Burger and Barrel – Celebrando Con Los VIPs de Hamburgesa, National Hamburger Month

Burger and Barrel

25 W. Houston
New York, NY 10012

Day 5

On October 17, 2008, a group of friends went out for a Burger, a beer and some rock and roll. That unassuming evening at Arthur’s in Hoboken, NJ was the catalyst that launched the very site you are now reading. I started this blog because I wanted to share my love of Burgers with the world and create an excuse to eat them with my friends and colleagues. Since then, I have eaten and cataloged another 374 Burgers eaten. But there are two people who have had more Burgers with me than anyone else. The first, my wife Cara Lynn Shultz, who is about to release her novel, a super natural teen romance called “Spellbound.” The second, an attendee of that first Conquest in 2008, my Burger -lovin’ buddy Jackie P.

Jackie and I worked together for nearly a decade in the music business until last year when she relocated from NJ to another Burger-mecca, more commonly know as Los Angeles. Together they are two of the greatest people the world has ever know and easily two of my favorite people to break Burger with. Jackie hit me up to let me know that she and her super rad BF Matt, were coming into town and she wanted to get together. I let Jackie know that her visit was conveniently timed with National Hamburger Month and it was instantly decided that we would be getting Burgers together. To add to the excitement, Cara had just returned from a writers conference where she received the very first copy of her book. Being that it was Cinco De Mayo, we had triple reason to celebrate.

But first, a quick history lesson. Here in the U.S. of A, Cinco De Mayo, usually means a rush of folks into local Mexican restaurants to mass consume tequilas and beer, much like all other holidays, we make it about drinking. However, Cinco De Mayo is a day that commemorates the Mexican army’s unlikely victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. It is not Mexico’s version of an independence day, which some wrongfully believe. So keeping that in mind, choosing the right burger for the occasion was pretty easy.

Since Jackie’s departure for LA, one Burger has been added to my “TOP BURGERS IN NYC” list, Chef Josh Capon’s Burger and Barrel. When Jackie asked if we could go there, she didn’t know just how appropriate her choice would be. The Cinco De Mayo holiday is celebrating around Mexico’s famous victory at the Battle of Puebla and the Burger that launched Burger and Barrel into my best of list is named, you guessed it, the Puebla. Bring on the Fiesta de los Hamburgesas!!

There’s no point in repeating myself here, which I end up doing a lot anyway. I mean really, how many different ways can I tell you a Burger was juicy, fresh and delicious?!?? So if you want to read my full review of the amazing Puebla Burger from Burger and Barrel, please click that link. Instead, let’s take a second to highlight the Burger and Barrel Cinco De Mayo Specials menu:

Guacamole / Salsa / Tortillas Chips $12
Black Bean Dip / Chorizo/ Queso Fresco / Flatbread $10
Spinach Empanadas / Corn / Queso Fondue $8
Short Rib Tacos / 2 Salsas $10
Grilled Shrimp Tacos / Pineapple Salsa $10
Chilled Shrimp Ceviche $14
Chicken Enchiladas / Salsa Verde / Sour Cream / Queso Fresco $17
Grilled Skirt Steak / Chimichurri Sauce / Red Rice $21

mixed with cream of coconut & fresh pineapples juice $10

mixed with fresh strawberry puree $10

tanteo jalapeno tequila, tarragon triple sec & fresh sour $10

fresh apple puree & cinnamon $4

Frituras de Manzana (fried apples) / Dulce de Leche Ice Cream $7

I’m not much for tequila so I just stuck to a selection of craft beers but some of the selections from the EATS menu were DELICIOUS. Jackie, Matt and Cara split the Ceviche and Spinach Empanadas, both of which they loved. I stuck to the Black Been and Chorizo dip which was simply amazing. Mexican dishes are typically a mix of savory meats and cheeses with sweet vegetables and sauces. This dish was all savory and smoke. I loved it and couldn’t keep myself from dipping and dipping.

Thanks again to B&B and Chef Josh for an amazing meal that measured up to the amazing company I got to eat it with. This is the kind of Burger that justifies loving Burgers.

9 out of 10 ounces

375 Burgers

May 5, 2011 – 8:40 PM

The Rev Meter for Social Community
The Rev recently created a meter for assessing how optimized a bar and restaurant is with social networking. He calls it “The Rev Meter.” By taking what he considers to be the 10 most important social networks and creating a point system, The Rev can accurately asses how well the business is using social networking as a tool. His goal here is to educate and assist great business to better effectively use these tools.

Burger and Barrel scores a 3 on The Rev Meter for Social Community


4 points or less You’ve missed the 5 basics and are less than optimized
5 points You’ve covered the basics, which is better than most but far from optimized.
6 to 9 points You’re doing better than most and on your way to becoming a well respected social community whiz.
10 points Congrats on a perfect score! Are you hiring?

