cooked Burger – Whole Foods

Best Reason To Eat A Burger at the Shake Shack – Meat Lessons with Pat LaFrieda at Eataly

Best Mini Burger – That Burger Tent at Idle Hands / Billy Hurricanes

Best Lamb Burger – The Breslin

Best Stuffed Burger – Amity Hall

Best Fast Food Burger – White Castle

Best Brunch Burger – HB Burger

and the moment you’ve all been waiting for…drum stick, I mean roll, please..

Best Burger of National Hamburger Month – The Clerkenwell

Thank you to all the friends that ate with me and put up with the non-stop photos. Thanks to all the restaurants, Chefs, press people, foodies and retweeters that helped me to make it a month that I will never forget!

And now … a much, much needed break from Burgers.


Posted in Best Burger in New York, Burgers, Event, Gourmet Burgers, Hamburgers, National Hamburger Month, New York | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Ai Fiori – The White Label Castle, National Hamburger Month

Ai Fiori
At the Setai Fifth Avenue Hotel
400 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10018

Day 31, the FINAL Day

The last thing I wanted to do today was eat a Burger. Attempting to eat 31 Burgers in 31 Days in honor of National Hamburger Month was foolish, difficult, tiring, exhaustive and most of all, AWESOME. But enough of my whiny ass, let’s get to that last Burger.

The #1 NYC Burger people ask me if I have eaten is the Black Label Burger at the Minetta Tavern. This $26 Burger is made from prime dry-aged Beef cuts supplied by Pat LaFrieda. It’s lore in the Burgerverse is legendary and supposedly it’s amazing, although I have also been told it’s really overrated and therefore over priced. None the less, I’ve tried several times to make reservations for the world’s #1 Steak Club, Steak Club 7 but to no avail. There are 3 problems with this; 1. the place is tiny, 2. the biggest table they have seats 6 and the SC7 clearly has one more than that and the worse part, 3. the only reservations I’ve ever been able to get are before 6 pm or after 10 pm, when no one really wants to dive into a hearty steak. So no, to answer your question, I have never had the Black Label Burger from Minetta Tavern.

Recently a new Burger came onto the NYC scene setting a massive flutter across the Burger radar screen and it’s called the White Label Burger. Much like it’s cousin, the Black Label Burger at the Minetta Tavern, the White Label Burger is made of Beef supplied by the Jay-Z of meat, Pat LaFrieda. This 8oz. La Frieda Prime Burger comes topped with Nueske’s slab Bacon, American Cheese, Black Tomato & with a side of crisp Pomme Dauphine. You’ll find this fancy-schmancy Burger creation at Ai Fiori, the mezzanine level restaurant at the equally boutique, Setai Fifth Avenue Hotel in NYC. Ai Fiori, created by Chef Michael White, is a fine-dining Italian restaurant built to feed the hungry and tired of this luxury hotel using some of the finest, and most expensive, sourced ingredients in all the land. Coming in $7 cheaper than the Black Label, the Ai Fiori White Label Burger is still a hefty priced $19 and one of the most talked about Burgers in all the land.

And you know what they say…if you’re gonna go out, go out with a bang!

The attention to detail at Ai Fiori is staggering and extremely well thought out. My favorite example was the incredibly patient waiters explanation, to the last ingredient and preparation, of EVERYTHING he served me. I felt special. It was he who explained to me that the White Label Burger was at heart, an attempt to create an uber-high-end and exquisite version of a White Castle Slider. Amazing. Take the world’s most pedestrian and oldest Burgers and Bourgeois it all up. Unreal.

The Brioche that it’s served on is really crunchy on the outside in the toasted way but really soft and warm on the inside. Clearly the soft steamed Bun of a White Castle was one aspect they care not for. The patty however, is shaped in a square, which admittedly, brought a smile to my face. Ordered medium rare, this Burger is cooked not unlike a perfect Steak, by searing the outside to create a slight crunch while leaving the inside red and juicy. When I say this Burger was juicy, I certainly don’t intend it in the way I would normally describe a Burger that met my approval. This Burger’s juices were FLOWING and when I was finally done consuming it, there was a massive puddle of awesome in my plate. My Pomme Dauphines all took a little bath in it! Even my camera was covered in the juices. The Bacon is surprisingly subtle which basically means you’re tasting the natural flavors of the Pork and not smoke or salt additives. NICE. Flavor wise, the thick Cheese is very pronounced almost has a grilled Cheese like mouth feel.

As for the potatoes, they were gently crisp on the outside but soft and light in the middle. I would liken them to a warm cracker around whipped mashed potatoes.

The White Label Burger at Ai Fiori is less about each part and moreover about the harmony they create together. Expect to actually salivate before, during and after you eat it!!

8 out of 10 ounces

414 Burgers

The Rev Meter for Social Community
The Rev Meter” is a social community meter for assessing how optimized a bar or restaurant is with social networking. By taking what he considers to be the 10 most important social networks and creating a point system, The Rev can accurately asses how well the business is using social networking as a tool. His goal here is to educate and assist great business to better effectively use these tools

Ai Fiori scores a 3 on The Rev Meter.