Posted in Beer, Best Burger in New York, Burgers, Gourmet Burgers, National Hamburger Month, New York | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Land Of Cake Believe – Learning To Beer at Idle Hands with Templeton Rye and Defiant Brewing, National Hamburger Month

Land of Cake Believe at Idle Hands Bar
25 Avenue B, Downstairs
New York, NY 10009

Day 4

Everyone knows that educated drinking is healthier for you. That’s why we offer Learning to Beer and Bourbon lessons every Wednesday night at my bar in the East Village, Idle Hands. Each week beginning at 7 pm we bring in a different brewery and team them up with a different distiller for a 2 hour, private tasting session. Partons learn about the history of the brewery and distillery as well as taste up to 3 bourbons and 9 craft beers. It’s a really, really fun and exciting way to learn not only about how these tasty drinks are made but also learn more about a particular brand’s profile. We also bring down food from local merchants to pair with the drinks. It’s a freaking blast every week and as the Beer Sommelier, it’s a pleasure to share my passion for craft beer with others.

Check out an interview with me on Localbozo.com about the events:

Idle Hands from LocalBozo on Vimeo.

Want to join us?

$35 through beermenus.com ($40 day of in the bar).
*2-hour event with tastings of at least 3-5 different beers & 2 Bourbons
*a beer expert pouring and teaching about the brand & style
*a bourbon expert pouring and teaching about the brand & style
*at least two full pours (draft, bottle or can) from the brewery along with the samples of special pours
*collectible items

Upcoming Learning To Beer and Bourbon Schedule:

May 11 – Butternuts & Heaven Hill
May 18 – Weyerbacher & Rebel Yell/Reserve
May 25 – Lagunitas & Victory – all beers paired with Slayer Songs!
June 1 – Crispin – Cider Elevation Night
June 8 – Shmaltz (He’Brew & Coney Island) & Redemption
June 15 – Peak Organic hosted by Tapped Craft Beer
June 22 – Ithaca Beer Company
July 27 – 30 Beers Of Metallica with Harpoon & Speakeasy
Aug 11 – 30 Beers Of Metallica with Harpoon & Speakeasy

Please reserve your seats here
Join our Learning To Beer Facebook group

We love to pair our beers and bourbons with food and one of our favorite things to pair with is Cupcakes. Yeah, you read that right. But not just any old Cupcakes, specifically with Cupcakes from The Land of Cake Believe. At our annual Winter Warmer “White Christmas” party we paired 20 different beers of the style with their amazingly delectable Cupcakes. The Land of Cake Believe is run by our certifiable craft beer obsessed pal Robin. Whether its Purple Velvet, Cherry Chocolate Malt with Almond Toffee Frosting or Cupcakes with Marzipan Ghosts for Halloween, The Land of Cake Believe is always making the craziest and most delicious artisanal Cupcakes known to man. Go ahead, challenge Robin. She can make any kind of Cupcake you could ever imagine and will deliver them to you.

Which brings me to the point here. Robin asked me at a recent Learning To Beer two questions:
1. When can I pair Cupcakes for a Learning To Beer event?
2. When can you and I get a Burger for National Hamburger Month?

I answered her 2 questions, with one question:
Can you make a Hamburger Cupcake? If so, let’s have you pair with Defiant Brewery and Templeton Rye for a prohibition themed night.

BAMMMMMMMMMM! Not only did we get to drink some unbelievable Rye and fantastic craft beer but we got HAMBURGER CUPCAKES!!!!!

Peanut Butter Cupcake
Brownie Patty
Caramel Cream Cheese Icing

The Land of Cake Believe made the #1, most amazing, top of the list, down right astonishing Cupcake that has ever had the pleasure of going into my esteemed mouth. You gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, must, must, must, must, must have one … or 2 dozen of these!!

Side note, we also brought in BBQ & Medium Hot Wings, Mac and Cheese and Sweet Potato Fries from our friends and Neighbors at Croxley Ale House. Defiant Brewery, on the weekends, offers BBQ with their Beer and I thought it would be cool to try to recreate the experience at Idle Hands. Croxley Ale house ALWAYS treats us very well.

9 out of 10 ounces

374 Burgers

May 4, 2011 – 8:41 PM

Posted in Bar, Beer, Best Burger in New York, Burgers, East Village, Event, Gourmet Burgers, Hamburgers, Hot Wings, National Hamburger Month, New York | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

BK Whopper Bar -The King Visits The King, National Hamburger Month

BK Whopper Bar

561 7th Avenue
New York, NY 10018

Day 3

While sitting at the airport bar in Austin, TX on my way home from SXSW, I was having a beer with my friends Bram and Karen who I have nicknamed “Pants.” She hates it, but that’s another story. I was telling them about my plans to eat 31 Burgers in 31 days for National Hamburger Month and Pants asked me if we could go to Burger King for part of it. Who am I to deny someone who is not only excited about the idea but was also a participant on one of the early Burger Conquests?!?

Pants has been dying to try out the BK Whopper Bar and I have been very curious to try the Burger King Stuffed Steakhouse Burger With Jalapenos & Cheddar. Most people might be surprised to find that I don’t hate on fast food Burgers. My love for the food item most certainly owes some roots my teenage years in suburban Michigan where eating fast food was a Friday night treat in my house. As for BK in particular, while I’ve always been a fan, back in February of 2010, the King showed me and Burger Conquest a whole lotta love and crowned me a knight in the Burger army. At that event, I was given a Burger King Gold Chain which I now refer to as my “King Bling,” and I wear it ALL THE TIME. If you saw my appearance on “Food Wars” with my buddies in Grill ‘Em All, I had the gold swinging from my neck in it. I wear it with pride but I haven’t brought it back to BK since. It was now time for The King to bring his BK Bling back to the King.

I’m so meta.

Finally that time had come and thanks to the EXTREMELY nice and supportive people at Burger King, we had a pile of gift cards to pay for our trip! Pants was very excited to finally get to the BK Whopper Bar where the concept is to serve only Whoppers to be ordered anyway you want and the ability to wash it down with a beer. Unfortunately for us, and with no explanation, this BK Whopper Bar, located in Times Square, was not serving an alcohol. For the life of me thought, I can’t figure out why they didn’t remove these signs:

I ordered the Stuffed Steakhouse Burger with Jalapenos and Cheddar but then added Pepperoni, crispy Onions and Bourbon Flavored Sauce. Burger critics say what you will but I really liked my Whopper. The Jalapenos have heat, the Cheddar has flavor, the Bun is soft yet sturdy and all the extra toppings had a lot of flavor. In fact, the overall sandwich was a little on the spicy side and I without a doubt enjoyed it. The extra toppings made all the difference. My French Fries however, not so much. They must’ve come from the tail end of a batch because they weren’t piping hot like the should be and by comparison to the the Whopper, were kind of bland.

The tangy, spicy, big flavors of the stuffed Whopper will most likely have me eating this Burger again in the future but only at another Whopper Bar.

7 out of 10 ounces

373 Burgers

May 3, 2011 – 7:17 PM

The Rev Meter for Social Community
The Rev recently created a meter for assessing how optimized a bar and restaurant is with social networking. He calls it “The Rev Meter.” By taking what he considers to be the 10 most important social networks and creating a point system, The Rev can accurately asses how well the business is using social networking as a tool. His goal here is to educate and assist great business to better effectively use these tools.

That Burger Tent scores a 5 on The Rev Meter for Social Community

4 points or less    You’ve missed the 5 basics and are less than optimized
5 points                 You’ve covered the basics, which is better than most but far from optimized.
6 to 9 points        You’re doing better than most and on your way to becoming a well respected social community whiz.
10 points              Congrats on a perfect score! Are you hiring?

Posted in Burgers, National Hamburger Month, New York | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Pregnant In Heels – They Can’t Keep Me Off TV

Pregnant In Heels

Buckshot, author of Mosh Potatoes, the Rock and Roll Cook Book and good friend to the Burger Conquest, and his amazing wife Lisa are on a new show on Bravo TV called “Pregnant In Heels.” It’s a reality show centered around pregnancy concierge (what the hell does that mean?!?!) Rosie Pope who helps pregnant families become baby ready. You can read more about on their site.

Why is this news on Burger Conquest? Well other than a massive amount of love for Buckshot, Lisa and Mosh Potatoes, yours truly is one their episode! Check out this clip from a party where Lisa sang an absolutely beautiful song about their daughter. You may also recognize the bald dude with the goatee. That’s Marc, one of my co-owners at Idle Hands Bar.

I’m the fella next to Buckshot wearing the Louis Lunch ball cap.

pregnant-in-heels-bravo-david-rev-ciancio-burger-famous-tv-10.01.50 AM

Here is the full scene from the Baby Shower. That’s right Emma, you can thank Uncle Rev for getting Daddy permission to get you that Black Sabbath onsey.

Thanks to Buckshot and Lisa for helping to keep me Burger Famous. The two of you are amazing people, an amazing couple and an amazing parents.