4 points or less    You’ve missed the 5 basics and are less than optimized
5 points                 You’ve covered the basics, which is better than most but far from optimized.
6 to 9 points        You’re doing better than most and on your way to becoming a well respected social community whiz.
10 points              Congrats on a perfect score! Are you hiring?

Posted in Best Burger in New York, Burgers, Event, Gourmet Burgers, Hamburgers, National Hamburger Month, New York | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Burger Conquest “BCA” Lemon and Garlic Marinated Bison Mini Burgers – National Hamburger Month

Burger Conquest “BCA” Lemon and Garlic Marinated Bison Mini Burgers

Day 30

With only 2 days left in National Hamburger Month, my pledge to eat 31 Burgers in 31 days has brought me to eat all kinds of Burgers. I’ve been trying to keep the ideas fresh, the stories unique and make sure I’m not too repetitive. It’s been really hard to not only eat a Burger EVERY DAY but also to keep the writing interesting. So today I asked myself, “what haven’t I done yet?” and that answer, a Burger recipe! Which worked well with my desire to have a Memorial Day BBQ…and impress my friends with my grill skillz.

Burger Conquest “BCA” Lemon and Garlic Marinated Bison Mini Burgers

The “BCA” stands for Bison, Citrus & Allium, the genus of each of the 3 major ingredients of the Burger. This one is a simple way to impress your friends while still making a tasty Burger.


1 LB of Ground Bison
5 Slices of Cheddar Cheese
1 package of either Mini Burger Potato Rolls or the easier to find Hot Dog Potato Rolls
6 Large Garlic Cloves
1/3 cup Fresh Thyme
1/4 cup Fresh Rosemary
1 1/2 tbsp Coarse Salt
1 cup Fresh Lemon Juice
1 1/2 cup Olive Oil
Crushed Black Pepper to taste


Mince up the Garlic with the Thyme, Rosemary & Salt and mash to a paste
Put all of it into a large bowl with rest of the ingredients and whisk until combined
**Option – if you don’t want to make the marinade or don’t have enough time, by a store bought marinade like Lawry’s Herb & Garlic Marinade
Combine all of the the marinade with the ground Bison and mix my hand
If you were able to find Mini Burger Buns, form Meat into Mini Burger Patties. If not, form into 5-6″ long patties
Place into a bowl and drizzle olive oil over the top of each one

Sprinkle a pinch of freshly ground Salt & Pepper over the top

Place into freezer for one hour or into fridge for at least 4 hours
Once removed from fridge or freezer, place on grill on medium-high heat
Cooked until medium-rare, flipping only once

Serve on Potato Roll with a slice of Cheddar and humbly say thank you as all your friends tell you how amazing the Burger tastes.

413 Burgers

May 30, 2011 – 6:17 pm

Posted in Burgers, Gourmet Burgers, Hamburgers, National Hamburger Month, New York | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Prime Meats Delikat-Essen and Provisions, Whole Foods Bowery, National Hamburger Month

Prime Meats Delikat-Essen & Provisions
465 Court St.
Brooklyn, NY 11231

Whole Foods Market Bowery
95 East Houston St
New York, NY 10002

Day 29

Believe it or not, after 29 days of eating Burgers all around town, the subject gets a little stale but it was my mission for National Hamburger Month to eat 31 Burgers in 31 days and I am going to do it. To keep things fresh I have eaten Cheeseburger Spring Rolls, Turkey Burgers, Cupcake Burgers, Veggie Burgers, Mini Burgers, Fast Food Burgers, Grass-fed Burgers, Drunk Burgers, Fancy Burgers, Home delivery Burgers and more, more, more.

With only a few days left, I am faced with the question of what kind of Burger have I not eaten? The answer; MY OWN! After building up some serious hunger while performing my Reverendesque duties for my friend Andrew and Shawn’s wedding (yes, I really am ordained), I planned a little holiday weekend BBQ back at my apartment.

Yeah, that’s right. It’s time for me to put my money where my mouth is or moreover, put money into a store, bring home the proverbial Beef and showemwhatIgot…into my mouth. I got grill skill baby, make no mistake and for all the standards I hold all of these restaurants and Chefs too, I hold myself to the same. In fact, one of the major reasons why I pushed to get the apartment I live in was so I could live in Manhattan but still cook out on my grill.

The number 1 rule and I mean the golden rule, is used quality product. I don’t care how badly you burn something, a burnt quality something is better than a burnt frozen and processed piece of crap. Know what you are buying, know who you are buying it from and know where to find these places if you already don’t. I’m not saying quality product doesn’t exist at your local mega-grocery, but you’ll just have to look harder. Fortunately here in NYC, we have a billion great options, all unique in their own way.