Posted in Burger Famous, New York, TV | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

That Burger Tent At Idle Hands Bar, National Hamburger Month

That Burger Tent at Idle Hands Bar / Billy Hurricane’s
25 Avenue B, Downstairs
New York, NY 10009

Day 2, Bonus Burger

At my bar, Idle Hands, in New York City’s East Village “EVILL,” we’ve be hosting Dan and That Burger Tent from Brooklyn into the bar every Monday to give out FREE MINI BURGERS. Each week Dan is changing what he is making in our kitchen. After my appearance on the NearSay Facebook vs. Twitter panel at Delicatessen, Trevor from NearSay and I stopped into Idle Hands for a post panel brewski and a mini burger.

On tonights menu: The Blues (Mini Burger with Blue Cheese and Jalapeños). It was also available as a Portobello Mushroom Mini Burger for our Veggie friends. Dan uses fresh Jalapeños that he hand slices and grills. They are so fresh and delicious that I could practically eat them like M&Ms. Topped above savory, savory Blue Cheese and Dan’s proprietary Pat LaFrieda blend and you have one seriously awesome Mini Burger!

Be sure to visit That Burger Tent on Saturday’s & Sunday’s in Williamsburg, Brooklyn to try his full sized Burgers.

8 out of 10 ounces

372 Burgers

May 2, 2011 – 10:33 PM

The Rev Meter for Social Community
The Rev recently created a meter for assessing how optimized a bar and restaurant is with social networking. He calls it “The Rev Meter.” By taking what he considers to be the 10 most important social networks and creating a point system, The Rev can accurately asses how well the business is using social networking as a tool. His goal here is to educate and assist great business to better effectively use these tools.

That Burger Tent scores a 6 on The Rev Meter for Social Community

*In That Burger Tent’s defense, the business does not actually have an address or utilities bills so claiming control of the above is a lot harder to do. That being said, That Burger Tent does a great job of what they can control.

4 points or less    You’ve missed the 5 basics and are less than optimized
5 points                 You’ve covered the basics, which is better than most but far from optimized.
6 to 9 points        You’re doing better than most and on your way to becoming a well respected social community whiz.
10 points              Congrats on a perfect score! Are you hiring?

Posted in Beer, Best Burger in New York, Burgers, Gourmet Burgers, Hamburgers, National Hamburger Month | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Delicatessen – NearSay Meetup Facebook vs. Twitter, National Hamburger Month

54 Prince St
New York, NY 10012

Day 2

I’m a social networking junkie. That’s why I created The Rev Meter for Social Community, a system for assessing how optimized a bar and restaurant is with social networking. (Scroll to the bottom of the post for more.) I’ll do just about anything to connect with other foodies, bloggers, social media thought leaders, etc. One of my new favorite ways is through Meetup.com. Quite simply, it’s a online social network made for offline social networking. Linkup with people who have similar interests and join them in public gatherings.

My good friends at NearSay, the most awesome hyper-local news site in NYC, recently asked me if I would participate in a Meetup they were hosting; Facebook vs. Twitter: Which Social Network is the Best PR? We all know I’m a self-promo whore so as a NearSay contributor, I of course replied with “I’M IN!” The panel consisted of Trevor Sumner from NearSay, Sarah Shaker from Bright Lights, My City, Stephanie Davis the “Lady Gaga of NYC Real Estate,” and Amanda Spurlock from The Mermaid Inn. It was a great discussion that was attended by many of NYC’s social media though movers and in the end, I think twitter was the winner. For more on the panel, Meetup and the participants, check here.

Thanks to Trevor, Sarah and Morgan for including me. Thanks to all who intended. As proof to those in attendance, yes, I really was Conan O’Brien on twitter.

As it’s National Hamburger Month and I have pledged to eat 31 one of them in 31 days, I chose Delicatessen, the location of the NearSay Facebook vs. Twitter Meetup, to be the obvious choice. It’s Nouveau Luncheonette located in NYC’s Nolita neighborhood. They have their very own Macbar next door, but that’s a story for another blog.

The most popular item on the menu is their Cheeseburger Spring Rolls. Now, I’m not sure if Trevor and crew planned this on purpose, but they were passed around during the Meetup, so I’ll just but out with another Thank you while I’m in the mood. However, I arrived early and sat myself at the bar for a solo dining experience.

I placed my order and they arrived in under 3 sips of my delicious Albino Pythom beer from Coney Island Brewery. The Cheeseburger Spring Rolls are crispy, fried, savory and really cheesy. I’d venture to call them an awesome snackitizer made to be like an inside-out Hamburger Helper. I loved them. As a side note, Delicatessen is the first place I’ve ever been that can recreate McDonald’s mustard dipping sauce, which I love. The rolls don’t need it but I was inclined to steal it for later use!

8 out of 10 ounces

Thanks to Morgan Brady from NearSay for the Meetup Photos:

371 Burgers

May 2, 2011 – 6:33 pm

The Rev Meter for Social Community
The Rev recently created a meter for assessing how optimized a bar and restaurant is with social networking. He calls it “The Rev Meter.” By taking what he considers to be the 10 most important social networks and creating a point system, The Rev can accurately asses how well the business is using social networking as a tool. His goal here is to educate and assist great business to better effectively use these tools.

Delicatessen scores a 7 on The Rev Meter for Social Community

4 points or less    You’ve missed the 5 basics and are less than optimized
5 points                 You’ve covered the basics, which is better than most but far from optimized.
6 to 9 points        You’re doing better than most and on your way to becoming a well respected social community whiz.
10 points              Congrats on a perfect score! Are you hiring?

Posted in Beer, Burgers, Event, National Hamburger Month | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Ulysses Folk House – 5 Boro Bike Tour, National Hamburger Month

Ulysses Folk House

95 Pearl St
New York, NY 10004

Day 1

Hi. You might recognize me from a few different stories on this blog. I’m also the star of the Twitter hash tag series known as “#RevRides2011.” I’m The Rev’s bicycle. I’m 17 years old, which is pretty up there for a bicycle but Rev absolutely loves me and just keeps on taking me out for rides. I’m not one of those silly single speeds that’s all the rage with hipsters, nor am I a 3 billion speed, graphite model with a GPS, air shocks, clip ins and all that fancy other jazz. In fact, other than 21 speeds, I’m kind of a basic, old-school, thick-tired, off-roader that is so heavy, I could take a freight train on head-first and win.

Each year, around April, I get woken up out of my winter hibernation for a few 7 – 15 mile rides and my annual tune-up. The Rev doesn’t like to ride below 50 degrees so I get a nice 4-5 month break between the riding seasons. We zip up and down the green ways, around Central Park, into Brooklyn and for some reason, around Harlem in the early mornings. Don’t ask but I will tell you, it’s pretty quiet up there then and not a lot of traffic.

Then it happens. The first Sunday in May, every year. I get outfitted with some jerry-rigged “Burger Conquest” flag and get taken out on a 44+ mile ride around NYC. It’s called Bike New York’s TD Five Boro Bike Tour and takes rides on a 42 mile plotted course in the streets of New York City. While it’s a pretty amazing way to see New York’s Five Boro’s as I get to ride IN the streets with no vehicular traffic, it’s also a BRUTAL awakening to the riding season. For at least a good 3 days afterward, my seat will ache and all my gears will be sore. But hey, who’s complaining? It’s the only way I get to ride over the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge.

The “#5Boro,” as it’s known by the Twitter crowd, starts at 8 am in the financial district and continues into The Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and then into Staten Island. 35,000 riders pay to participate and start lining up for the ride around 6 am. It’s a brutal yet fun start to the bike season, which Rev uses to offset the caloric intake of his Burger Conquest. The 2011 ride was riddled with stop-starts and a lot of walking time. It’s pretty hard to coordinate that many people riding alongside of each other and keeping a pace. With construction taking place at several different parts of the route this year, we did a lot more bike-walking and standing than in the past few years. None the less, the ride is a fantastic way to see the city and of course for the purpose of this blog, the kick off to National Hamburger Month. Don’t ask me why, but for some reason, The Rev always has to make it about Burgers.

The Start of the ride in Fidi

Waiting to cross into The Bronx from Harlem

Crossing the Queensboro Bridge into Queens

White Castle in Astoria
Last year, we made a pit stop here for sliders.
I heard The Rev ask his friends this year to stop by they declined. He said “fine. I will just load up on Cheesy Crackers at the Astoria Park Rest Stop.”

Astoria Park Rest Stop
At all the official rest stops on the Five Boro, riders are provided with snacks, drinks and toilets. There is also usually a DJ playing 70s and 80s dance music, but we never hang around to listen. Normally at the Astoria Park stop, one of the larger rest stop areas, they have Cheesy Crackers which The Rev loves. However, at this year’s stop, for some reason., they ONLY offered bananas. The Rev and his friends were pissed (see picture below). Thankfully his friend Janet had some tasty trail mix to share with everyone.

Commodore Barry Park Rest Stop.
Of course, after Rev throws a hissy fit about his beloved Cheesy Crackers, he pulls off at a gas station along the route and drops the $00.65 on a pack. Only to find exactly what he was looking for at the next rest stop; CHEESY CRACKER MOUNTAIN.