I recently had to the chance to check out Prime Meats, a delicious farm to table restaurant located in Brooklyn who have one damn delicious Burger. With the popularity of their food and a desire to not waste, they opened up a “Delikat-Essen” right next door where you can purchase the same meats they have become well known for serving in their restaurant. You can trust that Prime Meats is going to sell you high-quality product, their reputation stands upon it. (You can also trust Jim FYI!)

My friend Jim, who is no stranger to my cooking, stopped by Prime Meats to pick up a few items on way to my Memorial Day Eve BBQ. Jim showed up with both a Hot and Sweet Faicco’s Italian Sausage as well as two Pat LaFrieda formed Burger Patties. I cooked them to a nice medium-rare over just the right heat, bottomed (it’s my belief that the Beef should always be placed a top the Cheese) with Cheddar and served in a fresh Onion Roll.

We’re most certainly spoiled here in NYC. With this many people with different tastes, desires and needs, our city can support all kinds of diversified commerce. It’s a town where places like Prime Meats can not only survive but also prosper. However, for a big of a city this is, we still have our share of chain business and one of them that you can absolutely trust to bring you quality is Whole Foods Market. With 300 stores and growing, this grocery chain promises to bring all natural, organic foods & high quality foods to as many markets as they can. You may not need to know where every piece of Meat, Fruit, Dairy or Grain in their stores come from but you can trust them to sell you great product.

We have several locations in NYC but my favorite happens to be their Bowery store which is located on just that side of the LES. In particular, their beer room has an amazing array of diverse and unique beers, as well as the ingredients to make your own. So for someone like me who happens to particularly enjoy pairing craft beer with tasty foods, it’s a one-stop shop.

For today’s BBQ needs, I wanted to put on a little show for my friends and let them enjoy a full Rev grill experience. I stopped into their deli-counter and picked up some freshly ground and packed ground Beef patties as well as some freshly sliced Pancetta, Smoked Gouda and Potato Rolls. I grilled the patties and when they were about 75% done, I flipped them for the first time and placed a slice of the Cheese, followed by the Pork on top. When the Burgers were about 90% cooked to a nice and red medium-rare center, I CAREFULLY flipped them and bottom grilled the Pancetta. If you are going to try this, it takes patience, precision and care. I suggest a wooden spatula which will stick less to surfaces. It may seem like an odd pairing but the sweetness of the Potato Roll against the smoky Cheese work well together. Using a leaner cut of Beef, in this case 85/15, works because of the fatty Pancetta. As it cooks down and melts with the Gouda, the union makes for a juicy Burger that won’t need any sauces or condiments. You can ask my friends, this Burger was amazing.

The moral of the story, if you start with good product, you’ll end with good product. If you aren’t local to a great place like Prime Meats nor are you blessed with a Whole Foods in your town, ask around, I’m sure there’s a great local butcher who’ll set you up right.

411 Burgers

May 29, 2011 – 9:12 pm

Posted in Burgers, Gourmet Burgers, Hamburgers, National Hamburger Month, New York | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

4 Boro Bike and Burger Tour – National Hamburger Month


Day 28

As National Hamburger Month inches ever closer to an end, I am trying to keep the stories interesting and the Burgers coming. To counterbalance the uptake in intake of delicious Hamburgers, I am spending as much time as possible on my bicycle getting exercise. My fellow bike-gangers and I like to go out on weekends for long excursions, exploring our fine city on two wheels. As this was the final weekend of the month, I put together a very special ride.

The goal was to ride our bikes through Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens and The Bronx, stopping for a Burger in each one. At each stop we all split one Burger so to not become to full or weighed down. Joining me on this quest was my friends Bram, Chris and Rick.  Our starting point, Manhattan side of the Brooklyn Bridge. From there we crossed into downtown Brooklyn.


67 Burger
67 Lafayette Avenue
Fort Greene, Brooklyn, NY 11217-5500

Ever since Ed Tretter and Jeffery Maslanka invited me into their kitchen at the Black Shack on Lex to create the Mayhem Burger, I have been meaning to stop by their  67 Burger in Fort Green, Brooklyn. It’s a no frills, sleek-looking, Burger joint known for serving up some of the juiciest Burgers in all the land. We pulled up in front, locked up the bikes and parked our butts at one of their sidewalk tables. We ordered the Ranch Burger; a 7 oz Patty with Ranch Dressing, Crispy Onions and our choice of cheese, Cheddar.

This may have been the most perfectly cooked medium-rare Burger I have ever seen. ‘Twas a thing of Beauty! We sliced it into 4s and dug in. Wow!  We were all taken back at how great this Burger was. The attention to quality product and perfect care was blatantly apparent after only one bite of the freshly ground and seasoned Beef. I will be needing to return for a full Burger experience.

The 67 Ranch Burger was juicy, seasoned well, perfectly cooked to a medium-rare, delicious and well deserving of the title “Best Burger in Brooklyn.”

8 out of 10 ounces

From there we mounted our “steeds,” and pointed North towards Queens. Rick unfortunately had to pull out of the ride due to some other commitments while the rest of us made our way along Flushing Avenue towards our next goal.