Waiting to get onto the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway AKA BQE

Waiting on the BQE thanks to construction

A brief stop at the John Paul Jones / Cannonball Park Rest Stop before tackling the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge

Riding over the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge
Rev Rides Bike New York’s TD Five Boro Bike Tour Verrazano-Narrows Bridge

The Finish Line on Staten Island

Waiting in line, for more than an hour, for the Staten Island Ferry

Finally, a chance to rest on the Staten Island Ferry back to Manhattan

An exhausting 47.26 miles later we arrived back into Manhattan at Battery Park. It was time for The Rev and his biking buddies to finally get the burger they had been talking about ALL. DAY.LONG.

As part of their yearly biking tradition, The Rev, Bram, Janet and whomever else decides to join them, meet up with Janet’s family for a post ride eat and drink at Ulysses Folk House. Ulysses’s, along with several other bars and restaurants, share a back patio of Stone Street which is the oldest paved road in NYC. The cobblestone street is filled with tables from each of the vendors and is only 3 blocks from Battery Park. Riders from the Five Boro can easily park their bikes against the wall in the alley while taking a seat at a table.

The Rev and crew did exactly that but after realizing it was a little too cold to for outside seating and that their server was pretty much ignoring them, moved into the dining room of this Greek meets Irish pub with a large drink menu. From there on out, details of the meal are sketchy. As I was locked up outside amongst many other bikes, I couldn’t over hear the conversation inside. Also, I’m a bike and therefore I don’t require human food for my existence. I will tell you however, that when The Rev and his friends emerged from the restaurant I overheard the following quotes and phrases;

“The service was absolutely terrible.”
“I can’t believe they forgot entirely to bring Sarah’s Burger.”
“How long does it take to pour a draft beer?”
“Of all the Burgers, I have ever eaten, that was one of them and that’s all I will say.”
“That Burger was coarsely ground, tightly packed and while it was pretty big on size, it was pretty small on flavor.”

“Next year we should find a different place to go.”

Based on these, I am going to rate this a 5 out of 10 ounces
-The Rev’s Bicycle

367 Burgers

May 1, 2011 – 5:16 pm

The Rev Meter for Social Community
The Rev recently created a meter for assessing how optimized a bar and restaurant is with social networking. He calls it “The Rev Meter.” By taking what he considers to be the 10 most important social networks and creating a point system, The Rev can accurately asses how well the business is using social networking as a tool. His goal here is to educate and assist great business to better effectively use these tools.

Ulysses Folk House scores a 2 on The Rev Meter for Social Community

4 points or less    You’ve missed the 5 basics and are less than optimized
5 points                 You’ve covered the basics, which is better than most but far from optimized.
6 to 9 points        You’re doing better than most and on your way to becoming a well respected social community whiz.
10 points              Congrats on a perfect score! Are you hiring?

Posted in Burgers | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

pop pub – Everything Is Better with Craft Beer

pop pub
83 University Place
New York, NY

pop burger, the short order stand and celebrity spotting night club located in New York’s Meat Packing district is opening a 3rd location. This one is right in the reach of hungry NYU students on University Place, just a few blocks South of Union Square. Although the menu looks to be the same, there is one major difference, unlike the lounge feel of the original 9th Ave and 58th Street pop burgers, this one is designed to be a pub. So much in fact that they’ve slightly altered the name to “pop pub.” Assuming you read like a normal human being, top to bottom, you probably already surmised that fact.

Last night was the pre-opening launch party and yours truly was invited down to give the spot a nice test run. The best part of the new location, is also the worst part…it’s only a block from my office. That means, I’m in crave distance for better or for worse. Looks like I’ll need to really up my morning bike rides this season!

The new locale sets aside the normal decor of the other 2 locations to come across more like a bar hang than a place to relax over some cocktails. They have 10 craft beers on tap and dozens of interesting selections in bottles. Order you burgers at the window upon entering and then pop a squat at one of the many wooden tables if your focus is to eat or settle up to the bar if the Burger comes second to the Brew.

As this was a launch party, neither the full service, nor the full menu were available. Rather, servers walked around handing out pop burgers signature sized Mini Burgers along with Onion Rings and French Fries. I’m happy to report that the pop pub offerzx the same tasty Burger as the other two locations but now with a cool profile of craft beers! You can read my full review of the pop burger here.

Craft Beers and tasty Mini Burgers a block from my office? They better keep what will soon become “The Rev’s Seat” warm.

7 out of 10 ounces

366 Burgers

Apr. 28, 2011 – 8:24 PM

The Rev Meter for Social Community
I recently created a meter for assesing how optimized a bar and restaurant is with social networking. I call it “The Rev Meter.” By taking what I consider to be the 10 most important social networks and creating a point system, I can accurately asses how well the business is using social networking as a tool. My goal here is to educate and assist great business to better effectively use these tools.

The Pop Pub scores a 2 on The Rev Meter for Social Community

4 points or less    You’ve missed the 5 basics and are less than optimized
5 points                 You’ve covered the basics, which is better than most but far from optimized.
6 to 9 points        You’re doing better than most and on your way to becoming a well respected social community whiz.
10 points              Congrats on a perfect score! Are you hiring?


Posted in Bar, Beer, Burgers, Gourmet Burgers, Hamburgers | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on pop pub – Everything Is Better with Craft Beer

Hamburger America – Completely REVised and Updated

Hamburger America
“Completely Revised and Updated”

QUESTION: What do Bobby Flay, Joe Price, Sef Gonzales, Pat LaFrieda, Mark Pastore, Jamie Schweid, Andrew Fischel, Nick Solares, Josh OzerskyAdam Kuban, Seth Unger, Ed Levine, Anthony Bourdain, Michael R. Bloomberg & I all have in common?

ANSWER: Every single one of us are name checked in this book:

In fact, here I am, right here on page 367 with other members the Burgeratti…

When I stumbled into my apartment after a fantastic Learning to Beer and Bourbon event at Idle Hands with Sierra Nevada and Michters, I was greeted with the arrival of a long awaited package. “Hamburger America,” the greatest book ever written about the greatest food item ever, written by the greatest Burger lover ever, George Motz, has been “Completely Revised and Updated.” The original edition of the book featured 100 stories, reviews and photos of some of the most important Burgers that make this great country as great as it is. It is a veritable bible of quality Hamburgers that can be used as a historically based road map for those of us on a Glorious Pursuit of Delicious Burgers.

I met George in October of 2009 as he invited me out to have a Burger at Schnipper’s Quality Kitchen, which later was added to my list of The Best Burgers in NYC. George is always smiling, always laughing. always excited to eat and or talk about Burgers and is the man behind The NYC Food Film Festival. It’s a week long event based around George’s passion for film and food. It’s a fantastic series of events and when they announce the line up for 2011, you best jump to get tickets.

I love George, his book, his film and his festival and moreover, I love being include in a list of some of the most influential Burger fanatics in the world. It’s a pleasure, an honor and a complete surprise to find my name in his book. I’m marking today down as a significant Burger Famous moment in the history of my life; “The Day The Rev made it into print for eating Burgers.”

Thanks George! UDAMAN! I can’t wait to experience the Hamburger Smartphone application and join you in celebrating not only the release of it and your book but also National Hamburger Month. Official information below.

Celebrating National Hamburger Month
Burger Expert George Motz to Release
New “Hamburger America” Book
and Mobile App Due Out May 2011
“Hamburger America should be a staple in anyone’s travel bag.” — Bobby Flay

“When you travel across the United States take this guide along with you.” — Martha Stewart

To celebrate National Hamburger Month (May 2011), George Motz is releasing the 2nd Edition of the book Hamburger America and the 1st-ever Hamburger America Mobile App.
The App:
Hamburger America Mobile by George Motz
As soon as George began his travels to research the greatest hamburgers of America, friends, family and industry folk alike began to text message him constantly with notes like, “In Austin…Where find burger?”.  Motz would graciously respond with info from his burger brain file cabinet and direct people to the place closest to them.  It was when he started receiving multiple requests a day, that the idea for the Hamburger America Mobile App was born.  The app leads users to the best George Motz-approved burgers around the country.

Every burger joint in the app has officially been tasted and approved by Motz, who has included detailed information in every listing…such as exactly how to order the burger, what to drink with it or all kinds of insider information about even the most out-of-the-way joints.  Unlike other food-related mobile apps, Hamburger America Mobile is expert-sourced. The information comes directly from America’s hamburger expert, rather than crowd-sourced throwaways. It’s not simply a bucket of reviews by random people. It’s insight from the guy who’s eaten over 10,000 burgers!

The Book
George Motz’ Hamburger America:
A State-by-State Guide to 150 Great Burger Joints Completely Revised and Updated!

America’s hamburger expert, George Motz, returns with a completely updated edition of Hamburger America, now with 150 establishments where readers can find the best burgers in the country. Motz has made it his personal mission to preserve America’s hamburger heritage, and his travelogue spotlights the nation’s best roadside stands, nostalgic diners, mom-n-pop shops, and college town favorites–all with George’s photographs and commentary throughout. Whether you’re an armchair traveler, a serious connoisseur, or curious adventurer, Hamburger America is an essential resource for reclaiming this precious slice of Americana.

Book Reviews
Michael R. Bloomberg, Mayor, New York City – “Just looking at this book makes me hungry, and reading George’s stories will take you on the ultimate American road trip.”

David Page, Creator, Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives – “George Motz is the Indiana Jones of hamburger archeology.”

Worldwide Launch Event
The official worldwide launch event for the Hamburger America book and mobile app will take place on Friday, May 20th, 2011 in New York City at the Apple Store in the Meat Market. George Motz will show clips from his films, read from the book demo the app and then sneak out to a secret burger party at an undisclosed location.

About George Motz
Since the publication of the first edition of Hamburger America, and the film of the same name, George Motz has become America’s foremost hamburger expert. He has taught a hamburger course at New York University and has consulted for many restaurants. In 2006, “Hamburger America” (the film) became required viewing for a food course at Princeton University and was nominated for a James Beard Award. In 2007, George created the Food Film Festival series, where guests taste what they see on the screen and has since, served 20,000+ hungry guests in New York City and Chicago. In addition to his ongoing work as a Director of Photography, writer and photographer, George continues to travel the country in search of interesting hamburgers and the stories behind them.  His Hamburger America Mobile App will be released in May 2011 and is expected to be required downloading for foodies and road trippers nationwide. George lives in Brooklyn with his wife and two kids.

About The Film
Hamburger America is a documentary film that tells the story of eight deliciously unique hamburger joints across the country and the people behind the burgers. Each restaurant featured in the film has been around for more than forty years, uses only fresh meat, and in many cases can boast the fact that ownership has stayed within the same family. Not only is each establishment family run, but their booths, counters, and stools have seen families come together and grow over the years. The tenets of tradition, family, and pride are what make Hamburger America a truly American tale.  The film is now available on DVD from Amazon.com and will soon be included in the Deluxe Version of the Hamburger America Mobile App.

The Hamburger America Mobile App Features…
GPS-Based directions to burger joints nationwide from your location
– George Motz’s personal menu suggestions
– Detailed information about each burger joint, such as who to talk to, where to sit and what NOT to ask for
– Hundreds of original photographs from Motz’s personal Hamburger Photo Archive
– An in-app diary to note user Favorites, Upcoming Dining Plans and Restaurants Visited
– A live feed from Motz’s Hamburger America Blog
– Full set of social media links to share findings with friends
– The original full length cut of the film Hamburger America (Deluxe Version Only)
– Deals and coupons for discounts/specials at select burger joints (Deluxe Version Only)

For more information on Hamburger America, please contact:
Debbie Pressman 718.724.3204

Posted in Best Burger in New York, Burgers, Gourmet Burgers, Hamburgers, New York | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

New York Burger Co – Get Your Rewards While They’re Fresh

New York Burger Co
470 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10011

Quickly, click here and get yourself an awesome Thrillist Reward from the New York Burger Co.

When the Thrillist Rewards team claims “Thrillist-Approved, Custom Experiences” know that they aren’t throwing you a line of B.S. Each and every one of these is in some way road tested by a Thrillister to ensure an awesome experience. We do it because we care. The proof is in the pudding, or in the case of the New York Burger Co, the array of house made sauces. We sat down with the fantastic folks at the New York Burger Co and came up with this idea while we sat munching on their tasty offerings.

For a full review on New York Burger Co and their delicious food, read this post.

8 out of 10 ounces

352 Burgers

Mar. 10, 2011 – 5:46 PM


Both McKenzie from the MMMGuide (one of my fellow NearSay contributors) and I had a chance to test drive New York Burger Co in a whole new way just last night. The 470 West 23rd St location played host to a “Burgers and Bubbly” private party for journalists (I love being called that!) last night that was thrown by Moet. The concept was a pre-fixe pairing of Champagnes and Sparkling Wines with Burgers made by the New York Burger Co. I’m not much of a white wine fan but having sat through an education and pairing now with what some may call my favorite food item, I really, really enjoyed this. I’m much more of a craft beer and Burger pairing type of fella but Jeff from Moet and the New York Burger Co has made a blossom in my mind.

Feel free to use your Thrillist Reward from the New York Burger Co to recreate the amazing pairings on your own! The full pairing menu is below.

365 Burgers

Apr. 26, 2011 – 7:37 PM

The Rev Meter for Social Community
I recently created a meter for assesing how optimized a bar and restaurant is with social networking. I call it “The Rev Meter.” By taking what I consider to be the 10 most important social networks and creating a point system, I can accurately asses how well the business is using social networking as a tool. My goal here is to educate and assist great business to better effectively use these tools.

The New York Burger Co’s 470 West 23rd St location scores a 2 on The Rev Meter.

4 points or less    You’ve missed the 5 basics and are less than optimized
5 points                 You’ve covered the basics, which is better than most but far from optimized.
6 to 9 points        You’re doing better than most and on your way to becoming a well respected social community whiz.
10 points              Congrats on a perfect score! Are you hiring?

Posted in Burgers, Gourmet Burgers, Hamburgers, New York, Thrillist Rewards | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on New York Burger Co – Get Your Rewards While They’re Fresh