A photo opp we could not pass up.

Along our route we bumped into an amazing looking steak house / Latin club / beach garden restaurant called Andres NuevaYor (Andres Carne de Res). You’ll find it just past South of the BQE in Woodside, Queens on 58th St. We were so taken back by the site of this strange looking building that we were willing to alter our Bike and Burger route to eat here. Unfortunately they didn’t have a Burger on the menu but the owner was incredibly friendly offering us a free bottle of water each and wishing us well on our ride. There will have to be a return visit. In the meantime, we had Burger business to attend to in Queens.

Petey’s Burger
30-17 30th Avenue
Astoria, Queens, NY 11102

1 Block West of the 30th Ave N/Q stop in Astoria you’ll find Petey’s Burger. It’s a short order counter designed for fast service and quick dining. There are only a few tables at Petey’s but they also offer a delivery service. Petey, the owner, developed a love for the California style of Burger made famous by places like In-N-Out and decided to bring his own version back to NYC. He uses 100% Natural USA Angus Beef raised on a strict vegetarian diet with no hormones or antibiotics. They also offer a home made Veggie Patty should you not have interest in humanely raised Beef.

I let Chris take charge on this one and he got us a “Cajun Fire” Burger no Tomatoes or Pickles. Unfortunately for Petey and his Burger, all I could taste was the thick cut Onion and Cajun Spices. The Beef was cooked well-done and I really couldn’t get a sense of it due to the spicing. If I were to try this place again, I would go simple Cheese Burger.

4 out of 10 ounces

With 2 Burgers down, we were half way through the mission. Next we had to cross the Triborough Bridge, crossing over Randall’s Island and then into The Bronx. For some odd reason, you are no longer allowed to bike or take pictures on the bridge. This used to be one of my favorite bridges to ride across due to the low grade and the amazing scenery and although the view is the same, the new rules are lame.

Jimbo’s Hamburger Palace
232 Willis Ave
Mott Haven, The Bronx, NY 10454

For years, us downtowners have heard the rumblings about a Burger chain that is only located in Harlem and The Bronx. It’s called Jimbo’s Hamburger Palace (not to be confused with the similar looking Jumbo’s Hamburgers) and they offer a wide variety of short order food that can be eaten counter style at one of their locations or ordered for delivery. I’ve been to a Jimbo’s in Harlem and other than a few odd looks at three goofy white boys splitting a Burger, the Jimbo’s experience is a pleasant one. At Jimbo’s they’ll flat griddle you up a classic fresh 7 oz Burger, cooked to order on a soft white Bun with Lettuce, Onion and Tomato. If you’re like Bram, you can add on a slice of American Cheese and some crispy bacon.

For an unassuming, short order Burger with virtually no press hype whatsoever, this a Burger worth riding up into The Bronx to try.

7 out of 10 ounces

The route from Jimbo’s took us North further into the Bronx, hanging a ride on 161st. We made a brief pit stop at Yankees stadium so I could get a photo with my bike and Bram could make a stupid Phillies joke. We peddled across the 161st bridge crossing back into Manhattan, our 4th Boro and pointed North along the Greenway. If you’ve never biked the Greenway, a 33 mile stretch of bike path that circles around Manhattan, you’re missing out. Some of the most scenic and interesting views of the city are only accessible on the Greenway.

Piper’s Kilt
4944 Broadway
Inwood, Manhattan, NY 10034

The Piper’s Kilt of Inwood, located on 207th and Broadway, just steps from the last stop on the A train, is one of 3 restaurants bearing the same name. The other two can be  found in Eastchester and also The Bronx. Each of them is a popular local hang where friends, works and especially fireman, gather to enjoy a well known and respected Burger with a couple of beers. At the 23 year old Inwood location, you can sit at the bar or in a booth and order “The Best Hamburger In Town.” However, if you are on bike and don’t have an appropriate lock, you can also order it to go and eat it while standing on the sidewalk!

There’s no fancy toppings or crazy preparations, just a basic White Bun with Lettuce, Onion and Cheese on a 1/2 pound of freshly ground Beef. There are a few extras like BBQ sauce and Chili that you can add on but they certainly aren’t needed.

The Piper’s Kilt Burger is a delicious, thick and juicy pub Burger, the kind this city was built upon and hopefully the same kind that will never disappear.

8 out of 10 ounces

From Inwood, which is ALL THE WAY at the top of the Manhattan Island, we made a quick jaunt West and shot down the West Side Greenway. We stopped at one of my favorite off the beaten path sights to see in NYC, the Little Red Lighthouse. It was orignally built in 1889 in Sandy Hook, NJ where it sat until 1917. In 1921 it was moved to it’s current position which is now right underneath the George Washington Bridge.  You’ll never find this by car so get out on 2 feet or 2 wheels and check it out.!

Chris, who had to get all the way back into Brooklyn, jumped the 1 train at 125th while Bram and I continued down the West Side Greenway. I got off in midtown while Bram headed back to JC.

It was a fantastic and fun way to not only see some of the city but also get out there and try some tasty Burgs! Total RevRides2011 = 38.31 miles of Boros, Burgers and Bikes!

409 Burgers

May 28, 2011

Posted in Burgers, National Hamburger Month, New York | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on 4 Boro Bike and Burger Tour – National Hamburger Month

Savoy – Burger Extinction, National Hamburger Month

70 Prince St
New York, NY 10012


Day 27

There is seemingly no end to amount of delicious Burgers in NYC. I’ve been on my Glorious Pursuit of Delicious Burgers since October 2008 and although I’ve been all over the Burger-Earth (Bearth?) eating them, I live in NYC and it is where my Burger Conquest is focused. There is always a new comer bringing some kind of delicious Burger game to the table but there are less and less old school and classic Burgers still holding up the history of this town.

With 20 years of history, the SoHo based Savoy, was one of the first restaurants in New York City to embrace a Greenamarket menu. Their idea was to create a seasonal menu of artisanal foods created from items that are as locally sourced and sustainable, as possible. Savoy is a two story dining room with a fireplace that feels more like a rustic inn than a restaurant in the Big Apple. The build is a 1830’s Federal-style townhouse and is as unassuming as it it also stands out from the fashionable neighborhood. Savoy is owned and operated by respected restaurateur Peter Hoffman who is also know for his Burger based East Village Back Forty and has been a favorite stop on many a foodie’s map.

Sadly though, this NYC eater’s staple, recently announced that on June 18th, it’s doors will be closing. Peter will be opening a new restaurant in it’s place but has yet to reveal it’s concept. With the clock ticking and also only a few days left on my mission to eat 31 Burgers in 31 days to celebrate National Hamburger Month, I put Savoy on my Burger to-do list. I grabbed my fellow Thrillist co-worker and newest Burger bud Phil and we headed over for a Burger Conquest disguised as a work meating. (see what I did there?)

I love it when a restaurant pays attention to detail especially when sticking to a theme. At Savoy they serve Fentiman’s Mandarin and Seville Orange Jigger, made with added botanicals speedwell, juniper extract and fermented ginger. Phil and I were excited as hell to ignite our pallets with its sweet and bubbly goodness. Savoy offers only one Burger, a Grass-Fed Hamburger with only house Ketchup and French Fries.  We both added some Vermont Cheddar and were ready to taste some history.

Normally, I wouldn’t opt for a grass-fed Burger over a grain-fed Burger as the taste just isn’t the same to me. If I am eating a Hamburger, I want a juicy, savory, classic tasting Beef Hamburger. It’s meant to be a decadent moment in my day which becomes a little Eatcation. I’m not trying to be healthy or even healthier when I am on a Burger Conquest so it wouldn’t really even come across as a consideration. I find grass-fed beef to be a little sweeter, a little less salty and juicy and overall, just not exciting. That’s not to say it’s bad, that’s just saying, it’s not what I am looking to eat. But, I can tell you, with only one bite of Savoy’s, this wasn’t your average grass-fed Burger! In fact, had you not told me it was grass-fed, I would’ve never even assumed it to be.

The grass-fed Beef in the Savoy Burger is savory, juicy and has big, Big flavor. The lack of toppings on the sandwich becomes obvious once you taste the delicious Beef. Having said that, the Vermont Cheddar melted down to a soft and almost spreadable consistency that still kept each bite feeling good. The Cheddar is warm around the tongue and very, very savory, adding a sharp element to the Burger. The hand-cut fries are great especially once dipped into the house madeKetchup which tastes more like a smoky-sweet red Sauce.

Savoy has the best grass-fed Burger in NYC and sadly you only have until June 18th to get one. Hopefully the new restaurant they are building in it’s place will be able to recreate it. If not, we’ll all have to start ordering more Beef from their source, Fleisher’s.

8 out of 10 ounces

405 Burgers

May 27, 2011 – 2:26 pm

The Rev Meter for Social Community
The Rev Meter” is a social community meter for assessing how optimized a bar or restaurant is with social networking. By taking what he considers to be the 10 most important social networks and creating a point system, The Rev can accurately asses how well the business is using social networking as a tool. His goal here is to educate and assist great business to better effectively use these tools

Savoy scores an 3 on The Rev Meter.

4 points or less    You’ve missed the 5 basics and are less than optimized
5 points                 You’ve covered the basics, which is better than most but far from optimized.
6 to 9 points        You’re doing better than most and on your way to becoming a well respected social community whiz.
10 points              Congrats on a perfect score! Are you hiring?


Posted in Burgers, Gourmet Burgers, Hamburgers, National Hamburger Month, New York | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Amity Hall – Stuffing Myself With Happiness, National Hamburger Month

Amity Hall
80 W. 3rd St
New York, NY 10012

Day 26

In my Outlook, which syncs with my iPhone, I maintain a note entitled “BURGERS.” It’s a list of Burgers that people suggest I consume here in the NYC area. That list has been there for years and every so once in awhile I get a chance to knock one off of it. FYI, there is another note entitled “Out of state burgers,” for suggestions that fit the title. On this Glorious 26th day of National Hamburger Month, I got a chance to try a Burger that was suggested to me by my pal Jamie Roberts.

Nestled right in the heart of New York’s West Village, right behind NYU, you’ll find Amity Hall. How students can focus on studying when there is 60 draft lines,  140+ different bottles of delicious craft beer and stuffed Burgers practically sticking out their tongue and waving at their University is a worthy of a governmental investigation. The bar has two floors which begs the question, which came first, the capacity or the beer taps. Amity Hall’s aggressive craft beer program is centered around something called the “101 Club.” Bar patrons can plunk down a $20 deposit for a “beer passport” and once they have consumed 101 different beers at Amity Hall, they get their name on a bronze plaque that is placed on a special section of the wall. Only stopping by once and don’t have the intestinal fortitude for a century club plus one, no worries, they offer drafts by the pint, pitcher or tower.

It’s all used to wash down a unique and intense menu of artisanal pub grub. Choose between Braised Short Rib Dumplings, Tempura String Beans, A Grilled Steak Salad, Your choice of Thin Crust Pizzas made with Sullivan Street Bakery Bread or you can do what most came to do, hunker down on one of Amity Hall’s 6 stuffed Burgers;

  • “Angry Burger” stuffed w/ Spicy Chipotle Peppers & Blue Cheese, topped w/ Caramelized Onions
  • Braised Short Rib Stuffed Burger with Horseradish Cheddar
  • Lamb Burger stuffed with Feta and topped with Tzatziki
  • Turkey Burger stuffed with Apples, Walnuts & Tarragon, topped with Mango Chutney
  • Brat Burger stuffed with aged Gouda, topped w/ Fennel Sauerkraut & Spicy Ale Mustard
  • Fresh Ground Chicken Burger stuffed w/ chunks of Can. Bacon & Swiss, topped w/ Honey Mustard

What to do, what to do!??! I mean seriously, this menu, much like Amity Hall’s craft beer program, screams “collect them all!” After much indecision, the friendly and fun bar tender, Amanda, along with a Beer 101 Club member, suggested I go Angry. Taking into consideration what I anticipated being a Spicy, Smoky and Savory Hamburger, I decided to pair it with Rogue’s Mom Half-E-Weizen. It’s an unfiltered, Belgian style wheat beer that is spiced with Coriander & Ginger. It’s spicy, yet sweet profile was going to counterbalance the Burger madness I was about to invoke.

It’s very salty in it’s profile, which is to be expected and very tasty but it will most certainly make you want to drink more beer! The Chef uses a lot of spicing in the Burger along side of the Chipotle Peppers but somehow is able to maintain a balance of taste between it and the fresh ground Beef. Likewise, the spicy are spicy but not really hot. This is a skill and one that clearly wasn’t developed over night. The Blue Cheese, which is incredibly melty and the Sweet Onions counteract the spicing and give this Sandwich a well balanced mouth feel. But let’s be honest, if you are eating this Burger, it’s not because you wanted a simple and classic, plain old American Cheese Burger. You came to Amity Hall because you wanted a Burger Conquest.

Go get this Burger NOW and then come back to reading this post and then you can agree with me, this is one of the most unique and interesting Burgers in all of the Big Apple.

8 out of 10 ounces

404 Burgers

May 27, 2011 – 2:38 pm

The Rev Meter for Social Community
The Rev Meter” is a social community meter for assessing how optimized a bar or restaurant is with social networking. By taking what he considers to be the 10 most important social networks and creating a point system, The Rev can accurately asses how well the business is using social networking as a tool. His goal here is to educate and assist great business to better effectively use these tools

Amity Hall scores an 8 on The Rev Meter.

4 points or less    You’ve missed the 5 basics and are less than optimized
5 points                 You’ve covered the basics, which is better than most but far from optimized.
6 to 9 points        You’re doing better than most and on your way to becoming a well respected social community whiz.
10 points              Congrats on a perfect score! Are you hiring?


Posted in Bar, Beer, Burgers, Gourmet Burgers, Hamburgers, National Hamburger Month, New York | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Amity Hall – Stuffing Myself With Happiness, National Hamburger Month

Zaitzeff – After the Party, There is the Burger Party, National Hamburger Month

18 Avenue B
New York, NY 10009

Day 25

When I started my mission to eat 31 Burgers in 31 days to celebrate National Hamburger Month, I planned out nearly every day in advance, until today. I figured I would let the last week shoot in the wind and see what happened. This of course is with the knowledge that there is a 24 hour White Castle in my neighborhood. Which by the way, if you have a Burger to suggest for the next couple of days or a way to end this on a bang, send me a note!

Everyone knows that educated drinking is healthier for you. That’s why we offer Learning to Beer and Bourbon lessons every Wednesday night at my bar in the East Village, Idle Hands. Each week beginning at 7 pm we bring in a different brewery and team them up with a different distiller for a 2 hour, private tasting session. Attendees learn about the history of the brewery and distillery as well as taste up to 3 bourbons and 9 craft beers. It’s a really, really fun and exciting way to learn not only about how these tasty drinks are made but also learn more about a particular brand’s profile. We also bring down food from local merchants to pair with the drinks. It’s a freaking blast every week and as the Beer Sommelier, it’s a pleasure to share my passion for craft beer with others.

On this particular Wednesday we presented a VERY special Learning To Beer. Lagunitas & Victory Beer teamed up to present “Reign In Beer.” Each brewery poured a selection of their amazing brews and each of which was paired up with a different Slayer song!

It was an incredibly fun night and along with tasting some mighty fine beers with Mark from Lagunitas and Sean from Victory, we got to wash it down will raging to SLLLAAYYYEEERRR!! Below are the pairings and here is an iTunes link to the playlist.

LAGNITAS TASTES – Slayer Pairings
IPA – Disorder
Hop Stoopid – “Stain of Mind”
Censored – “War Ensemble”
Maximus – “Angel Of Death”

Imperial Stout Pin – “Seasons In the Abyss”
Undercover Shut Down – “Disciple”

VICTORY TASTES – Slayer Pairings
*Victory will be making beer cocktails!!
“Dark Devil” (Hop Devil and Storm King) – “South of Heaven”
“Silverback” (Golden Monkey and Storm King) – “Criminally Insane”
“Dark Waters” (Headwaters and Storm King) – “Raining Blood”
Storm King – “Spirit in Black”
Headwaters – “Skeletons of Society”
Golden Monkey – “Dead Skin Mask”
Whirlwind – “Tormentor”

Hop devil – “Hell Awaits”

That’s A LOT of great beer!

Click here to see more photos from the event itself.

As were all enjoying the metal and the beer, I realized around 10 pm that I still had not had my Burger for the day. “You guys wanna go get a Burger and help me celebrate National Hamburger Month?” I asked to our beer rep friends. “Oh Hell Yeah!” answered Victoria, our Union Distributor rep, “Have you been to Zaitzeff?!”!” That’s when I explained that I had promised The Big P.A. from SteakClub7 that I wouldn’t go until he took me. But that was nearly 2 years ago and it was getting tougher and tougher to avoid a well respected Kobe Burger that happens to be directly across the street from Idle Hands.

Zaitzeff has a simple concept; “Our formula for hamburgers is simple. We get the best ingredients and fuss with them the least. Our American style Kobe beef comes straight from a ranch in Nebraska, so you know it’s fresh. Our sirloin, which we grind ourselves every day, is grass-fed. We cook our hand-cut fries in cast iron skillets which enables us to change the oil daily.” Known as a quaint, foodie friendly restaurant that serves all of their burgers on an amazing Portuguese muffin that is their claim to food fame. Their East Village location is still awaiting their liquor license but that shouldn’t stop you in the least to eat in or order out from Zaitzeff.

I’ve eaten the Turkey Burger from Zaitzeff and loved it but tonight my boozy beer buds and I were there for one Burger and one Burger only, the Kobe. Let’s first chat about the Bread. Zaitzeff uses a signature Portuguese Roll that has a nice sweet flavor and the presentation of a thick Pancake. It’s almost worth toasting, Buttering and eating by itself! Another point in the favor of Zaitzeff, the option to add a Fried Egg to any Burger. To be honest with all of you, I am more inclined to add a Fried Egg to a Burger than I would be say something as popular as Bacon. Yeah, you read that right. Another big win is the Zaitzeff Jalapeno preparation. They take an entire Jalapeno, slice it in two and cook it on a stove top much like you would a roasted Red Pepper. This allows the Pepper to retain all of it’s natural heat but also bringing a new flavor to the profile. It’s MUCH hotter than you think it will be. As for the Kobe Beef, was it really from Kobe Japan, well I didn’t ask but I will tell you that where ever it comes from, it’s damn delicious! Wash it all down with a tasty Prima Pils from Victory until which time they start to carry Lagunitas and then feel free to order either!

Sorry Big P.A. I still love you lots and would easily go eat here again with you.

8 out of 10 ounces

403 Burgers

May 25, 2011 – 10:56 pm

The Rev Meter for Social Community
The Rev Meter” is a social community meter for assessing how optimized a bar or restaurant is with social networking. By taking what he considers to be the 10 most important social networks and creating a point system, The Rev can accurately asses how well the business is using social networking as a tool. His goal here is to educate and assist great business to better effectively use these tools

Zaitzeff scores a 0 on The Rev Meter.

4 points or less    You’ve missed the 5 basics and are less than optimized
5 points                 You’ve covered the basics, which is better than most but far from optimized.
6 to 9 points        You’re doing better than most and on your way to becoming a well respected social community whiz.
10 points              Congrats on a perfect score! Are you hiring


Posted in Bar, Beer, Burgers, East Village, Event, Gourmet Burgers, Hamburgers, National Hamburger Month, New York | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Kate’s Joint – Veggie Blogger Conquest, National Hamburger Month

Kate’s Joint
58 Avenue B
New York, NY 10009

Day 24

Eating 31 Burgers in 31 days to celebrate National Hamburger Month hasn’t been the easiest task. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Burgers and am still enjoying each and everyone of them but there is some wear and tear. Leading into each meal, my excitement isn’t what it normally is, then I sit down, smell the food and I’m right back. MMMMM BURGERS!!!! In between the Burgers I am trying to eat more healthy options like Salads, Fruit, Veggies, Grilled Chicken, Granola, Yogurt, etc. This means I have lightened up on the other stuff I really enjoy like Tacos, Pizza, Hot Wings, Meatballs, Pasta, Cheesesteaks, etc, etc. It’s all for the great good and I regret nothing!

As I’m planning out the month of Burger lovin’, my daily NearSay update finds it’s way into my inbox and a story catches my eye; “East Village’s Best Veggie Burgers.” Let me back up, are you familiar with the awesome that is NearSay? If you live in NYC, it’s a must read. The site is a hyper local news sources for all things NYC, based upon neighborhood. If you want to know about the latest politics, restaurant openings, cool hang outs, latest shopping, real estate information and night life in your neighborhood, it’s the site to be on. The information is supplied by local writers and bloggers known as “N-Siders” who represent different views and topics around the city. The NearSay team who run the whole site are very progressive about outreach and community with other bloggers and every other week or so are involved in some kind of community gathering. It’s become not only one of my favorite sources for neighborhood news but also a great way to network with other bloggers in this great city, like I did on Day #2 of National Hamburger Month at Delicatessen.

So back to the “East Village’s Best Veggie Burgers,” story…as soon as I read it, I blasted off an email to Sarah Shaker & Morgan Brady from NearSay. “I want to do a NearSay veggie burger meetup for National Hamburger Month!” A few emails later and a NearSay N-Sider, Veggie Burger Meetup was planned. A bunch friends from NearSay joined myself, McKenzie from the MMMGuide and a band of locals who call themselves the New York Natives.

Kate’s Joint has been satisfying a hunger niche in the East Village for years serving a completely vegetarian menu. While they do have “healthy” foods on the menu, the concept at Kate’s is to provide a diner style menu of comfort foods that has absolutely no meat whatsoever. Most food items are also available as a vegan option. It’s really popular with the punk and hardcore community and in general is a well known and respected NYC restaurant. You’ll find things on Kate’s menu like Buffalo Un-Chicken Wings, Philly Not-Steak, “Facon” Bacon Or Un-Turkey Slice amongst Soups, Salads, Pastas as well as a sizable Veggie Burger menu that includes the “Mc-Kate” two Un-Beef Patties, Special Sauce, Lettuce, Cheese, Pickles & Onions on a Whole Wheat Sesame Seed Bun.

I’ve been dying to chomp on some pizza and when I saw the following item on the menu, I knew Kate’s Joint was coming to the rescue! Pizza Burger with Tomato Sauce & Dairy or Non-Dairy Mozzarella on Whole Wheat Focaccia. I was also able to satiate my comfort food cravings with a side of Disco Fries covered with “Mama’s Vegan Gravy” & Melted Dairy Cheese. You’re probably going to argue that I’m only saying this because I’ve eaten so many Burgers this month, but truth be told, this was a GREAT Burger. The Kate’s Burger is made with real chopped and mashed vegetables formed into a Patty with lentils. In all my years of eating Burgers, I have never had a Lentil Burger. Little know dietary fact about your pal The Rev; I LOVE Lentils! Kate’s Tomato Sauce has a great tangy flavor made from an appropriate use of Tomatoes, Garlic and Spices. Big props as well to the Whole Wheat Focaccia which not only has a great taste that accents the spices and flavors of the Sauce, Cheese and Veggie Patty but is also just the right size, forming a prefect Bun-To-Burger ratio.

If you’re looking for a unique and foodie approved Veggie Burger in NYC, there is no need to look further than Kate’s Joint.

8 out of 10 ounces

402 Burgers

May 24, 2011 – 7:54 pm

The Rev Meter for Social Community
The Rev Meter” is a social community meter for assessing how optimized a bar or restaurant is with social networking. By taking what he considers to be the 10 most important social networks and creating a point system, The Rev can accurately asses how well the business is using social networking as a tool. His goal here is to educate and assist great business to better effectively use these tools

Kate’s Joint scores a 1 on The Rev Meter.

4 points or less    You’ve missed the 5 basics and are less than optimized
5 points                 You’ve covered the basics, which is better than most but far from optimized.
6 to 9 points        You’re doing better than most and on your way to becoming a well respected social community whiz.
10 points              Congrats on a perfect score! Are you hiring


Posted in Burgers, East Village, Event, Hamburgers, National Hamburger Month | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment